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Word of Thanks

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Just would like to thank the staff and Wartale for listening to the prs and the arguments in the midst of a difficult time for everyone in giving us ice meteorite, it was much needed. The skill has an amazing animation and looks awesome to say the least, I'm quite happy with it and impressed :).


So a big thanks,




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Just would like to thank the staff and Wartale for listening to the prs and the arguments in the midst of a difficult time for everyone in giving us ice meteorite, it was much needed. The skill has an amazing animation and looks awesome to say the least, I'm quite happy with it and impressed :).


So a big thanks,



+1 to meteorite

-1 to exp formula :D

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Thanks, hope you all enjoy it.


I think the impact sound of each meteorite is a bit loud though, especially since its 10 meteorites at once. I probably am going to change that to a softer sound or its unplayable with sound on :P

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Thanks, hope you all enjoy it.


I think the impact sound of each meteorite is a bit loud though, especially since its 10 meteorites at once. I probably am going to change that to a softer sound or its unplayable with sound on :P


I wasn't playing with sound, tested it just now...I think I just woke someone up here lol... maybe lower it by 1/3?

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Thanks for your work, but please, don't make sudden changes with substantial consequences and then other sudden changes to try to compensate for it. Things don't have to be fixed right away, as long as we are told that a fix is on the way and we have a chance to offer our opinions on it. Right now, I don't know where the priestess stands, with (apparently) improved CL, a new must-have tier 5 due, a new tier 5 AoE which I have no idea how it works (in-game and website have very different ideas, even if you assume that the multiplication in the damage formula is supposed to be an addition). Then there's also the pending general formula changes, better orbs, new experience gain formula and so forth, and I feel lost and worried that changes will be made that will be hard to undo if they turn out bad, or at best work that may turn out unnecessary. Measure twice, cut once and all that.

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Thanks for your work, but please, don't make sudden changes with substantial consequences and then other sudden changes to try to compensate for it. Things don't have to be fixed right away, as long as we are told that a fix is on the way and we have a chance to offer our opinions on it. Right now, I don't know where the priestess stands, with (apparently) improved CL, a new must-have tier 5 due, a new tier 5 AoE which I have no idea how it works (in-game and website have very different ideas, even if you assume that the multiplication in the damage formula is supposed to be an addition). Then there's also the pending general formula changes, better orbs, new experience gain formula and so forth, and I feel lost and worried that changes will be made that will be hard to undo if they turn out bad, or at best work that may turn out unnecessary. Measure twice, cut once and all that.


I decided not to continue with earlier ideas of changing absorb formulas, increasing orb absorb or reducing exp map monsters damage.


There are not many other things that have huge implication on all classes planned at the moment. It's mostly atm the continuation of usual game expansion like T5 skills and new maps, monsters, items, gameplay.


What could be discussed atm is if it's necessary to make it easier to level up for characters < 110 or not. So.. let's discuss this

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I decided not to continue with earlier ideas of changing absorb formulas, increasing orb absorb or reducing exp map monsters damage.


There are not many other things that have huge implication on all classes planned at the moment. It's not mostly the continuation of usual game expansion like T5 skills and new maps, monsters, items, gameplay.


Ya, I was worried what kind of impacts such a drastic absorb change might have, so I'm glad to hear that won't be put in. I think T5 skills are what everyone wants the most [probably obvious], since we had that month off from it to deal with all the hacking and bug issues, so some people are getting antsy about getting them.


Also, just a small bug on the text for ice meteorite, the calculation that is normally in ( ) for magic skills isn't there, it just says 250-275 damage per meteorite, but the damage is definitely there [so just a display bug].




New AoE works out quite nice from what I tested just for a bit. CL can finally be put in the books a has-been, and that our sufferings with it are over.

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I don't think the extra damage from spirit and weapon is there for the ice meteorite. I tested in forbidden land where everything should die from a single hit, and it did. Moved on to I1, where most things should die in 1-2 hits or at worst 3 if it's 250-275 per meteorite, and 1 hit if the spirit and weapon extra damage works. Most of them died in 2-3 hits, which I assume is due to enemies abosrb rating.


Anyway, I'm still not all that sure about the new divine aura tier 5 skill. It doesn't seem to change anything, except it weakens the priestess. One skill turned into two, with the must-have part being moved to tier 5 instead so the priestess have to pay extra for it. For everyone else though, all that changed was that now they have to have the priestess nearby, but will otherwise be unaffected. Reworking VL instead would be my choice.


As for the experience formula, it seems rather harsh. I've had a really hard time finding parties (not being from Brazil or Vietnam seems to have that effect). The few times I have were past level 100, and half of those times have ended with half the group running up and standing on a rock while the rest have to do all the work. I'd rather see encouragement for parties (party buffs is an excellent way) than further punishment for not doing it.

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I don't think the extra damage from spirit and weapon is there for the ice meteorite. I tested in forbidden land where everything should die from a single hit, and it did. Moved on to I1, where most things should die in 1-2 hits or at worst 3 if it's 250-275 per meteorite, and 1 hit if the spirit and weapon extra damage works. Most of them died in 2-3 hits, which I assume is due to enemies abosrb rating.


Anyway, I'm still not all that sure about the new divine aura tier 5 skill. It doesn't seem to change anything, except it weakens the priestess. One skill turned into two, with the must-have part being moved to tier 5 instead so the priestess have to pay extra for it. For everyone else though, all that changed was that now they have to have the priestess nearby, but will otherwise be unaffected. Reworking VL instead would be my choice.


As for the experience formula, it seems rather harsh. I've had a really hard time finding parties (not being from Brazil or Vietnam seems to have that effect). The few times I have were past level 100, and half of those times have ended with half the group running up and standing on a rock while the rest have to do all the work. I'd rather see encouragement for parties (party buffs is an excellent way) than further punishment for not doing it.


I'm a bit unsure as well on it, but if we have no other option, I will definitely take it over being left as is. At the very least we didn't lose any valuable T5 skill for it [cleansing light was useless], although it does press us for points, its much better than nothing.



-Ice meteorite has been tested [thanks Crius] and revealed to be working correctly, it is just a display bug that it doesn't show up on the text of the skill that needs to be fixed.

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I don't think the extra damage from spirit and weapon is there for the ice meteorite. I tested in forbidden land where everything should die from a single hit, and it did. Moved on to I1, where most things should die in 1-2 hits or at worst 3 if it's 250-275 per meteorite, and 1 hit if the spirit and weapon extra damage works. Most of them died in 2-3 hits, which I assume is due to enemies abosrb rating.


Anyway, I'm still not all that sure about the new divine aura tier 5 skill. It doesn't seem to change anything, except it weakens the priestess. One skill turned into two, with the must-have part being moved to tier 5 instead so the priestess have to pay extra for it. For everyone else though, all that changed was that now they have to have the priestess nearby, but will otherwise be unaffected. Reworking VL instead would be my choice.


As for the experience formula, it seems rather harsh. I've had a really hard time finding parties (not being from Brazil or Vietnam seems to have that effect). The few times I have were past level 100, and half of those times have ended with half the group running up and standing on a rock while the rest have to do all the work. I'd rather see encouragement for parties (party buffs is an excellent way) than further punishment for not doing it.

this is quite true, especially now with new exp gained formula, must go same lvl map to exp, make a lot new players suffering from EXP

but i mostly concern at PVP stuff, now without VL abs, everybody standing behind flags

besides there are bunch of BSBers wait there till ppl going out

and last Mech still OP, killing ppl even with 1-hand claw, thats very unnormal

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Okay, I think I can withdraw my comment about the meteorites on account of them apparently not working as I had assumed. I'm still not entirely sure how they work, but spirit and/or weapon damage definitely seems to have an effect.

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Expierience formula its another rock on the FS shoes T_T...... seriously

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You're all welcome.

(as usual, I did nothing)

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Wartale was quick to PRS issue i say it is very good too see that agility in server, Hail for Wartale.


Lets make MS tank in BC now.

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Expierience formula its another rock on the FS shoes T_T...... seriously

lol u still play ur fs? im not bothering with it anymore

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New exp formula = NICE TO XPERS WITH 5 LEECHS..

Perfect xp service.

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AS new exp formula gain, AS will have a lot of impact because AS can skill many mobs simultaneously but CAN'T train in map with same current level (exp will be so low).

If you want people to be more partying and less leechers, you can set only people who kill the mob get the exp and the more player in party the more exp the player can get. For example, if you solo, you get 100% exp. If you in party 2, you get 110% and so on. I think that will help more people to party.

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For example, if you solo, you get 100% exp. If you in party 2, you get 110% and so on. I think that will help more people to party.

i like his idea more

but u could create the problem taht ppl just log chars in the pt  and  help then gain the 100+ xx% xp (outside of the xp earning zone so they dont get anything)

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You are actually impressed with it in its current form? So I run into MD3 because i have to be there for good exp at 108. i cast ice meteor and its bugged because nothing gets frozen, and i get a fist up the ass from every stone monster there and die. - 3% exp or whatever it is...  yea... sounds great to me


If you did your quest it's only -2%. If you bought a rebirth scroll you get -0%.


If you don't want have money go to Mystery forest grab a few million, then buy some or just vote for realm to get VP, and buy it that way.


This doesn't even effect you much at such a low level.


It's screwed up at the higher level if you look at the monster list though.




Example Zombie Hulk =  Level 120, but you can run into it at level 115 map. Which is ~5 level away.

Another example is Undead Maple = Level 131, but you can run into it at level 125 map. Which is ~ 6 level away.



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You are actually impressed with it in its current form? So I run into MD3 because i have to be there for good exp at 108. i cast ice meteor and its bugged because nothing gets frozen, and i get a fist up the ass from every stone monster there and die. - 3% exp or whatever it is...  yea... sounds great to me


Ice meteor worked fine where I went [soD], mobs froze. Some mobs have elemental immunities, perhaps MD just has them.


I also specifically thanked them for ice meteor, such a change if anything is obviously better than the former skill we used, CL. A positive change like this merits a thank you, regardless if there may more or less still be work to be done, I will not complain when my class is upgraded. The effort to help has been shown, they fixed our AoE and now with a tanking fix we would be perfectly balanced and wouldn't have any reason to complain at all.


The exp issue isn't something I think many are thrilled about, but I don't see how that is an issue. This wouldn't be the first time a change has been made only to have been found a problem, they just simply reverse it or alter it quickly for the next patch. This server has gone through hundreds of changes, of course they can't all be perfect the first time.



Regardless, the spell is not crappy. Huge area, decent damage and a freeze effect make for a nice AoE, probably the best in the game thus far until mage will get their new AoE skill in T5 as well. The class being bad overall will not make a spell bad overall. A good spell can make a class good, but a bad class cannot make a good spell bad. If you want to say prs still needs work? Then sure, I'd be inclined to agree with you. If you want to say ice meteorite is a crap spell? Then we have more to talk about it.

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Yeah about the exp thing, i think the level vs exp gained is way to imbalanced. -9 for 25%? that is not even considerable now. Well I guess you got what you wanted with the more partying thing.

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Yes, and with everyone being like omg thanks and then not checking the forums, the may not think about how crappy the spell really is in conjunction with other updates over the last few days. If I had my  normal VL and could survive in maps of my level I would be right as rain even if it was bugged as shit. At least I am responding to the OP of the thread, unlike you who is "QQing" about someone else who is "QQing" I don't have any more time to speak  with you on the whining subject, I don't troll people so. have a nice day


You are actually impressed with it in its current form? So I run into MD3 because i have to be there for good exp at 108. i cast ice meteor and its bugged because nothing gets frozen, and i get a fist up the ass from every stone monster there and die. - 3% exp or whatever it is...  yea... sounds great to me


If you did your quest it's only -2%. If you bought a rebirth scroll you get -0%.


If you don't want have money go to Mystery forest grab a few million, then buy some or just vote for realm to get VP, and buy it that way.


This doesn't even effect you much at such a low level.


It's screwed up at the higher level if you look at the monster list though.




Example Zombie Hulk =  Level 120, but you can run into it at level 115 map. Which is ~5 level away.

Another example is Undead Maple = Level 131, but you can run into it at level 125 map. Which is ~ 6 level away.


so i'll take 20 minutes of not gaining exp to gain money to where when i die in 3 seconds i can use a rebirth scroll and not lose that exp and then i can do the whole thing over? yes... because not gaining exp and wasting money is really a smart thing to do... lol



Die in 3 seconds? I have a PRS about the same level as you and she has mediocre gear at best (not even gemmed), and she doesn't die in 3 seconds. Over exaggerating a bit much? If you find a party and you will be fine. This patch wasn't even aimed towards you, it was aimed towards xp service providers. Unfortunately like I stated in my last post, it extends beyond that with certain monsters. BTW Don't give me that bull shit that you can't find a party in MD3 either. There's something call the global chat. You can use that to find a party.



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