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Fake price in shop title, is that considered as a scam attempt ?

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9 minutes ago, celesty said:

@Support In Brazil real life.
Ad price must be equal to the price charged at the cashier
This law exists in Brazil because many traders steal the consumer and make people pay much more for not checking prices.

I think google did not translate correctly what I said before.



honestly, it is a law for stupid people who do not pay attention, or do not know how to do it.

lousy example, Brazil is not an example for laws in this sense.


It is just a marketing tactic, the person will look at the ad store that draws the best attention, now you want to have inspectors in ricarten to check if the price is according to the announcement? bull****

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16 minutes ago, celesty said:

Ad price must be equal to the price charged at the cashier
This law exists in Brazil because many traders steal the consumer and make people pay much more for not checking prices.


We cannot apply rl into game because:

- WT is not real life.

- WT is global server so can't use rule of 1 country for other.

- If we are using rl rules into game then we should not bane any for bad languge because in many country there are no rules for it.


The seller can always say he sold the ad item already.


P.S: It would be silly for someone to pay for something higher than the ad in real life and then go report it.

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A lot of times it happens where a pricetag in a shop is incorrect because the prices have changed. The reason shops generally give it to you for the changed price is to keep the customer happy. In this scenario the seller obviously doesn't care about you being happy as a customer which is fine, just don't buy his item or if you're really really upset don't go back to his shop but i got a feeling you'll get over it real quick =] Is it annoying? yes,,, but that's about it =]

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