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Shadow Sanctuary

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Every day that our PT looks for the "end map" spawn it is always full on all servers. When we look for another way to set up our PT so that each one gets their monster (1 spawn for each member of the PT = 6 Spawns), the "MID and Left Side" spawns are always free.If I took the spawn first it is mine.
You can cry all you want (it won't do any good), because we will keep doing it this way, we are not breaking any kind of rule, and also, we are not disrespecting any player!




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6 minutes ago, diegozika said:

Every day that our PT looks for the "end map" spawn it is always full on all servers. When we look for another way to set up our PT so that each one gets their monster (1 spawn for each member of the PT = 6 Spawns), the "MID and Left Side" spawns are always free.If I took the spawn first it is mine.
You can cry all you want (it won't do any good), because we will keep doing it this way, we are not breaking any kind of rule, and also, we are not disrespecting any player!




I don’t get the point of your topic ? 

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you took the spawn first it's yours,

you can keep doing it your way,

you are not breaking any kind of rules,

you are not disrespecting anyone, 

you can continue your life as it is,



the other post talking about poor map design,

melee vs. range forever problem,

left side and mid spawn intermix,

range better distancing for stay-party-center-exp etc.


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15 minutes ago, Clem said:

I don’t get the point of your topic ? 

The goal of making it clear that Shadow Sanctuary is not divided by HS, Shadow Sanctuary is Spawn 1vs1. If I get to Spawn first, it means that Spawn is mine, and I don't have to leave my Spawn when some other player wants to create a PT in "Left Side".
Yesterday a guy created a topic complaining about this subject...

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5 hours ago, diegozika said:

If I took the spawn first it is mine.


because we will keep doing it this way


5 hours ago, diegozika said:

If I get to Spawn first, it means that Spawn is mine

 Water is wet

you can use mid in diff ways to not interfere with left side “configuration”, there’s not much more places where non rangers can pt, and, as you already know, not doing if you easily can, is disrespectful 

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2 hours ago, Coyote said:


You seem to be right in saying that "MID" can be used in various ways and not interfere with "left", but the truth is that the only effective way to play "MID" is that. I hope that in a few months you find out.



efficient way means more XP and less effort.



Uhm those are independent events, one does not deny nor affirm the other, kind of a fallacy; anyways, its a good choice of words, but what i said does not seem to be true, it is true, you can prove it, i can prove it, etc
On the other hand what you say i (or we?) can’t really affirm, only true bc you say so, but instead of that I focus on thinking: (assuming what you say is true), how much efficiency, time x exp, are you losing by using other mid/endmap formation? if true, is it considerable at all?


anywayyyssss, if you can spare left “spawn formation”... just do it

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