Rehv 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 Please tell me how does a newcomer 9x (means... doesn't have another char) get a weapon of his level? Very difficult to low level new players to go past 100 with crappy gear. I wanted to level my nooby pike alone, but I guess I'll have to power lvl him with my ata/mech/knight/prs ? Please discuss. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RauL~ 1 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 I was exping my mgs 9x leeching u.u Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RauL~ 1 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 The only way.. Or you can hunt the 9x equips yourself .. hardwork Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~Trinitas~ 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 leeching is not rly can go to battle town and buy from the npc if no one is selling in personal shop..check the shops on athena if you haven't alrdy. if golds an issue then go to mystery forest and you can get a lot of gold there in a short time fairly easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 The only way.. Or you can hunt the 9x equips yourself .. hardwork yeah, I wonder why I always see the same ppl and their mules playing...[/sarcasm] Starting in this server IS hard. I remember I started with my brother, playing priestess and mage (when VL and ATR/DEF still worked, we didn't need to have GEAR to tank with HP and then I leveled all other chars with those 2 to past 100 (the only moment I could get gear of my lvl). leeching is not rly can go to battle town and buy from the npc if no one is selling in personal shop..check the shops on athena if you haven't alrdy. if golds an issue then go to mystery forest and you can get a lot of gold there in a short time fairly easy. Battle town always gives crappy gear... sometimes its better to have a lower level perf bow than one with min stats and lv/2.... Also personal shops doesn't have them because they DON'T DROP (see lost island drops... I can get 9x gear only with DG, but wait... you have to be lvl 100 to enter there so won't help new players). The gold isn't the problem, really. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iaan 26 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 I was exping my mgs 9x leeching u.u FTW ' Or you can : 0-40 ( Ruinem with cristal ) 40-70 ( Oasis With cristal ) 70-75 ( Ct1 With cristal ) 75-90 ( Ct2 With cristal - Sod with party) 90-95 ( Sod with party ) 95-110 ( md1-md2-md3 - Sod with party ) 110-115 ( ft1 ) 115-120 ( ft2) 120-125 ( ad1 ) 125-130 ( ad2 ) 130-135 ( ad3 ) 135-140 ( ft2 ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~Trinitas~ 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 Also personal shops doesn't have them because they DON'T DROP (see lost island drops... I can get 9x gear only with DG, but wait... you have to be lvl 100 to enter there so won't help new players). The gold isn't the problem, really. funny, i sell 9x gear all the time in my shop : sure you might not find that stuff at your lvl but i was talking personal shops not hunting. fact of the matter is if you wanna start from scratch and not rely on you higher lvl chars its gonna be harder to do obviously and you're not gonna get the best gear cause tbh I know more people that just npc the gear rather than sell it. I started my ata on this server with no help and got by just fine on the gear that i managed to scrounge up from personal shops and ns crap gear from the npc, idk what exactly you want for advice but that how it is sry :3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vodkawolf 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 I was exping my mgs 9x leeching u.u FTW ' Or you can : Mistery Forest ( With crystal) 70-75 ( Ct1 With crstal ) 75-90 ( Ct2 With cristal - Sod with party) 90-95 ( Sod with party ) 95-110 ( md1-md2-md3 - Sod with party ) 110-115 ( ft1 ) 115-120 ( ft2) 120-125 ( ad1 ) 125-130 ( ad2 ) 130-135 ( ad3 ) 135-140 ( ft2 ) Fixed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2011 funny, i sell 9x gear all the time in my shop : sure you might not find that stuff at your lvl but i was talking personal shops not hunting. fact of the matter is if you wanna start from scratch and not rely on you higher lvl chars its gonna be harder to do obviously and you're not gonna get the best gear cause tbh I know more people that just npc the gear rather than sell it. I started my ata on this server with no help and got by just fine on the gear that i managed to scrounge up from personal shops and ns crap gear from the npc, idk what exactly you want for advice but that how it is sry :3 just to be clear, I'm not seeking any advice :~ just pointing out that we don't see many newcomers and the possible reasons for that... I mean... it's not impossible but it requires some faith and real hard work to do (old game with new players... if they see things getting too hard they just drop it and try another one) ... I only think that if this server wants to keep its player income, we have to get things a lil easier for low levels... I myself just stay at this server because I play priston since 2002/3, and stick around even when I'm not actively lvling my chars... 90-95 Sod with party 95-110 md1-md2-md3 - Sod with party gear? at lvl 95, the only class that can actually do this is mech... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
easternheretic 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2011 Do you ever use the trade chat? How about checking all three servers? I see 9x items in town all the time. If you're not seeing any you can always ask in trade chat. Then there the option to apply for a clan. Most clans are very open on giving gear to lower levels, because quite frankly 9x ~ 10x items aren't really worth much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
upperhand 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2011 I'm new here but i played pristontale for awhile now and i know how to get around and train with low lvl equipment even though for me at times its kinda hard so i can see a new player probally quitting but that happens everywhere. I did notice you don't start getting any good gear and weapons till you are over 100 lvl but like the gentleman above said just bring alot of xtals with you and you can survive even hs if you spawn enough of them and still earn decent exp. But this is fine it makes you feel good when you can accomplish something and sticking it out getting over 100 lvl. With so many shops here if you save enough gold you can get some decent gear its just you have to keep checking reguarly in shops to get gear and weapons. This isn't bad i wouldn't want everything handed to me starting out that would defeat the purpose of having something to accomplish. I like the way the server is setup myself. It keeps you from getting bored and you have to find decent gear and weapons. Its like the first time i got dias as a magician years ago i felt like i had accomplished something worth while and it felt good working my way up to get it. Then i got meteor with the tier 4 skills set and that was awesome and now this server has t5 skills. Something to look forward to i will tell you that. Its the best one i have ever played in. My advice to anyone new just stick it out and play to get over 100 lvl and use alot of xtals and you will be fine. Read the forum where to train at your lvl and its not that bad i enjoy it myself and i am new here i just turned lvl 86 on my ata and its got crappy gear but oh well i just get alot of xtals and use them if i need them in certain places i think i cannot with stand alot of hits and i am fine. Hope this helps some other new people. Cya.... upperhand.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Klaus 0 Report post Posted September 11, 2011 I was exping my mgs 9x leeching u.u FTW ' Or you can : 0-40 ( Ruinem with cristal ) 40-70 ( Oasis With cristal ) 70-75 ( Ct1 With cristal ) 75-90 ( Ct2 With cristal - Sod with party) 90-95 ( Sod with party ) 95-110 ( md1-md2-md3 - Sod with party ) 110-115 ( ft1 ) 115-120 ( ft2) 120-125 ( ad1 ) 125-130 ( ad2 ) 130-135 ( ad3 ) 135-140 ( ft2 ) Well, is too easy found places wheres to level up at 9x, BUT ... Where are the NPC whom sells items level 90, ( atlantis 80,85 ; battle town 95,100) ? could you dears gms put any seller's NPC? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites