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Wartale Journal - Interview with Clan FifiSlayers

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Hello, Dear readers.

Today we're going to present you the interview to the clan FifiSlayers!

And for this we invite Gogg and JotaPe to make this.



Journal: Well, the first question is pretty simple: Who have the idea of create the clan?

Gogg: I was running my own clan on rPT, and few friends from other server came in. So we built FifiSlayers.

JotaPe: Gogg was member of this clan for a long time in other servers.



Journal: Why you chose the name “FifiSlayers”?

Gogg:  Well, "FifiSlayers" is an old clan, back in time on ePT. Everyone called the Figon as Fifi, so, FifiSlayers. :P



Journal: How is the union of the group inside the game?

Gogg: We always help each other, as we can... keep joking on clan chat.

JotaPe: Yes, help on SoD, BC...

Gogg: Ahaha specially BC. We don't even ask anything, just step in and hit whoever the guys point out xD



Journal: Have you met someone personally outside the game?

Gogg: No, just my brother :P. But some members play with me for like 4-5 years.



Journal: The clan is formed only by people of one country?

Gogg: No no. We’re international. We have Brazilians, Vietnamese, Pinoys, Dutchies, Americans, Argentineans, etc… it’s a worldwide clan.  :P



Journal: How many members do you have in the Clan?

Gogg: We got 54 members now. Still few old clannies to join. :P



Journal: What is your opinion about the leader and the sub-leader?

JotaPe: They are respected because they respect all members. Friends of all! They are doing very well. haha



Journal: Do you have some goals for the Clan?

Gogg: I take that as my own goals. I don’t play to be another one, I play to be The One. We like to keep the fighting spirit alive on the clan but we’re kinda new on the server yet. Step by step we’re growing and taking our place. =)



Journal: Do you participate in BC and SoD? If you do, what's the point of having them?

Gogg: We go as we can. 

JotaPe: The bad point on worldwide clan is that it’s hard to us to get our best team to SoD online, all at the same time. 

Gogg: For BC it’s a bit harder, there are other clans to compete with many higher players. We do what we can. Luckily we got BC siege last week. Holding crowns is always nice, they provide awesome bonus for our guys. :D



Journal: Several good clans have been created and eventually they finished. Why do you think this is happening?

Gogg: Well, the only clan that stands is Heretics. The others fall as the leaders leave, or like recent clans, they got internal fights. Br’s, mostly. I think they don’t have structure, they're more up for the results than for the team, that's why it fails with time.



Journal: Do you think this is going to happen with your clan?

Gogg: There’s always a chance to go wrong. When a clan stand for too much time, it always get good and bad times, but as long as I’m leading it won’t fall, even if I need to be one-man-army. If we keep the fighting spirit and get fresh blood, as some people just quit eventually, the chance to keep going on a high level is always great :P



Journal: Why would be different in your clan?

Gogg: I like a bit of organization and we got more than just one leading our guys. If one leave, other can take place.

One of our members here, paikia, was already the leader of this clan before. 

We try to help each other as we can, so we stay together.



Journal: About Heretics, why do you think is lasting so long?

Gogg: Heretics is a well organized clan. Was the top of tops when the server started.



Journal: For those who want to join in the clan, what is needed?

Gogg: At the moment, nothing. We close the doors on BC crown week to avoid the seekers, but, for a new member, being a friend of a member is a nice step.

Friends of friends are my friends. =P



Journal: Do you have some final words to say?

Gogg: Play fair, have fun and don’t touch me or I kill you! Hahaha ;)



We’d like to thank Gogg and JotaPe for giving this amazing interview. Hope you like it.

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ahahaha. ..  the gays were interviewed .. . ahahah  . . . ARRIBA fifislayers

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ahahaha. ..  the gays were interviewed .. . ahahah  . . . ARRIBA fifislayers



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Damn nice to c that gogg is still active on pt :)

Been in fifi's on ept midranda ^^


Maybe  i'll try to become a fiifslayer again...



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Will you guys interview ppl from:












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Will you guys interview ppl from:












yep.. i've plans to make interview with all this clans.. all in your time.. =P

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Nice interview.

Gogg and Jotape funny guys...^^

I like Fifislayers clan...

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K we should try The Forgotten clan :) on this journal :)


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im serious just pm Death666 or Owinmech in game this seems to be something really neat

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