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Ok guys, It been really hard to find help in game as far as discussion is concerned. I have only had one person responds to questions in game and I hoping that some portion of the population enjoys helping people.


I have played plenty of original Wartale and am just getting into this one. Any info would be helpful.


I am realizing that I will not be able to buy gear for my character in the near future as I can't realistically get substantial amounts of gold easily and everything in player shops are closer to 1kk. 


Any help with how best to get gold consistently would be appreciated.


Additionally any recommendations about leveling up my pikeman would be appreciated.


Right now he is 86 and I am able to level him every 15 minutes or so but obviously that will slow down quickly. I die very quickly in Heart of Perum without crystals, and the same is true about Cursed Temple. I know some recommend leveling another character up to a High level to help bring another one up. I am looking for alternative solutions. 


Any help and generic information about items I could collect to sell in a shop would be helpful as well. 


Also if anyone has links to a tutorial video on the warehouse quizzes I do not have 1kk gold to spend failing the second quiz. 


Seriously any tips or trick would be helpful. I did find the huntress and bought crystals and leveled up quickly with those, but they will grow obsolete in the near future (even with the boss hour feature that I recently discovered)


Thanks guys!

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About money:


- Use Loot Filter. It helps you loot only the items that you really want, such as gold or gear with pikeman spec.

- Buy Moon Hunter. Just go to Ricarten (Ares) and check all stores till you find one (it costs around 2~3kk). After you've purchased the item, right click to activate it. "How it works": every night in the game you go to a map with a good HS and just kill all the mobs that appear during the night. They will give you some good exp as well as some valuable drops. (Activate "Premium" in the Loot Filter page). MP down, SP down, Mana Aura and Vampire Teeth, you can sell to NPC after ten minutes. Jeras, Dagaz and Fallen Star you can sell to other players for 400k, 3.3kk and 700k, respectively.

- Don't forget to complete all quests as they give you a ton of gold (Press "Q" to see which ones you still need to do).

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Sweet that is really helpful. Is the moon hunter just like a force or something that has a time limit? Also how do you filter look?


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28 minutes ago, Joiupy said:

Sweet that is really helpful. Is the moon hunter just like a force or something that has a time limit? Also how do you filter look?


Yes, it lasts for 3h. After you activate Loot Filter, just right click on the icon that'll appear on the right of your screen. From there, you can configurate as you wish.

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Ask a High player to moonhunt with you 3-4 Night .. and you are level 105-110 in 1 hour ? if u need help pm me -    Ingame : tozo

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