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Wartale Journal - Interview with Davv

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Journal: First of all, we'd like to thank you for taking your time to help us on this new community project from rPT.



Journal: Well, at first, can you introduce yourself for us?

Davv: I’m Davv, I’m French and I’m 27 years old. I just finished a 5 years IT University Course. I’ve been playing Priston Tale since kPT (before ePT opened).

I quit ePT in 2006, then I played sgPT and gigaPT (I was GM on both).

I came to Realm PT just when it opened, in December 2009.



Journal: What is your job inside the game and forum?

Davv: My first job was to create the website. I’ve been doing this for 1 year now.

Recently I did some useful tools like monster search (http://www.realmpt.com/monsters), I write guides on website also, quest guides, etc…

I’m also forum moderator and GM. I participate in report / unban request processing, I help in scam case investigations sometimes too and I do some in-game events once in a while.



Journal: What is your opinion about Realm PT (game and community)?

Davv: I like it here because things are moving, there’s always something happening.

It’s a very nice mix of old school gaming and new content.

About the community, it reminds me of the good old days on ept: it’s a great opportunity to meet people from all around the world, have interesting discussions about all kinds of subjects, and sometimes make some very good friends !

That half of the community is so great that it makes it okay to bear with the other half…

You know, those people who ruin everyone’s fun just to satisfy their own little interests. Hackers, scammers, abusers, call them what you want. The sad thing about this is we have to waste time dealing with these people instead of working on new content for the game.  Sometimes it’s difficult to not get personal about it, but most of them don’t really know what they’re really doing, after all.



Journal: And what is your opinion about the Realm PT Staff Members? How is the intimacy?

Davv: We have a common passion. Most of the time when we discuss a new project or improvement, we can guess what the other is thinking. The joys of teamwork. ;D



Journal: Would you like to give some final words to the readers?

Davv: Have fun, play fair, enjoy Realm PT :D



Thanks Davv for your amazing interview. In name of the community, a huge Thanks. =D


NB: Davv is no longer a part of the Wartale Staff

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Haha, I won't forget our wild & epic brainstormings nor our in-game testing/trolling. Those were the days!

Sad to see him go now, but something tells me he will be back. :)



Suggestion for the next interviews:

- Ask a few more questions.


Anyway, great initiative. ;)

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Nice interview.

Didn't know Davv is no longer part of Staff.

He seems to be a nice guy.

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Haha, I won't forget our wild & epic brainstormings nor our in-game testing/trolling. Those were the days!

Sad to see him go now, but something tells me he will be back. :)



Suggestion for the next interviews:

- Ask a few more questions.


Anyway, great initiative. ;)

Thx for the support.. =P


it's sad to see this happening.. i think he's a good person.. but if he isn't GM anymore, must have their reasons.


About the questions, i know it's only a few questions.. but this was the "pilot" edition. ^^

And we all are open to suggestions. Bring it on! ;D

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There's my Friend, i'd like to see u in-game bro, i miss you. for reals :/


Get ur Ass back to the action.

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