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does the orb boost include current orbs? or will we have to buy new ones?


probably only the new ones, just like when bows got changed to new stats

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My prs was 111 and I quitted(traded) it a few weeks(6 I think?) before this patch. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that prs is a perfect choise to play now, I just don't like it that they get more "attention" than other classes. FS needs a heavy balance, archer to (not sure if they are done tho) and pikes need more patching. I'm not that negative on prs, I just believe there are other classes that also needs attention.


They get more attention than other classes simply because it is their turn, and we must discuss things heavily in order to see how to best fix and address the issues. Since this year began, we've basically had who was the worst overall class lobby heavily on the forums to get them the balances they deserve, starting with archers, on to mages, mechs for a short time, and now on to prs.


There are always classes who need attention, but we have to prioritize and give it to the people who need it first. Prs is in the worst boat atm which is why all our discussions are focusing on them, just like how when this cycle started it was all about AS. They got their boosts and now they can hold over for a bit, and prs must get their boosts to be a legitimate class again as well.


Didn't mean to imply FS doesn't need their own boost as well, however, it is a low priority at least when compared to the prs situation. Once that is all fixed, then FS can become the center of attention and we can discuss how to fix their situation, and so forth for all other classes.

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Zero's right.

And the prs it's supposed to be an support class like her names is "Priestess", i have never seen a prs in a party that only use her skills for support the party, you only see others class sayin' " VL PLEASE" (and rarely "resurrect me"... never coff coff!).

All the people who plays a prs like their main char (included me) wants more power/defense/abs/stronger AoE skills/debuff, but...sincerelly i would like to see some prs using her skills to support a party as it should be. Really,  I WOULD LIKE TO SEE A SUPPORT PRIESTESS.

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Since the fighter actually is scheduled to get a boost in AoE damage (cyclone changed from static to standard damage based), which is the only area where they really need help as far as I can tell, I don't see a pressing need to talk about them.

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Since the fighter actually is scheduled to get a boost in AoE damage (cyclone changed from static to standard damage based), which is the only area where they really need help as far as I can tell, I don't see a pressing need to talk about them.

i would like to see the priestes reaction if they scheduled to fix the ABS and and after 2 months or more when u complain they say to u: " it is scheduled", nothing against other classes really and i hope they fix prs abs but it will be nice to fix FS too

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Yes, well, that fighters have weak AoE has been mentioned several times in the past as well, and the improvement in cyclone strike was added fairly recently, not months ago. While you wait, perhaps you can take some comfort in the fact that right now, the priestess tank worse, PvP worse and have an AoE just as bad as the fighter (worse in some cases even). It may actually be last in every single aspect of the game. If not, it's not far from it.

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Ciclone Strike is a bugged skill for it's own. No matter you change the range, it will respect the weapon that you hold.




Rage of Zecram is the skill that needs to be fixed and improved


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Ciclone Strike is a bugged skill for it's own. No matter you change the range, it will respect the weapon that you hold.




Rage of Zecram is the skill that needs to be fixed and improved



p.s: RoZ animation FTW

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Yes, well, that fighters have weak AoE has been mentioned several times in the past as well, and the improvement in cyclone strike was added fairly recently, not months ago. While you wait, perhaps you can take some comfort in the fact that right now, the priestess tank worse, PvP worse and have an AoE just as bad as the fighter (worse in some cases even). It may actually be last in every single aspect of the game. If not, it's not far from it.

aoe of a prs worse then a fighter?

u got to be on coke to say that stuff

last in every aspect of the game

someone plz shoot that man


Ciclone Strike is a bugged skill for it's own. No matter you change the range, it will respect the weapon that you hold.


Rage of Zecram is the skill that needs to be fixed and improved

euh roz had worse range & dmg & the animation is longer (positive is unlimited targets) in a 1*1 cm square on ur screen

nevermind that skill

i never even lieks the looks of it

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aoe of a prs worse then a fighter?

u got to be on coke to say that stuff

last in every aspect of the game

someone plz shoot that man


Of course today he seems silly now because we have meteorite, so the information is outdated ofc. As far as it was previously, yes, it was every bit as bad as fighter's AoE if you do the actual numbers. The difference was largely hidden because parties sought them for VL which was essential to survival and extinction which wipes undead in exp maps [making them seem like they kill fast, when they don't vs non-undead].

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aoe of a prs worse then a fighter?

u got to be on coke to say that stuff

last in every aspect of the game

someone plz shoot that man


Well, to be fair I wasn't entirely accurate with that statement. Comparing CL against CS (ice meteorites tipped the balance in the last day since I made that post) they are about equal in the 110-120 range or so. Lower and the priestess is worse, higher and the priestess is better (and only if a shield/orb is sacrificed for a staff and we're talking highly aged and near perfect weapons, neither of which the fighter will have to worry about). The difference is not all that much though, so overall I'd say they are about equal. Feel free to do the math yourself, I have and no one objected to it when I posted it.

Tanking, yes. Against non-undead, the priestess get 15% block and that's it for defensive bonuses. They used to have VL which was awesome, but so did everyone else potentially so it's a bit lackluster. Other than that, it has worse gear and does not gain any bonus from its primary stat (although again, very recently a /40 abs spirit bonus has been added, so that helps a bit). I'm not sure if the priestess is/was actually last here, but not far from it anyway and definitely below average, unless we're talking undead exclusively.

PvP ability speaks for itself. Dead last, no argument.

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lets try the aeo thing in md1 shall we

i dont know ur lvl but im 130 lets c who kills faster u with cl10 or me with CS 10

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lets try the aeo thing in md1 shall we

i dont know ur lvl but im 130 lets c who kills faster u with cl10 or me with CS 10


His statement didn't mention it being worse in that range. If you would've taken the time to read it, he said CL was weaker than CS before 110, they were about even 110-120, and 120+ will probably favor the prs.


Also, arguing about this now is a moot point, prs has gotten their ice meteorite skill and so fighting over what is now a past issue is pointless. I'm sorry you felt so enraged that the idea was even fathomed that CL was even compared to CS, but FS is now an undisputed last in AoE, happy?

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I can't believe I'm doing this, but fine.


My priestess is level 106, with 360 spirit and a 46-55 oracle wand (mixed). That means my CL will do 548.5 damage per hit (average). Hitting 12 enemies, it would do a total of 6582 damage. Your fighter (and any fighter that has L10 cyclone strike, regardless of level and gear, which is potentially one at L82 unless I'm mistaken) does 540 damage per hit (average). 15 enemies gives us 8100 damage total. Congratulations, you do 23% more damage than I do. Sure, you're 24 levels above, but a level 82 fighter will do 23% extra damage as well. Not to mention that this does not include the damage bonus against the enemy you target which I'm sure could add another 500-1000 damage (I'm guesstimating here, but feel free to correct me if your average standard damage is not between 280 and 560) depending on your build and gear. If I had a perfect +20 oracle wand (70-76) and leveled to 130 and put every stat point into spirit (600 spirit), I'd do 8688 damage, which just barely beats your static damage alone, and is probably in the same general area if you add in the dynamic damage bonus. I could get more damage (up to 1440 to be exact) by switching to a +20 perfect 120 staff, but then I'd be sacrificing my shield/orb, and I could increase it by another 300 points if I took my 100 points of health and put it in spirit. Perhaps another 600 points or so if I took the rest of my stat points and put them in spirit as well. Neither of these sacrifices is necessary for you or any 82+ fighter, and even I didn't do that and went for defense, you'd still have more of that too.


Or in case you didn't bother to read that either; you can accuse me of drinking/smoking/injecting whatever exotic compound you feel like, you're still wrong.

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Yes, well, that fighters have weak AoE has been mentioned several times in the past as well, and the improvement in cyclone strike was added fairly recently, not months ago. While you wait, perhaps you can take some comfort in the fact that right now, the priestess tank worse, PvP worse and have an AoE just as bad as the fighter (worse in some cases even). It may actually be last in every single aspect of the game. If not, it's not far from it.

aoe of a prs worse then a fighter?

u got to be on coke to say that stuff

last in every aspect of the game

someone plz shoot that man


Ciclone Strike is a bugged skill for it's own. No matter you change the range, it will respect the weapon that you hold.


Rage of Zecram is the skill that needs to be fixed and improved

euh roz had worse range & dmg & the animation is longer (positive is unlimited targets) in a 1*1 cm square on ur screen

nevermind that skill

i never even lieks the looks of it


Ciclone Strike Range can't be higher than the weapon range


Rage of Zecram can be tweaked better than Ciclone Strike, you can add more range and more damage. And to begin with, unlimited mob aumont.

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Ciclone Strike Range can't be higher than the weapon range


What are you on about? It has a range of 145, which is the same as (for example) dias and meteors for the mage.

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Ciclone Strike Range can't be higher than the weapon range


The normal range of melee weapons is like what, 30? The range on cyclone strike is 145, you're going to have to tell me how you figured that one. I understand the main target may have to be within the weapon's range, but that is standard of any melee AoE but mech, and does not change the fact the actual AoE that we're observing does not have the range limitations of the weapon.

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