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Wartale Journal - What you think about...

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Every month we'll make a discussion about something that’s going on game/forum. And for this month, we’ll ask for some players their opinion about the Wartale Staff.


Wartale says:

Generally and professionally speaking, I think the staff is competent and efficient. It would not be true to say otherwise when you can clearly see that Realm PT offers a lot more features and support than any other Priston Tale server out there, including the official one.

That being said, I guess I could add that most of the staff members are very cool people to hang out with. They always know how to have fun.


idanqwe says:

I think that most of the staff are very dedicated and devoted to their job.

They are adults and experienced people.


Melocrie says:

Well as a 2D designer I've met the staff a little more up close than most players. And in my opinion, it's a great staff. They work great together, I can work great together with them, as well - there's a lot of teamwork and exchanging of ideas going on. Many people feel like there's too few staff members, but it's usually a smaller group that operates the best. What I specifically noticed about Realmpt's staff (and a reason why I love this server, and love working with them) is that they are always, around the clock, working to improve Realmpt. It might be somewhat hard to see from the outside, but everybody's constantly working on server improvements (taking player's suggestions to heart), and working on new things to keep Realmpt original and interesting.

Before I got to know the staff, I didn't know how complicated it could be to develop features that would benefit everyone, to keep the game and its characters balanced, though challenging. But I see how the staff is very dedicated, to all things that make this server what it is, and dedicated to the general player of Realmpt.

It's this dedication, the hard work and the ever-continuing strive of development that makes Realmpt's staff quite excellent. Nothing ever goes unseen by them.



(/kissass mode off) xD


PaynEeE says:



Staffs are doing all they can to increase number of people on Wartale.


Since i started, i saw just Athena Server, and now we have 3 others (Athena, Hades, Zeus), with this we can see that way more people are enjoying our great game.


They´re doing great job about Tier 5, 32 Unique skills, that takes so much time and effort of Wartale.


Because that is a private game, unfortunately it´s harder to get news Gm´s and new members for staff (We have now Davv and Wartale).


Wartale has a real life, so its hard to improve and bring new stuffs to the game, he just don´t have free time.


Well, basically i like Wartale staff.


vodkawolf says:

Well I think they are doing a great job (as far as I notice)  But they could give some extra attention to the Donation service and  to the char balances but other than that I'm happy. ;D


The Journal says:

And about you guys? What you think about the Wartale Staff?

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Pics of the staff members ? I'm curious to see how is the face of the guys... ::)



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Guest Eleven

To staffs, all is doing good maintainingwtfor top pServer of Priston Tale.


About the donation, IMO, there should be a sub-SM to make things when Sjoerd is busy.

It will help more to improve and solve the problems and questions of Donators.

I saw many players complaining about their Orders sending PM to SM. Thats my opinion only.





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It has someone that can be trusted with the money, which is alot as I notice by looking at some chars. So I understand that finding a person suited for the job might take a lil while.

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Good staff

The human being is not perfect but I'm sure that the staff works to make the game and forum the most perfect possible.

Mistakes will happen but the team always has.


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