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Bomb terror in Norway,- oslo

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yeah its.. .lol yea, u can put a word on it :/ and the dude had fun while he did it!

imean the bombing was a terrible, BUT when u attack and killer over 85 KIDS!! on a fucking youth camp.. srsly.

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I hope they give the guy who did all that the slowest and most painful death possible! Because that is honestly what that guy deserves!

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I hope they give the guy who did all that the slowest and most painful death possible! Because that is honestly what that guy deserves!


hell yeah! he deservs it all!

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I see alot of pics of the shooter, means there is footage of it? just curious

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There probably is, but it may be hard to locate due to the EXTREMELY graphic nature of its content.

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Everytime I show that pic of the kid who begs for his life to one of my family members or friends, I see the sadness and confusion on the eyes. There is absolutly no reason why you should shot on helpless people on a island, trapped as rats.


Also, found some footage, http://www.ordons.com/home/news-videos/video/550-oslo-massacre-helicopter-footage-during-the-shooting.html


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max sentence that n*gger can get is 21 years.

Good behaviour= minus 30%


this moron will walk the streets of Oslo in 14 years again..............

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When people in prison find out what this guy did, and guaranteed they will find out. They will make him their personal bitch, and hopefully he won't survive prison.

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max sentence that n*gger can get is 21 years.

Good behaviour= minus 30%


this moron will walk the streets of Oslo in 14 years again..............


1. he might kill him self after some years in prison

2. he will get beaten to death inside prison

3. ppl will hunt him and kill him when u gets out xD



@Vadka yeah, that pic is so awefull.... u can even put a word on it to describe it...


1 more has died now, in the hospital, around 18 are heavy injrued...


the police have arresten 5 more ppl, that have helped him or something.


and there are still 20+ that is missing / PROBALY dead...

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Seeing what this retard did, the chance of him killing himself is close to nothing


Criminals like him wil be held in solitary confinement  AKA alone in a cel of 2 by 3


when he gets out after 14 year, he prolly will be shot the second after he walks out the prison, ill give you that yeh ;p

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Seeing what this retard did, the chance of him killing himself is close to nothing


Criminals like him wil be held in solitary confinement  AKA alone in a cel of 2 by 3


when he gets out after 14 year, he prolly will be shot the second after he walks out the prison, ill give you that yeh ;p

just like Volkert v/d G. exept that he was paid by the dutch goverment to kill poor ol' Pim... (I'm 99.9% sure of that)


6-may-2014 is going to be great day for us, he gets released and one of us is the lucky bastard who may shoot him. Just like in 14ish years, there is 1 lucky mofo who may shoot this "Anders Behring Breivik"


Time does not heal wounds, it just gives us more opportunities for revenge :D

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The guy who did this doesn't deserve to be shot once and that's that.


If you have seen the movie Law Abiding Citizen, the same thing that happened to the character "Darby", is what that guy deserves. An agonizing, painful death! Slow, but steady. Fed a cocktail of drugs to keep him awake, and make sure he feels every second of the pain he has made other families feel.

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I doubt the attacks in Norway maybe be linked to Osama bin laden's death

but then again his men are after USA.. since Obama got his NAVY SEALS troops TO kill him

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nothing liked to osama or mular krekar. Anders was en extriminist or sumthing, dunno the word... but he faith in something is that EXTREM so he do anyting for it



@ all others :  Trust me idunno how he dies but i will give u my word HE WILL!!


shame is he will take his life.... just coward out..


btw, dunno if u other have been told this on ur news. 1 min silence for Norway today. well, sweden,danmark and norway will have it 2day. join if u want


12.00 - 12.01 at the day

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I missed the 1 min silence, I was at the gym at that time :/

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I missed the 1 min silence, I was at the gym at that time :/


its no prob bro!


and i heard for ppl that was on the road, almost everybody stopped, and thats realy ncie to hear!


ofc there are some idiots giving a big F and drives away.. xD


but its nice to see that so many cares! we are going to send a submarine down to check in the water now .

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Lol. he said: iv'e rather be hated than forgotten!


aight man thats cool. but u just killed 90+ fucking ppls!!! and 80 of them was kids! fuck u..

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Lol. he said: iv'e rather be hated than forgotten!


aight man thats cool. but u just killed 90+ fruiting ppls!!! and 80 of them was kids! fruit u..


He killed a total 76 people.

By the way, totally unrelated, but interesting nonetheless: apparently, he showed mercy at least twice. That guy on the picture begging for his life; the killer spared his life. So weird, yet so interesting. And he also spared the life of a 11 years old boy that stood up against the gunman and asked him not to take his life.




Anyway, has anyone read his manifesto yet? I see a lot of people are agreeing with what he said on his 1500+ pages of arguments on why he did such acts. This is very concerning actually, I have a feeling more acts of terrorism like this could happen again anytime soon, as he is apparently gaining a lot of new fans. It seems this man is very intelligent and has several valid arguments when it comes to politics. He actually did this act of terrorism just to get people's attention so they would read his manifesto. <- His own words.


And now that people are reading it, they are actually agreeing with what he says (even though they seem to condemn his unforgivable acts of terrorism). Apparently this was not a random act of violence like the Port Arthur massacre (Australia) that completely mind fucked me for its randomness, where a guy basically did the same thing Anders Breivik did, but for fun instead. Anders didn't do it for fun. He admitted himself, "it was very cruel, but it had to be done; it was necessary". <- His own words.


He actually thinks he is saving Europe by getting people to read & agree with his manifesto which basically says that in about 60 years from now the White man will be a minority in Europe, because of all the immigration and stuff. He is afraid Europe might cease to exist as we know it. What do you guys think about this matter?


And if you agree with him, does the end justify the means? For example, I've seen people compare this guy to Nelson Mandela, who also planted bombs and stuff just to fight "the system" and then eventually became president of South Africa and did good things (after doing a lot of bad things, apparently). Mandela even won the Nobel Peace prize. So apparently the end did indeed justify the means. Wow.



The human race is so fucked up.

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Logic arguments are not valid arguments. Nazism is full of logic, but it's totally not valid.


See how the speech works. Can you see a new Hitler rising over this? Simply words, a distorted logic and you can convince masses.


Ah, and who dare to compare this guy to Mandela might be retarded. Fighting against a legit power and against a non-legit power is something totally different.

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I don't really care what kind of motives he had for doing what he did, he still deserves the most painful death possible! Nothing can possibly justify what he did, NOTHING! Going to an island, and murdering innocent TEENS! There is nothing in the world that could justify anything like that.

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IF he wanted to "save" europe he should have started right after the point where Hiter failed. too bad for him he wassnt born back then so there would have been no use. End of teh story.


"He actually thinks he is saving Europe by getting people to read & agree with his manifesto which basically says that in about 60 years from now the White man will be a minority in Europe, because of all the immigration and stuff. He is afraid Europe might cease to exist as we know it. What do you guys think about this matter?"


That Europe is changing in a bad way is not denyable. BUT it can't be blamed on immigration alone, there are more things.


In my eyes Anders is just yet another Neo-Nazi but this one actually did something instead of yelling "Sieg Heil" and "White Power". Buuuut he did the wrong thing. No mather what your goal is, leave the f*cking kids alone.(Yes I know they were not the original target, but still...)

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He admitted himself, "it was very cruel, but it had to be done; it was necessary". <- His own words.


true that, but one of the victim said he had fun... he heard he laughed when it happends..


yeah the death number has fallen and that is good. still alot that is missing tho...


i havent red it. and i wont xD 1500+ alot... anygay, he might say something inside there that is quite true BUT nobody kills a youth camp full of teens... he deservs it all!

but the scary part that u said is he gotten so much attention that ppl will try do stuff like he did e.t.c i belive this is not the end.. only the start..


dunno if ya heard it. 10mins after the bomb some norwegian ppl, dragged muslims out of a buss and beat the crap out of them rofl.


If one man can show us so much hate, think off how much love we all can give! quote from a random lady in norway.



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