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Lançamentos do Canal!

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 Salve Salve queridos terraqueos!


decidi criar esse post para ir lançando os videos tutoriais do canal aqui no forum tbm! espero que sejam muito úteis e que possa ajudar a muitos! não se esquecam de deixar o like e se gostarem, por favor inscreva-se! ^^











Edited by LeGordo86
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On 1/20/2021 at 1:15 PM, JoziaSr said:

appreciate it.. going to power myself up to like 11x or 12x so I can start making some decent gold and buy some cool new mounts and stuff. I got a hopy with some quest gold but i'd like some more! also hoping to unlock brawler at some point to check that out but there's plenty of time. between this and ragnarok online I love the nostalgia for sure

Good man.. I have a question for you.. did you watched the video with subtitles? did the subtitles worked? I´m trying to fix that up!

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O video ficou muito bom, bem explicado. Tira muitas duvidas de posicionamento. Mandou benzão Vidinha ?

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Videozinho falando sobre algumas das carácteristicas únicas do servidor!
Just a little video talking about the unique features of wartale!


What is Wartale Video


Espero que gostem, e se gostarem inscreva-se e deixe o like!

I hope you guys like it! and if you like, please subscribe and leave the like!

Edited by LeGordo86

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