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Mostly a question about class change

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Hey support I've got a question about class change on a brawler to another class

If I where to change my brawler. that has the event mount and the event earings,  to lets say a FS 
would I lose the mount and allso would I be able to respec the earings? 

since its a good amount of coins. I would want to ask about it before doing it instead of doing a request in recovery center after



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To know if you can respect those items, you can try to place them on mix window.

If you can then yes.


Mount is bind into the character so it has nothing to do with changing class.


Note: changing class or item spec will not be recovered.

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You can't respec the earring to other class if not brawler , so it will not be that strong anymore

Edited by vinixD

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