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Puzzle Event Rewards

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What I especially love about this event is how people take the risk to pay millions for a puzzle or piece, then end up with either a stat stone, a sheltom or whatnot, only to point their finger at others ;)

This event actually motivated me to xp again, I shall find those rare pieces! =D


is like a lottery

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today i got

1 mirage force

another celesto force

a stone of agility

and a bikini...but its magic style so cannot use on my ata >.< 

*edit, nvm i trade for armor style xD

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6 pheonix egg

1 Wedding suit

2 Hawii Swimsuit

2 Hawii bikini

1 bellum Froce

1 enigma Froce

1 mirange Froce

3 celeto Froce

2 restat stone

2 reskill stone

3 sp down

2 mana aura

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2x Ph egg

1x Hawii bikini

2x Hawii Suit

1x Wedding dress

2x oredo force

3x celesto force

2x mirage force

1x willpower stone

1x talent stone

1x mana aura

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How do some people get so lucky, what's your secret? D:


From my puzzles so far I got:

2x phoenix egg

4x celesto force

2x agility stone

1x talent stone

2x teleport core

1x MP down

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Celesto Force

Vampire Teeth

Bellum Force

STM Down

MP Down

Mana Aura


i should have sold all the pieces instead  xD

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2 MP down

1 Teleport Core

1 Vampire Tooth (teeth?)

1 Celesto Force

2 Mirage Force

1 Enigma Force

1 SP down

1 Mana aura

2 Phoenix Egg

1 Celesto


7 Knight puzzle

6 Prs

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1 bellum force

1 enigma force

2 mirage forces

3 celesto forces

2 mana aura

1 mp down

2 stm down

3 teleport cores

1 red stone

2 blue stones

1 green stone

1 celesto


Thats about it :(

[move][glow=yellow,4,500]I got no luck[/glow][/move]

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I got


1 MP down

1 SP down

2 Celesto

1 Celesto force

1 Mirage force

1 Phoenix egg

2 Green stone


I gave up on this event  :(

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1 Enigma Force

1 Bellum Force

1 Teleport Core

1 Celesto Force

1 Agility Stone

1 Talent Stone

2 Mana Aura

1 MP Down

1 Green Stone

3 Phoenix egg



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Does anyone know all the possible rewards from this event?

like could someone get a vring or even a

[move][shadow=red,left][glow=yellow,2,300]Throne Item[/glow][/shadow][/move]

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Does anyone know all the possible rewards from this event?

like could someone get a vring or even a

[move][shadow=red,left][glow=yellow,2,300]Throne Item[/glow][/shadow][/move]

i seriously doubt that D: tbh everything that has been listed here by people i think is the available prizes, just toys & disposables basically

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Hawaii swimsuit

Cel force

Mirage force

Enigma force

Teleport core x3

Mana aura

MP down x3

Miracle stone x2

PHX Egg x2


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1 Oredo

5 Ph egg

4 Hawain Bikin

1 Wedding dress

2 Oredo forçe

2 Enigma forçe

3 Mirage forçe

5 Celesto forçe

3 Stone ( Talent / agility )

1 Mana Aura

3 Mp Down

4 Teleport core ( -.- )


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where can u even fiend the rare pieces? did not even complete one....

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I've been gettin a lot of mp down and sp down pots my last few puzzles, and a lot of celesto forces too. got a hawaii suit and a phoenix egg last night, been hoping for a wedding dress or an oredo would be awesome, maybe i'll have some luck next time  ;D


where can u even fiend the rare pieces? did not even complete one....

its random but they drop everywhere...i find knight #8 more than prs #8 though and those are the hardest to find. training maps are the best places to find them though since ur mass killing and tons of them drop.

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3 Celesto forces

4 mirage forces

4 MP down

1 Mana recharge

1 Vampire Teeth

1 SP down

2 Enigma force

3 Phoenix eggs

1 Hawaii suit FS


Owyea i don't need to hold the best for last :

5x Teleport Core

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Is it possible respec in wedding suit? I can put it in the mix, the price is 1.1kk, but I'm not sure if i can make this.

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