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Hey fellas,


Just to let you know I saw this, and it's funny!  ^_^



...Can't people focus on the topic's subject for once?



I think it's stronger than they, so they can't, I can't too.



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Guest TFSE

TFSE's words should count for something. As soon as I yell "THREESOME" she goes wild. :o




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no idea what youre talking about. i dont even know where the first (edited) SS is from D<

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Guest TFSE

Why is it that every other conversation I have around here ends up with 3R in varied states of nakedness?


I know, right? Can't people focus on the topic's subject for once?



Abusing GM char


Yes, Pie abused the GM char repeatedly.


i love my men with power.

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TFSE's words should count for something. As soon as I yell "THREESOME" she goes wild. :o




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Proof delivered.

Case processed.


no idea what youre talking about. i dont even know where the first (edited) SS is from D<


Maybe I hit you too hard with the almighty Lovehammer? :D

Look at its size! http://i.imgur.com/vbghj.png

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Theoretically speaking, based on the current human understanding of quantum physics, 3R's pipi is non-existant. Since the space between particles is 99.99% of the volume of anything and everything, nothing comes into contact with anything. Therein, our existence and the physicallity of this world is all easily questionable. However, if you leave it up to just perception alone, which may be subjective or objective, 3R's penux can be arbitrarrily enormous AND miniscule.


Based on torodial based mathematics we could give theory to the size of his dillydanger, but thats if only we leave what I mentioned in the former aside.

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I know, right? Can't people focus on the topic's subject for once?


You're usually the one to bring it up...

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