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New EXP formula.... ice meteor... and other

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First off, are you effing kidding me about this new exp formula? I'm not entirely sure the old one but with recent updates which stuck a skin collowed funny looking thing up the priests rear to where we don't survive, then reducing the exp we get from the ONLY maps we can survive on. I retract my previous statement of thanking you GMs for doing what you have. You have officially entered the "You guys are retarded as fuk" in my mind. Ban me if you will for saying that. But it's true.


As for ice meteor, I assume it is bugged? not sure if there are threads for it, havent seen any. but it only hits around the priest, i can not target mosnters far away. This is clearly another design flaw for after you destroy the priests tanking ability. So this either needs to be switched to hit far away or.... I'll never play your servers again on the grounds that, they are only going to continue to get worse to the point where you retract everything back to normal PT and have to start over.


As for other things... Well Chain Lightning should have gone like my suggestion I think, still hit 12 but kill them much much quicker. The more that spell has to ark and be pretty, the more its going to cause lag for some people.


Other than this... I will revisit, the don't try and balance this game for pvp until you have all your skills out and once you do, balance it only for pvp. Right now I cannot even exp to the point I would want to go into PVP on my character.


Oh yes, and all Priests should get a free Skill reset for how much you have fruited out class, I need one and don't have the cash for it since I don't have toons to hunt for good items.




PS: I have a dildo stuck in my ass

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monsters 0-3 levels from you = 100% exp

4-6 = 75

7-whatever = 50

all others 25%


I dunno what it was before but now you have to be in your highest level map to get any decent exp. and after the vl nerf i cant survive 3 maps lower than my highest.  Since monsters have no agro table, this server just became worse than ept. At least then you could live in your maps, sure it took ages to level but you wouldnt die.

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Forgive me for my retardness but I'm too lazy to look it up. What changed?




I also think it's a little too strict.


I rather see like 5~9 levels = 100%,  10~13 level = 75%, ~ 14-17 = 50% etc...


0~3 for 100% seems just a bit too tight.



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well, either way you loose exp. You don't gain full exp when in a party so imo it is pointless to party. Then you get in pug with noobs who don't play well and die which = you dying. It is extremely laughable how little of an amount of intelligence has gone into this updates. The little bit that did was from a pretty poor mind at the best as well.

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To be fair, the experience formula screwes over pretty much everyone, not just the priestess. The level difference is way too small, in some maps there are monsters outside your optimal range regardless of your level. I'm not sure how it's supposed to work with parties, but it doesn't just encourage parties, it makes them required and I'm not entirely sure even that will let you earn experience at the full rate. We're basically talking a minimum of 25-50% less experience if you're alone, and that is if you're doing fairly well. I'd guess most people will be getting -75%, where they before got at most -25%, and that's a big difference.


Overall, it's not so much the experience formula alone I'm worried about (although I do have some very serious doubts about it). I'm concerned that too many changes are being made to very different things at the same time, with some changes being made just as a quick-fix to compensate for something another change did. I have a very hard time getting an overview of what has happened and what is planned, because it seems things change from hour to hour, and that gives me a very bad feeling. Personally, I'd revert everything back to the pre-VL fix days, come up with a solid plan and then start preparing everything. Some of the smaller things, like having spirit give abs can be added fairly quickly since the effect is fairly isolated, but for God's sake, leave the experience formula etc. alone until the rest is in place as it is a completely different matter and only adds unnecessary complications.

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To be fair, the experience formula screwes over pretty much everyone, not just the priestess. The level difference is way too small, in some maps there are monsters outside your optimal range regardless of your level. I'm not sure how it's supposed to work with parties, but it doesn't just encourage parties, it makes them required and I'm not entirely sure even that will let you earn experience at the full rate. We're basically talking a minimum of 25-50% less experience if you're alone, and that is if you're doing fairly well. I'd guess most people will be getting -75%, where they before got at most -25%, and that's a big difference.


Overall, it's not so much the experience formula alone I'm worried about (although I do have some very serious doubts about it). I'm concerned that too many changes are being made to very different things at the same time, with some changes being made just as a quick-fix to compensate for something another change did. I have a very hard time getting an overview of what has happened and what is planned, because it seems things change from hour to hour, and that gives me a very bad feeling. Personally, I'd revert everything back to the pre-VL fix days, come up with a solid plan and then start preparing everything. Some of the smaller things, like having spirit give abs can be added fairly quickly since the effect is fairly isolated, but for God's sake, leave the experience formula etc. alone until the rest is in place as it is a completely different matter and only adds unnecessary complications.


you lose something like 10% per party member


my last post said it pretty well about the thoughts that go into these updates


I will also probably not be playing this server ever again and I would suggest nobody donate until they gain some intelligence

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While I can sympathize with the exp formula and the need for everyone aside from mech to tank in exp maps again, I don't get the complaints about ice meteorite. Regardless, these problems haven't been around for like what, even a week? That is hardly reason to merit the language you used. I'm pretty sure the staff has been listening and something will be done about most of these things.


There is no flaw in the path of the meteors, they are just randomly generated within a certain limit, making the skill change with each use [which I actually like].


The skill has a gigantic area, and probably covers more than any AoE thus far in the game, along with having decent damage and a nice freeze effect. It doesn't consistently hit the same area, which is a bit of a good thing imo [makes it a bit more fun to use with the slight variations making it unique]. I tested it in SoD a few times, and with meteors, I can hit figons and skel archers at times without having to move, that is plenty enough range. Along with a good animation, I just don't see why you would complain about this skill.

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new xp fornula 1st:


went on mage to my maxi option map ad1 ...


ya you guessed it.. a potting battle not xp...lol  fail 1


went on a prs to ad1... they only had ice met at lvl1 .. it had a delay and so lil dmg why??


when at lvl8 its about time of skill casting only!!!  which still lil dmg again... so fail 2


i dont understand what the thinking behind this is.. less ya still gonna lower mobs abs and stuff. to make it optimal!!

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No worries I can adjust the formula again without a problem. We respond pretty fast to stuff it's not like we'll wait another 4 months for next update :')

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do you really have a dildo stuck in your ass? @_________@


that's quite amazing to have it there 24/7

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hmm I do miss the old VL ALOT Iam a solo prs and maybe party once in a blue moon, and I have been this way since EPT T2 I feel old lol, I do notice that now in Lost island I could solo 5 monsters on my prs I have 1300 hpts with VL but now I barely can tank 2 its like I have robe bug ALL the time, I pot 12+ times per 2 monster mob when before I could go there with 30 red pots and be fine with the pots I picked up extra from drops. the exp table I wish was back to normal becasue now Im not even getting the extra 25% from the exp ups I get from donating not even the 125% I should be getting from maps that are for my lvl dosn't seem fare when you buy them to get an added 25% , by the way I even take dmg in iron now and before I never used a red pot, the new metor showers I don't see any real dmg, I have it at lvl 3 I DO like that it freezes the mob but its a pain to switch from chain lighting back to metor maybe if metor did more dmg, I dunno, I never give my 2 cents Im always quite, but dang lvling is hard now and I love to play prs and I had my build perfect, after playing for almost 8 years. Shrugs I will get use to the new vl, but please put the exp tables back to normal, thanks

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hmm I do miss the old VL ALOT Iam a solo prs and maybe party once in a blue moon, and I have been this way since EPT T2 I feel old lol, I do notice that now in Lost island I could solo 5 monsters on my prs I have 1300 hpts with VL but now I barely can tank 2 its like I have robe bug ALL the time, I pot 12+ times per 2 monster mob when before I could go there with 30 red pots and be fine with the pots I picked up extra from drops. the exp table I wish was back to normal becasue now Im not even getting the extra 25% from the exp ups I get from donating not even the 125% I should be getting from maps that are for my lvl dosn't seem fare when you buy them to get an added 25% , by the way I even take dmg in iron now and before I never used a red pot, the new metor showers I don't see any real dmg, I have it at lvl 3 I DO like that it freezes the mob but its a pain to switch from chain lighting back to metor maybe if metor did more dmg, I dunno, I never give my 2 cents Im always quite, but dang lvling is hard now and I love to play prs and I had my build perfect, after playing for almost 8 years. Shrugs I will get use to the new vl, but please put the exp tables back to normal, thanks


yeah we all miss the old VL.. its to sad now, some players is like a paper in xp map w/ VL >.< . . hope GM, will back the old VL for the sake of the players.. Bec. if not? RPT will worst than EPT in terms of xping >.<. . .

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I'm sorry cat0048 but maybe it is time for you to take that dildo out of your ass, as it causes your brain to malfunction.


All I see is only good changes in this patch- as for VL, I can't even tell the difference, so just put some thinking into your build.

Ice meteorites are almost perfect! I love the quick casting, the damage is quite nice too.  Not too overpowered, but still alot better then CL.

I haven't been able to check the exp gained in party yet, but hopefully its changed so we can have a full party with decent exp rates.

There are constant changes to the server, so there's no need to get so grumpy about it.

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Well, as Pard has critically mentioned above about the new exp formula, i do feel the same way he does. I'm not sure but it seems that the monster's damage inwthas been increased as compared to the original, right? Then we gotta go to the lower maps in order to survive. Before this new patch, the exp table was like : 10-20 lvl diff = 100% exp, above 20 = 75 % ,ect .... Personally, i play the game for fun coz i got friends and go train lvl due to a motivation of wearing new sets, but now training has become a bit tough ( we can

t get a full party all the time ) and it really discourages me. Now when i go train at land of Chaos, the common thing they say is not any more PARTY FULL but asking about the lvl.

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wich class can beat a priest in sod round 1 to 3?? what if 2 houses are taken by a single priest saying SOLO?? 1 single priest can beat any other class with his dmg and big area skill they dont even needs to move too much or even need a target to cast it. before almost any class had a chance(not much for FS or PS)


example round 1 to 3 before


Mage: they use dias but its range its not so big so they hv to cast meteor or move a lot to kill rangers loosing some time hving chance to loose or win against any1


Archer: they usually dont go in alone but if they do they use are skill in 1 sector at the time killing fast but per sector so they hv a chance to loose or win against any1


Atalanta: same as the archer but they go in alone or not but usually alone if they are high lvl also hv a chance to loose or win against any1


Mech: impulsion on the golem is a very good way of passing through r1 r2 and sometimes r3 but since impulsion dont kill with 1 hit in r3 they might loose time killing so they need to use spark but its range its not so big but its dmg is good enough giving them a chance to win or loose againt any1


knight: as the archers and the atas their area is not so big but even worst they hv to hit meele so if they kill with 1 brandish skill the area they attack they hv the chance to win but they need much more attention while playing and cant make many mistakes still in good hands hv a chance to loose or win against any1


Pikeman: ok. this class is hard, needs to run a lot and do tornado that not always works the way we expect but in r3 when all monsters come to the middle tornnado its a great skill for this round and we can make up the points we lost on r1 and r2, hard class but it has the chance to win and loose against any1


Fighters: well, maybe if luck is on ur side u can win....


Priestess: with CL they didnt hv to move a lot either but it didnt atack as many monster, dmg was ok and if they keep up the killing they had a chance like the others(except for FS)


many of u might say im wrong but actually i was training in sod only, i was training both of my chars in sod from lvl 95 to lvl 115 never trained them in any other place since 95, so i noticed the change and i noticed it big time, the difference its huge 20k down by 2nd round every single time sometimes even more and in 3rd 40k difference at the end it could be 30 or 50 if u get some lucky it could be 20 but no less than that and it happend every time u face a priest a single priest can do it, before it was only in weird ocations when u loose by that much and it was always a close call, if u won u knew u could hv lost and if and viceversa, i dont know maybe im just a little piss off atm and im trolling my anger in here doing some catharsis, im srry if i am but i cant help it



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I don't know how much abs the old VL secretly added, but I would suggest to get it back. Though make the abs a bit less, instead of removing it entirely. I noticed VL still helps, but I can't test it completely, since I also have a healing phoenix on me atm...


But Wartale please, don't change so many things all at once, it seems we all have a hard time keeping up and settling into it. Please move from one thing to another, one at a time. Perhaps first all T5 skills (maybe start them already nerfed) and then create balance from the bottom up. All the other stuff, like adjusting formula's, can come after that.



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VL apparently reduced damage taken by 30% (no mention of whether that was before or after your normal absorb did its job).

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Why dont GMs create a thread listing all the changes and collect feedback, that will allow the players to be more participating into the game development. The changes that are agreed upon by most ppl ( done through voting ) would be applied. I do know that theres a Development section but they only discuss about how the items look like.

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wich class can beat a priest in sod round 1 to 3?? what if 2 houses are taken by a single priest saying SOLO?? 1 single priest can beat any other class with his dmg and big area skill they dont even needs to move too much or even need a target to cast it. before almost any class had a chance(not much for FS or PS)


many of u might say im wrong but actually i was training in sod only, i was training both of my chars in sod from lvl 95 to lvl 115 never trained them in any other place since 95, so i noticed the change and i noticed it big time, the difference its huge 20k down by 2nd round every single time sometimes even more and in 3rd 40k difference at the end it could be 30 or 50 if u get some lucky it could be 20 but no less than that and it happend every time u face a priest a single priest can do it, before it was only in weird ocations when u loose by that much and it was always a close call, if u won u knew u could hv lost and if and viceversa, i dont know maybe im just a little piss off atm and im trolling my anger in here doing some catharsis, im srry if i am but i cant help it


SoD is a test [at least in the early rounds] of who has the best AoE, which is prs atm. It has virtually always been this way, and under the old SoD, a single mage could beat an entire group of people even in the late rounds [their solo scores were nearly the equivalent of CLAN scores]. But that was all they could do [AoE], so no one complained. You are also not that high level SoD wise, as a 115 of any class is going to struggle in SoD. Also keep in mind prs has always been suited for the low rounds for its fast spell speed and range, while it suffers greatly in the later rounds as monsters get harder. Prs are getting on the SoD boards [finally], but do notice that with our lack of 1 v 1, we don't really kill bosses [ice meteorite doesnt even work on gladiator or chaos cara!], thus Ata is still the best SOD char without their T5 even.

The prs AoE is perfectly fine as it is. FS/PS shouldn't be complaining at SoD because they dominate PvP, where prs is dead last. Some classes will be better suited for things than others, I'm not going to complain that my prs will basically never kill anything PvP wise because I can dominate early SoD rounds, etc. It wouldn't be fair for FS/PS to slaughter us there then go to SoD and kick us out too.


Also keep in mind MGS has a T5 AoE that they have yet to receive, that should surpass dias.

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Why dont GMs create a thread listing all the changes and collect feedback, that will allow the players to be more participating into the game development. The changes that are agreed upon by most ppl ( done through voting ) would be applied. I do know that theres a Development section but they only discuss about how the items look like.


Because most people only care about themselves and would be only agreeing on the changes that benefited them. We have our very own self righteous wannabe player in this very thread, just read closely.


Unfortunately that's almost every community whether it be games, movies, sports doesn't really matter. Rarely are people open to change that doesn't benefit them.

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Because most people only care about themselves and would be only agreeing on the changes that benefited them. We have our very own self righteous wannabe player in this very thread, just read closely.




Unfortunately that's almost every community whether it be games, movies, sports doesn't really matter. Rarely are people open to change that doesn't benefit them.



Gotta admit that point. Then we need to come up with new ways, the ways in which that helps eliminate the resistance and selfishness. I recommend GMs to delegate some potential players of each class and let them judge the changes related to their own classes ( this helps minimize the risk of many ppl creating clone nicks to vote for their own benefits ). Furthermore, i think we shouldnt try to balance this game, let the classes be what they were made to be - although all skills have not been released but though the info mentioned at the website, we now have some sense of what that would be.

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I recommend GMs to delegate some potential players of each class and let them judge the changes related to their own classes ( this helps minimize the risk of many ppl creating clone nicks to vote for their own benefits ).


No. All it does is limit the potential input to what those particular players think. Let everyone say what they have to say, listen to what is said with an open mind, then do what seems reasonable based on that. If several people bitch and moan about something it may be worth looking into, but if it turns out they are bitching and moaning without any merit, you give them the proverbial finger and ignore them. Having votes and following the majority for this type of thing is doomed to fail spectacularly. Especially when the people who vote are likely to be a mere fraction of everyone who is affected by it. Imagine an election in which 1% of the population votes, or is even aware of an election being held.


Just be up-front with what is planned so people have a chance to point out problems, be consistent about it so something isn't said somewhere one day which is then outdated the next and replaced with something else without a word, and don't rush into quick fixes. Confusion and knee-jerk reactions will only make things more difficult and frustrating for everyone. Oh, and don't do everything at once unless you absolutely have to.


Furthermore, i think we shouldnt try to balance this game, let the classes be what they were made to be - although all skills have not been released but though the info mentioned at the website, we now have some sense of what that would be.


Balance doesn't mean classes can't be different. If, for example, you're a fan of the priestess being a support class, that's fine, but at least the priestess should then be able to do well in the game playing it as a support class. Perhaps they were meant to be that and were able to at one point, but if you make extensive changes to undermine it, you'll need to make more changes to bring that role back as well.

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