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Show monsters total HP & level

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I wanted to make this topic in the suggestions board but it didn't give me the option to create a topic there, move this to the right board please.


How it currently is:





My suggestion:




Not sure whether this has been suggested before, but would be a nice addition if it's easy to add. ?

Edited by DeltaStar
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+1 kinda  its improve is pretty better right now. Last night i'm thinking about this. And i think its help so much when you choise your biuld,and itens.

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I don't know how others would feel about having this in PvP, like being able to see other users' total HP in PvP areas as well (bless castle, battle arena, etc) but I think that could also be nice.

Edited by DeltaStar

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atleast have a option on f10 to enable/disable this 

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-1, there is a reason for GM to not show level and HP of mobs in game and i know why. Besides why would you care about level and HP of mobs during battle ?? pointless. Although it's out of date, you can still check level, HP, exp.. etc. in website.

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On 12/28/2020 at 1:21 PM, geohound said:

-1, there is a reason for GM to not show level and HP of mobs in game and i know why. Besides why would you care about level and HP of mobs during battle ?? pointless. Although it's out of date, you can still check level, HP, exp.. etc. in website.

try to find the monsters from Shadow Sanctuary

tell me how much HP each one has please.



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Maybe when we press A we could see its health.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
2 hours ago, Palhacitos said:

try to find the monsters from Shadow Sanctuary

tell me how much HP each one has please.


You can check HP and EXP on game map.



A hud improvement  I always wanted is to be able to see which debuff someone has.


Needing Visual effect to check if someone is stunned, with inertia, holy mind, or divine cleansing/dodge is sometimes annoying when you can't go full effect, like during SW.

This should be only for debuffs and divine cleansing/dodge, buffs/stones shouldn't be on the hud.

Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -
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