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AD Exper Knight questions

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Hi. I'm now 120, and i want to start asap to exp on AD.


I have few question, if someone mind to answer and help me.


Holy Valor doesn't work with Brandish?


It works with others class AoE skills?


Holy Body makes difference on AD1 and AD2?


Holy Body is worth to be leveled than Drastic Spirit?


Divine Shield, HP Absorb at lv 10 is working correctly?


Divine Shield HP Absorb works using 2 Handed Sword?


What should i level up? Holy Body + Divine Shield or Holy Body + Drastic Spirit (for hunting/pvp)?



Thanks, i'll be glad if someone can help me out.

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Hi, lemme try to help ya.


It works 100% with brandish AFAIK, but imo you should use holy body.




With this skill, u could do solo exping too.




I dont know exactly but i think so.


To exping/hunting, I'd use Holy Body + Divine shield.

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When i was low lvl, my build for pvp/hunt/up was...


Holy Body 10

Drastic Spirit 10

Brandish 10

Sword Mastery 10

Grand Cross 10

Holy Incantion lvl 1 ( its Ok for hunt ! )

Rest in Devine Shield (f or tank more in PVP )



Goldy Shield 10

God Bless 10

rest in DP

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Thanks to you both!



But, many people said that Holy Valor doesn't work with AoE Skill, like Brandish, just for 1v1.


Now i dont know what skill to choose :S I know tanking is good, but i preffer attack over tanking, more EXP

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Holy Valor only for hunt...

Yeah, better if you use holy body, so u can hold easly any spawn at ad1/ad2


Im currently using holy valor just to kill valento (lv 10 ofc)

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holy body -> good in tanking

holy valor -> good in killing

drastic spirit -> good in pvp


My build:

Holy Body 10

Holy Valor 10

Drastic Spirit 10

Sword Mastery 10

Grand Cross 10

Holy Incantation (all the rest points)


Sword of Justice 10

Godly Shield 10

God's Blessing 10


First of all, I have to say that I dont like the DP cuz it wastes too much time to use n has too the high rate to miss. You can compare to the Destroyer (fighter) n Charging Strike (pikeman), those skills only have less than 3 steps to finish. That is the reason why I dont like the DP, I choose the SJ. Although the SJ wastes too much mp but we have a lot of mana in this game. That is the reason why i dont have a mind about using mp. Secondly, I can do everything with this build. Drastic Spirit goes for pvp, Holy Body goes for tanking, n Holy Valor goes for killing. In hunting, you can use either Holy Valor or Holy Body. However, if you use Holy Valor, im really sure that your party will get addicted in you. If you goes solo, you should get the  Holy Body. About the Divine Shield, it works very well with 10 but I dont have enough point to build on (;


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Get a party member to cast Holy Valor if he/she has them.

Since some knights do level Holy Valor instead of Holy Body,

and since its a party Buff, you can have Holy Body and Holy Valor on at the same time.

So, IMO, I would level Holy Body instead of Holy Valor.

A better tanking ability, is the way to faster exp i think. ;)

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