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•Virtual Life (VL) hidden absorb increase attribute removed ??

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If it's added back as a tier 5 skill, the whole point of removing it is somewhat lost, isn't it? It will still essentially be a must-have skill that priestesses are expected to have and everyone will have basically the same access to it as before, so all that really changed was that now the priestess have to pay for it with tier 5 skill points instead. So best solution as far as I'm concerned is to rework VL into an aura effect, and possibly remove the health boost. Same difference in the end; a damage reduction buff from priestess and no cast-and-run.


Simply having VL giving 30% extra HP is not going to help that much anyway. Most people would only be able to use it as a bit of an extra health buffer so you can hold of using a potion for a bit, but a buffer is what it is in practice as long as a health potion does not fully heal you. It's like the mage getting more mana from their skill, when they can't use more than the potion restores anyway. It would help in PvP to prevent instant kills, but the abs got increased there instead so that compensates a bit, and the priestess would still just be reduced the the classic VL whore role at best. Perhaps a bit against the really strong monsters as well. Generally though, replacing it would not hurt all that much.

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What's about including the aura in VL? So the heart gives extra HP, the aura is timed like ATA Chimery so that when the PRS leaves she leaves with aura but the heart stays with the player????


I do not care for cleansing light, but :( I don't want to waste T5 skill points

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i agree, turn vl into an aura for the prs that way t5 skill points aren't "wasted".  anyone within the radius of the aura would get the buff.


i believe this change also affects UW and they won't be getting tier5 right?

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If you just point idiotic behaviors such as killing harmless noobs and griefing, I have no further comment. If the goal of BC is to win the seize not waste time to randomly attack some meatball with 999999999 HP that does nothing, any balance decision should only take the former into consideration. Wartale's plan to change priestess supporting role from the "fire and forget" style to an active style is highly commendable. What exactly do you try to achieve here? Make priestess a tank? Go play mech instead, no offense. What we need is an interesting system in which everyone has a unique role, not a system catering to "omg I want to tank but dont want to play mech!" crowd. And if your team decide to let you killed easily, they fail. Either that or you do not do anything to warrant such protection. Again, if the latter were the case, I still don't see why priestess should be granted tanking ability.


BC is not just siege war, I was talking about PvP all around to begin with. People typically around here don't typically talk about specifically siege war when they mention PvP balances, they're talking the general everyday stuff. Again, a contradictory position, saying prs are hard to kill and thus a waste of anyone's time to fight when they clearly aren't atm, taking the time to cast one skill is not exactly wasting a ton of time. Did I say make prs tank better than mech? No, I said they should be 2nd best next to the tankmech build. Clearly you don't understand that things vary to which the things they do well. Even something with one hp will "tank" per say [albeit only one hit], we just misuse the term and don't include the implied "it tanks to this degree".


That unique system is what caused all the balance problems to begin with, because it was not designed to accomodate PvP or for levels beyond 90 [which it was already becoming unbalanced at].


Funny comment on "uniqueness" for someone who champions "Knights are weak and need a power skill like fs dest and ps CS". "You want a dest/CS, go reroll fs/ps" -> take your own dang advice.


I love your contradictory viewpoint that is so common around here, championing old archetypes to bastardize other classes then giving modern viewpoints [which are the opposite of old viewpoints] to improve your own class. Pick a line and stick to it, you want the old archetypes (Prs supports, mech tanks, FS/PS do nothing but 1 v 1, KS is just plain sub-par at all)? Then you better apply them to all classes. Better get to canceling that FS AoE boost, and remove the abundant mana pots that made mgs/prs mana useless. Why should KS have a good 1 v 1 skill to begin with? That is FS/PS specialty and only they should have good 1 v 1. Don't like it? Go reroll FS/PS. You don't think prs should tank and if there are complaints reroll mech? Then why the heck does KS tank? Might as well remove their defensive buffs too.


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you speak very well ... but what we (the players priestess) need now is a change of sandurr. right now, because now priestess is just a dummy ... Decorating for the overall game ...  ;D ;D ;D ;D

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I decided not to change absorb formula's of all classes or decrease monster's damage in maps.


Instead looking to release a new T5 Priestess skill called 'Holy Aura'.


Holy Aura gives percentage based abs (like VL hidden abs) to all party members within a short range for a short period of time (seconds, like chimera of light). This forces the priestess to stay near the party members, because the priestess can't just cast something like VL and then wait 3 minutes on a safe spot.


Additionally, I will change the following PRS skills:

Grand Heal becomes healing based on % of HP. With 50% hp healed at level 10 Grand Healing. Grand Healing will also heal the Priestess itself.

Chain Lightning Chain Lightning bolts increased to 20 (from 12) and max damage increase (Wand dmgx4 (from x3)).

And a small unrelated change: Regeneration Field will become 200 HP regen and 300 MP regen.


Absorb on new Orbs x2 more abs than current orbs.

40 spirit = 1 abs (instead of current 50 spirit = 1 abs)


Ok  thank you  for listening  to our complaints sandurr ! :D


Holy aura  sounds like a great idea only issue is it  should  replace one of the lower tier skills that PRS don't use (healing/grand heal)

Changing grand heal is not a good idea  will  NEVER get used scratch that one...

As for the CL  damage buff  I would rather see VB get buffed we need to do more damage in PVE 1 v 1  for the high level maps not when we xp

That said a buff to VB and CL would be great.! (prefer single target if we can't have both though)


I base these recommendations on the fact i have played  Pt since the game was released i know the Prs class  and what it needs! :)

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Nope. Tell me why in the world would I want to kill a character that: hits small, has lame support and cannot debuff; in other words, a useless character in terms of offensive power. Now you want to throw in decent tanking ability or super tanking ability and what not it does not change the fact that it is a flawed design. The old VL, as it were, has a major issue: it's a fire-and-forget skill that involves no interesting game play (omg Imma count to 3 before casting VL, only noobs count to 4!!!!!). Sure, it is crucial to have but once it's on everyone, a priestess becomes the aforementioned lame character.


It must be noted that balance decision should be based on proper setups of all parties involved in the fight, not some retarded group who decides to run in without a priestess (may as well cater to those idiots who want to fight without any armor). Think, if everyone has VL on, having a priestess or not is of no consequence. Why would you want that is beyond me? How can it be fun that way?


Back to the knight if you insist. He is a very well rounded char. His specialty is undead. I wouldn't complain if once a character dies during a BC seige, he returns as undead in 1 hours. Extremely reasonable don't you think? Fit the lore well. j/k


Honestly,the only problem with knight is that he doesn't have any KO skill while all other offensive characters have. That is a major flaw in design. I never demand any tanking powah, I play a knight coz he looks cool haha.


Your viewpoint is somewhat confusing now, your argument has shifted focus to VL which was not the point we were focusing on. It sounds like you have problems with tanking accomplished through VL, when before it seems like you had a problem with prs tanking through any means. I have argued numerous times in the past that was a fair point about VL, that it basically allows other classes to "steal" the benefits of a prs without actually being one, making the class indeed useless as basically nothing more than an equip item for everyone else.


I said I want prs to tank to make up for its losses, there is any number of ways you can accomplish that outside of VL. You can't say only mechs can tank, because there isn't always one handy to do that for you, especially on a private server where language barriers complicate things. The reason classes got out of their unique roles was exactly that, if you end up needing one of every class for the specific role only they can fulfill, you'll be standing around in ricarten waiting forever for all the necessary people to log on just to do small tasks, not very fun at all.


Does this change the fact mechs will be superior in tanking? No, it just means there are less efficient substitutes that can fill in for them, as I said before, it is only a matter of to what degree we do each thing well.


You don't demand tanking power because they're already the 2nd best tankers in the game next to mech, which would not be the proper place for a "well rounded" class that should basically be 4th in any given category if we are to use old arguments "If you want to tank be a mech". The defensive skills KS has now were not designed for such ridiculous stats such as the ones a private server has, which makes them quite a substantial tanking gain.


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I've seen a lot of people looking at mostly the bad side of the VL problem, but I'm looking to the good side.  Now there will be less prs macroing to lvl up, since they can't tank as good now they won't be able to lvl up as easy.  That's all I've got to say

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Like I said in another post I miss old VL but you know what Im use to the changes now and I still lvl up easly, and just as fast, I just go through more pots then I sue to, and I have to carry more when I start out, and its NICE not having toons coome up and bug for VL when your trying to kill a mob, and they keep asking over and over, Im not bothered anymore and I LOVE it, yeah at first I was upset, but Sanduur as compensated and gave abs through other means. I live in LOT becasue I can kill the undead quick, only time I have probs is if a have a mob of undead and a damn Chimera joins GOD I HATE them lol. but just give it time, its wanderfull not having to worry about doing VL again as soon as it runs out or you die, I know infact that I have waited to redo my VL when Im done with my mob its awesome. Im only 109 now so I dont know if I will have problems in the tower I might me screaming but untill then, the changes arnt so bad.

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