Mrodolfo 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 Did you like the event of July? (Puzzle event) 1. Yes? 2. No? If you want speak why you liked or why you not liked post here.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geovane 78 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 2. No -Old event -Boring Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Odoaker 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 YES event is an extra something, if you vote No your like one of those bitches from mysweetsixteen 'OOW WOW, a BMW!!!! Wait WAHT NIGGER DAD?! BLUE?! I WANTED PINK FFS ' getting my point? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 Didn't like. Please remove any jigsaw events from now on... unless they all have the same drop rate (pieces) ^^ I have like 3 knights puzzle missing only piece 8, no matter how hard I try to get those... And paying 5kk/piece is useless because I can get teleport core Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~Trinitas~ 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 i liked it ^^ yes its an old event, but pt is an old game lol. gave sort of a distraction away from the regular grinding...the only thing that was kinda crappy was getting the teleport cores...i thought it was kind of a pointless prize since they can just be bought for 110k lol (not that a bikini is all that useful either but its cute :3 hehe) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Melocrie 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 Some people are really hard to satisfy.. D: I like the event, because it motivated me to xp again. I also see the fun in having a few really rare pieces which requires effort to find, and I like how after so much effort you may get stuck with a stupid telecore. I'm not being totally sarcastic here, I mean it when I say I like the event It's all part of it, in my opinion. On a more cynical note, I am also enjoying ppl's responses when they buy a rare piece for 30kk, then blame the event or the server when they get like a reset stone.. The best thing I got so far is either the phoenix egg or the mana aura, next to that I got a few reset stones, telecores and mostly celesto forces. Instead of getting upset, I actually find it hilarious... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viking 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 I bet who got many Phoenix Egg love this, but who got tons of reset stones are pissed off It's not bad at all, demand time and luck to get something that worth. At least there's no item flood like happened with few other events Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[n00b]Aipim 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 I like it cuz ever have PT in ad2 jajAJAJAJAjaJAJAj Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Godwin08 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 drop rate is very low... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~Trinitas~ 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 drop rate is very low... not rly...i turn in a few puzzles a day and i don't ply all that much tbh, maybe a couple hrs of actual game play (xping)...sure pieces 7 & 8 don't drop as frequently but thats kinda the point otherwise people be cashing them in way too much making the prizes completely pointless, or the prize rate would be even lower meaning there'd be more people complaining lol ??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites