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which char and why

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I'm thinking of trading my 125 ms for another char that I can use in pvp and hunting. So which of the listed chars do you think is best for hunting and pvping?






If you pick one, can you also please tell me why?


ty :)

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Stay with MS or trade for a knight. MS = KS but with other style kkkk

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Stay with mech while it's OP, when they nerf it you trade it.

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ok, but after the nerf, for which char should I trade it?

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Trade it for the most OP char :) Which will probably be knight.

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but mech has tank and dmg issues, imo the char is unbalanced fo sho

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Did you already think , that UR mech is not good, and not the class MECH? rsrs


Mech becomes nice powers lvl 125+, if u use a nice build, and decent gears. And ... know how to play . rsrs

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yes I am aware that that is a part of the issue and I am buying upgraded gear. but then again, 13x gets 1-2hitted by a KS too. Don't think I'm wrong, I did it myself.

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Well, my KS 134 don't kill MS 132 NOT FULL with 1 or 2 GC




I think u are playing other PT...

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ask Gogg.... Right before SW started (when fifi had crown), Roy was kind enough to let me use TP for it. We were messing around behind the gates and one thing led to another (lol) and I ko'd Gogg.. I'm sure he's gonna denie it 8-)


aaaaanyway, this is not relevant to my question. Which char is best for hunting and pvp?

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The best character to hunt is Mech and Knight, have no doubt

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Ok, so should I just gear up my Mech or trade it for a KS?

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Stay with mech if u like


Mech is = KS , both can up solo, good pvp and nice hunt.


KS also die easy with 2hand.

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I like Ps And Fs


for PvP and hunt pike and fighter nice class


(o_0) bb

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I'm thinking of trading my 125 ms for another char that I can use in pvp and hunting. So which of the listed chars do you think is best for hunting and pvping?






If you pick one, can you also please tell me why?


ty :)


Knights would lvl and hunt faster if you get undead mobs ;P For PVP, knight is a balanced class (please don't whine about GC), you don't kill much but don't get killed much either...

But if you're not planning hunting undead mobs I say you should stay with mech...

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