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Bosstime is is behaving weird

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This weekend the bosstime is behaving weird. Today it was 02h20 when I went to hunt Centlon with my PRS and Draxos with my AS. Draxos spawned 02h20 but Centlon not, I could feel It was a surprise for many players once when Draxos spawned there was about 5 or 6 players killing it. Afterwards, I checked the bosstime (F10) just to evaluate if something went wrong, and yes it is. The boss time for my PRS was xxh05, however, for my archer it was xxh20 and I was killing Draxos at that time. How can bosstime be different depending on the account you're on? Why did bosstime change suddenly? Is that related to happy hour event? 

This is just one example, something went wrong at Saturday too...


Hey Staff, please sleep on that and let us know what's the beef.


+1 if you faced the same. 

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