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2x EXP Event

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Prepare to be locked out of the servers. It's the weekend, plus double experience = "Server is full".


I recommend GMs to kick out afk-shops so that people can actually get to level up.  :-*

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also create more hellspawns so that the ppl who cant find a spawn, also profit of the event :P

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wouldn't creating more hellspawns create like..hell lag? Dx


theres too many xp up events imo...they're cool and all but too much of a good thing is bad  :-\

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Yes and you will see alot of ks'rs out to steal and loot your spawn on thess kind of events also. I would love to see bless castle spawned with alot of monsters on event days. That would help leviate some of the chaos of finding an area to play in. It wouldn't help on lag issues but that would help everyone get a chance to earn some exp on event days. Bless Castle and Navisko could have a hell spawns in them for 2x exp. So everyone could join in and have fun earning exp instead of trying to find a HS or anywhere for that matter because i am new to this server but not pristontale and from what i know exp events you will be lucky to find a little area even those will be taken. Like someone else said if you can even get on to even play. Actually anywhere in the maps you could have an full hell spawn in just a map area. The thing is creating to many spawns can eventually knock down a server so from that i stand like the rest but maybe hellspawns in bless castle and navisco would really be enough i think for everyone. Who knows just my opionion anyway.



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i have seen it announce 2x from  Friday 18:00 to Sunday 18:00!

it still dont start by now?

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Humm, that´s why I get server full right now  :P

yes.it is hard to access and lag.

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Kick people: won't happen

More spawns: bug


Exp events mean crowd server. I don't know why they happen so often, they should be somehow special. But we get them everytime, and they last days. Days that we can't play properly~

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-GMs need to add more dmg for mobs, 2  people easily take over a big HS with 4 leeches

- add more mobs for Ad1 and Ad2 so  people don't have place to can't leech!

- make AD2 PK-able!


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-GMs need to add more dmg for mobs, 2  people easily take over a big HS with 4 leeches



So prs can't level up right?




- add more mobs for Ad1 and Ad2 so  people don't have place to can't leech!



It won't happen and i think it's not a good idea


- make AD2 PK-able!



Hell no



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-GMs need to add more dmg for mobs, 2  people easily take over a big HS with 4 leeches

- add more mobs for Ad1 and Ad2 so  people don't have place to can't leech!

- make AD2 PK-able!

-no...this would cause people to regress back to lower lvl maps which would not resolve the issue..only cause people to complain and flood the other maps. imo this would cause more problems then it would solve.


-i don't see this happening either, if people wanna leech they will find a place to leech, especially in the pre aor maps, the map elements make it way to easy to do in these older maps.


-lol wut? no



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-GMs need to add more dmg for mobs, 2  people easily take over a big HS with 4 leeches

- add more mobs for Ad1 and Ad2 so  people don't have place to can't leech!

- make AD2 PK-able!

-no...this would cause people to regress back to lower lvl maps which would not resolve the issue..only cause people to complain and flood the other maps. imo this would cause more problems then it would solve.


-i don't see this happening either, if people wanna leech they will find a place to leech, especially in the pre aor maps, the map elements make it way to easy to do in these older maps.


-lol wut? no


Agreed. Maps like FT2 would be so overcrowded with 12x, and 13x if AD becomes harder or un-leechable.


As for making it PK, I guess we can have one of the three servers PK.

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