ffg12345678 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2011 sorry GM but is seem bug XP in patch 3010 i kill 1 mob in et 1 (level118) and just have 002% every mob lol and everyon just like me....please fix it to everyone have fun ...ft1 ft 2 et1 et 2 seem a little player don't u see Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crius 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2011 Monster levels in ET1 are 107 (4), 109 (1) and 111 (1), which is 5 out of 6 with a level difference of 9 or higher and one in the 7-8 range compared to you at 118. With the new experience formula, that means you get 25% of the normal experience for 5 of the monsters, and 50% for one (the undead king hopy). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RauL~ 1 Report post Posted July 15, 2011 yeah fix it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crius 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2011 I honestly have no clue why this was done, unless the "party level spread" mentioned actually does something other than simply giving full experience if a member within the level range happens to kill the monster. Otherwise it's just a severe penalty for everyone and the motivation for parties would be that you get slightly less terrible return as compared to not being in a party. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lazy 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2011 • New EXP gain formula based on Monster level: http://www.realmpt.net/exping. This is to encourage partying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2011 I honestly have no clue why this was done, unless the "party level spread" mentioned actually does something other than simply giving full experience if a member within the level range happens to kill the monster. Otherwise it's just a severe penalty for everyone and the motivation for parties would be that you get slightly less terrible return as compared to not being in a party. I would agree, I would think the auto attack disabling would have fixed most of the issue with exp services as far as it can be. Its hard to get a fair range on monster levels, because people can have a variety of accounts to use, meaning they just might log lower levels to exp and still get the same result as before while penalizing everyone else still. Even if those other accounts should level up too far, they can sell them when they start to become useless [for a profit since they have gained levels], then just buy another account low level enough to repeat it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crius 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2011 Personally, I would regard a) the brutal experience requirement curve, and b) the inherent lower experience gain for lower level monsters as enough reason to try to find parties in higher level maps. If you want to encourage parties, improve party buffs or boost the experience bonus a bit more (that people go AFK and let others do it for them is another problem, but if this experience formula is the answer, I'd much rather live with people going AFK). If I were to use my priestess as an example, there would be two maps with all enemies within +/-3 levels of mine, which is lost temple (hunt map) and mystery desert 3. Any other map would introduce severe penalties (yeah, -25% is a severe penalty) for several enemies that are really not that different in power level compare to the rest. That would be true whether I'm in a party or not too, so basically my only hope is to find people within 1 or 2 levels of mine that want to go to MD3, and I suspect the chances of that are even lower than what they were before (and believe me, they were not great then either based on past statistics). I could try solo, but that would mean I2 if I wanted any hopes of surviving for a prolonged period of time, which would give me -75% experience on top of the already reduced experience gain from those monsters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiDa 4 Report post Posted July 15, 2011 New xp is awful... With party I was getting 0.001% per monster on FT2 and I'm only 118... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2011 It should also be brought up that while this is meant to help and encourage interaction, it severely discourages new players. New players do not have the gear higher levels do that is necessary for protecting themselves [or the levels/funds for the skills needed], so they often train on maps well below their range. On my first character, I trained up to 100-101 or so in I2 because I could not live MD1 all that well with my poor gear [no funds]. On my other chars, I did this until level 95 [now being able to provide gear]. Even so, I2 had been the best exp map for killing to exp efficiency until level 95, which would have been severely penalized under this new system. Furthermore, later levels for exp map ranges are the most pain staking ordeals, rather than the newer levels, thus need sufficient exp even more so. The jump in exp rates between exp maps is a sufficient boost for newbies, while higher levels often grit their teeth trying to do the last level or two before they can do the next, now it is even worse than before. The sharp exp jumps between levels on this game make it hard enough to do the last level or two on an exp map, let alone earning only 1/4-1/3 the rate you were before the patch. Example: -A level 110 will level relatively fast in a ft1 party, while a 114 or 119 will take over double that amount of time, and this was under the previous patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLink64 921 Report post Posted July 15, 2011 I was into a party in FT1 with members ranging from 111 to 119(me). Before the patch, my exp was 0,001~0,002. Now was 0,001~0,004. clearly a improvment. But, at FT2, it was crap. Now, i'm 120. Time to test AD. And a small correct on Thread title: Patch is 3210, not 3010 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites