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Wtf is happening with rpt rules?

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1st topic Doctorpoison got perm ban




He already had a second chance



Then he make another topic about unban




And he GOT UNBANNED lol!


I mean this is some communication fault ?


I made a topic about frenzy and shockwave and no GM has even talked about that and still waiting a good anwser!


They say no SPECIAL RULES , but i dont see this for real! not aply for all :)


made this topic here cuz whinning section ppl dont see too much!


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Rule applied for one must be applied for others


unfortantely this doesn't happen in rpt =(

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GM said "Banned Regen hack" and now unbanned


Welcome to rPT, where everything is possible.


Server have rules?  yes


Rules work?  no


Well like I said before "at every day I get surprise"



PS: Saying true here u can get a "warning" <---- that rules work, own experience.


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Some people are not open to critics, so yea, be careful. Hipocrisy around~

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im not making any harm to anyone here



I just want to know what is happening here !!!

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You guys might want to hold on the criticism for matters "you know nothing about". That's what I read somewhere in these boards anyway.


ps: inb4lock.gif

if you got memory,they are banned over and over again.

whats your level in game ? do u guys go to bc always ?

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Shit! People are getting unbanned!? Can I get unbanned now pleaaaaase! I've learned my lesson, I swear!  ???

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You guys might want to hold on the criticism for matters "you know nothing about". That's what I read somewhere in these boards anyway.


ps: inb4lock.gif

No, thanks, we're not holding anything.


If you had any knowledge of how does that roll ingame I'm sure you wouldn't be saying anything at all.


So as obviously it's you who's talking about something you don't know I suggest you to hold on the unecessary "ass-kissing" comments.


But true that, in before lock... seems that's the new position of the staff over the forum, moving critics to spam or even deleting them. Incredible to see this behavior from the same who always told me that I needed to be patient and that I got to take all criticism in silence.


Hoping for a review on this case. I don't know what happened to lead this to an unban.

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"Energy Bar Error"  do not means Regen hack..

thats an misunderstanding

its the players replace their client file, energy bar BMP pic

if u do so,  u will have a Energy Bar Error too

so u guys can stop this now, its just make no sense for this topic


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"Energy Bar Error"  do not means Regen hack..

thats an misunderstanding

its the players replace their client file, energy bar BMP pic

if u do so,  u will have a Energy Bar Error too

so u guys can stop this now, its just make no sense for this topic


When people already reporting about impressive outstanding tanking skills of a low level char AND an admin says IT IS regen hack I can't understand how that's possible to NOT be regen hack.


So thanks for the useless contribution to this topic.


Ah, plus: do you know what is it about? Do you know who's that about? I bet you don't. Because if you do, unless it's about yourself, you wouldn't be saying what you just said.


1- banned multiple times, 'cause of "error"

2- reported countless times, 'bout something that fits the error PERFECTLY

3- permanent banned. And unban request DENIED by an admin who actually said it IS regen hack

4- now, breaking another rule of multiple request, and not EVEN bringing something new to the case, wich would justify the multiple request, and unbanned


Can you understand what's going on over here?

So, if you guys that didn't follow the whole history and don't know the player of this case we talk about, please, just read and try to know what everyone is talking about.

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"Energy Bar Error"  do not means Regen hack..

thats an misunderstanding

its the players replace their client file, energy bar BMP pic

if u do so,  u will have a Energy Bar Error too

so u guys can stop this now, its just make no sense for this topic




i dont buy that,let us see how many times they will ban and unban.

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"Energy Bar Error"  do not means Regen hack..

thats an misunderstanding

its the players replace their client file, energy bar BMP pic

if u do so,  u will have a Energy Bar Error too

so u guys can stop this now, its just make no sense for this topic


You're completely wrong buddy. I've edited a lot of thing in the game and I've never got ban.

And yes, I've also edited hp/str/mp bar.

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As no one disagree with what I'm saying I don't understand the reason of locking a topic I just opened.


There's no fact or anything that could be used as proof that any reply will be the same anywhere. In fact, I got nothing with that, it's just not my business. Who's responsible of taking care of the forum and avoid serious topics of becoming spam places are moderators, not me, and I'm sure mods got many tools that they can use to stop spammers and prevent serious topics of becoming a whine topic.


By "preventing" spam just closing a topic where there's nothing wrong I just see a lazy attitude to avoid future monitoring a topic with "hot" content where probably many people will manifest their thoughts about that matter.


Just like moving topics unnecessarily to spam places and removing critics, doesn't matter if I'm being sarcastic or not, just closing my topics for nothing are just silencing me, taking my right to express what I think about server and forums (in beneath of both), taking the credibility from my words. I feel like I'm losing my time over this, and even more, I feel totally disrespected, specially because I'm an old member of this forum, VERY active and constantly worried about the server health and the players.


I'm just not creating a 4th topic because I'm not stupid enough to keep losing my time over this, I'm sure I'll be silenced once more, when I'm doing absolutelly nothing wrong.

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Well if people who do bad things over and over again can be unbanned... then an honest player who is beloved by the community like myself surely deserves a second chance :) time to make another unban topic :)

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Well if people who do bad things over and over again can be unbanned... then an honest player who is beloved by the community like myself surely deserves a second chance :) time to make another unban topic :)

Pfff beloved! Where did you get that from? :o


OWWW btw, wtf is that about? You, banned? O__O PM MEH!

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Play rpt as if you are brainless/zombie just senseless or without any emotion then u can play otherwise dont play because many of us are human not zombie whereby be nice and shoe polishing certain people to get unabn over and over again lmao

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Play rpt as if you are brainless/zombie just senseless or without any emotion then u can play otherwise dont play because many of us are human not zombie whereby be nice and shoe polishing certain people to get unabn over and over again lmao

There's a small conflict between your own words.


Being senseless have nothing with it. If the staff was senseless their rules would be applied ignoring anything that could make a case different than other, wich is wrong.

If the community was senseless we wouldn't be talking about this subject right now.

So that doesn't apply in any way.

Also if there's a need o shoe polishing people for favours there's something involving feelings on it, your own words dismiss your argument.


What happens, not talking about this case, but generally, at least as I can see, is that rules are many times applied in a wrong way, sometimes just like processed by a machine and sometimes an excessive caring about cases particularities, being processed under personal views but not necessarily under the rules, when both should come together, law and "heart", and there should be a ballance between them, the rules fit the case and personal views mold it taking in consideration the case particularities that make each case unique.

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Some people are not open to critics, so yea, be careful. Hipocrisy around~


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Interesting how i talk to a ex-GM asking him to help me i guess he didnt look into it anyway


I guess there's nothing more to say

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1st topic Doctorpoison got perm ban




He already had a second chance



Then he make another topic about unban




And he GOT UNBANNED lol!


I mean this is some communication fault ?


I made a topic about frenzy and shockwave and no GM has even talked about that and still waiting a good anwser!


They say no SPECIAL RULES , but i dont see this for real! not aply for all :)


made this topic here cuz whinning section ppl dont see too much!


I am sorry but obviously you count better than the ban log then? :)


I missed his previous unban attempt and I therefore edited his ban to perm again. Honest mistake. A PM would have sufficed in this case, like everyone else does ;)

But maybe you are feeling special?

Also I must ask the same question that I have asked a million times before; Why do those who actually took the time to read the rules of the server not complain?

I would suggest you to chill the fuck down and read the rules again.


yea, i saw them on many servers.


P.S.  u guys are doing exactly the same thing that you're talking about

will staff ban one innocent player just becoz u post 56789 same new topics? 





"Energy Bar Error"  do not means Regen hack..

thats an misunderstanding

its the players replace their client file, energy bar BMP pic

if u do so,  u will have a Energy Bar Error too

so u guys can stop this now, its just make no sense for this topic



I doubt this is the case but I dont know, because I am not stupid enough to have tested :)

IF this is the case and you have indeed tested it a simple bug report would be to much to ask for? :/



This slander which appeared because I made ONE mistake (that you pointed out anyway) mixed with the general paranoia of yourself brought you to make this post?



If there is a next time when you feel the urge of doing something like this again, which is not only most unnecessary but also hurting ppl who has done nothing wrong, please take a can and scream into it.

If that doesnt suffice you can always send a PM instead.


Case closed/moved/blabla

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