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Wartale Flag Tool

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On 3/23/2021 at 5:50 AM, Diell said:

make a tutorial on youtube teaching better

Added ?

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New Update:


Now you can choose the size of the flag between 0.5 ~ 5.0. (Thanks @Diell for the suggestion)





Edited by PTCoding
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52 minutes ago, PTCoding said:

New Update:


Now you can choose the size of the flag between 0.5 ~ 5.0. (Thanks @Diell for the suggestion)





you are a master friend

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Very good, always wanted to increase the size of the hand flags did not know how to do! ?

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nice bro


thx for the news flags.

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21 minutes ago, KriKa. said:

You can make option to add all files of sheltons and rings directly when download and install


Exemple all sheltons 

Celesto Mirage Inferna Enigma Belum Oredo Sapphire Sol

Rings/Amulets 115 120 122 126 130 134 138 142


Its more easy to install than select 1by1



you have to do it 1 by 1 because there are some files that don’t have an image texture, so that the person can create their own personalized image.  The developer may even be able to do what you suggested more will give him a lot of work. I think he has done a lot for us, the app is rated 1,000

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The app is nice, the flags is big, but i cant find the itens i need to make this flags, i dont know the itens names in the folder, and to me some of them dont show the image.


Like enigmas, oredos, sapphires, earings+2+3

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3 minutes ago, xkintaro said:

The app is nice, the flags is big, but i cant find the itens i need to make this flags, i dont know the itens names in the folder, and to me some of them dont show the image.


Like enigmas, oredos, sapphires, earings+2+3

you who did not understand how to use

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2 minutes ago, Diell said:

you who did not understand how to use


maybe too, i ill post the errors XD

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1 hour ago, xkintaro said:

The app is nice, the flags is big, but i cant find the itens i need to make this flags, i dont know the itens names in the folder, and to me some of them dont show the image.


Like enigmas, oredos, sapphires, earings+2+3


For sheltons click on "open file" on program and then on: image>sinimage>items>dropitem, search for itens starting with "itos" and select wich one you want, a thumbnail of the item will show on the program, itos116 is sol, for example, then you just adjust the size and save, worked fine for me.


The earring codes are itOE101 to itOE104





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3 minutes ago, guerrero said:


For sheltons click on "open file" on program and then on: image>sinimage>items>dropitem, search for itens starting with "itos" and select wich one you want, a thumbnail of the item will show on the program, itos116 is sol, for example, then you just adjust the size and save, worked fine for me.


The earring codes are itOE101 to itOE104






do you know the sheltons? enigmas, oredos, sapphires

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1 minute ago, xkintaro said:


do you know the sheltons? enigmas, oredos, sapphires

itos116 sol

itos115 sapphire
itos114 oredo
itos113 bellum
itos112 enigma

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I was planning to add more features like Sheltoms List Change, Boss Time, and notifications (using Windows Toast Notification), but I had to stop due to personal reasons.


Probably I can back to work on it in my free time.




If you're a Coder and just want to know how I made the scale or want to improve this tool, you can download the source code and create your own version.


Download: Click here!


VirusTotal Scan: Click here!





Edited by PTCoding
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On 5/27/2021 at 4:50 PM, guerrero said:

itos116 sol

itos115 sapphire
itos114 oredo
itos113 bellum
itos112 enigma


do you know dagaz too? amulet 138/142 too ?


ty bro

Edited by xkintaro

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On 5/29/2021 at 8:31 AM, xkintaro said:


do you know dagaz too? amulet 138/142 too ?


ty bro

Dagaz is itSE 104

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On 23/03/2021 at 00:11, PTCoding said:





Com esta ferramenta você pode fazer sua própria bandeira para qualquer item que desejar! (BETA)







Como usar

Abra  wartale-flag-tool.exe

Clique em Abrir Arquivo  e escolha o arquivo SMD que deseja marcar no cliente Wartale.

Nota:  Os itens são colocados em "<Wartale client> \ image \ Sinimage \ Items \ DropItem"






Clique em Salvar arquivo e pronto! ?




Nota: Você pode escolher uma imagem personalizada se desejar ou se o arquivo não existir no site Wartale.


Imagem de bandeira personalizada

Clique em Get Local Texture  e escolha uma imagem.




Novamente, clique em Salvar arquivo e pronto! ?





No jogo




Cópia de segurança


Tudo será salvo em "<cliente Wartale> \ image \ wtflagtool \ backup"  antes que o arquivo seja modificado.

Você pode copiar e substituir os arquivos na pasta em  "<cliente Wartale> \ image \ Sinimage \ Items \ DropItem"  para obter seus arquivos originais de volta!?




Download: Clique aqui!


VirusTotal: Clique aqui!


Se você é Coder e só quer saber como fiz a escala ou quer melhorar esta ferramenta, pode baixar o código-fonte e criar sua própria versão.


Download:  Clique aqui !


VirusTotal Scan: Clique aqui! 



Por que o arquivo zip é tão grande ???  Porque eu codifiquei em Node.js + Electron (tecnologia de desktop HTML + Javascript), e CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) é necessário para isso (CEF é basicamente um navegador, como Chrome, Firefox ...).







New Update:


Now you can choose the size of the flag between 0.5 ~ 5.0. (Thanks @Diell for the suggestion)






hello brother, your app does not work on windows 32 bits, could you update it for this operating system? says it's not compatible, I've changed what I needed but nothing works, only on windows 64bits.



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Wonderfull work! Ty for you time to do this! ?


Now somebody can post here de item code list most important

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Anyone has flag for forces? I only see for normal sheltom

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6 hours ago, poosh1 said:

Anyone has flag for forces? I only see for normal sheltom

Normal Sheltons already work as Forces too.

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I finally can back, will try something new on it ?


If you've any suggestion (or something about the tool), please PM here or in-game: Phaedra (I'm accepting Items for my 11x Prs : P)


Thank you all for using this tool and leaving your feedback.

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