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Dropped my 115 brace :( please return

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Yesterday, I was running from ric to md3 and during that time I dropped my 115 braces :(

They were Prs spec and bell mixed, I would appreciate it if you picked them up, to return them :) please.  contact BeakerPrs or any of TheForgotten clan and they will get them back to me, or pm me here on forum.


Its a shot in the dark but I'm hoping :)

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It was my own fault :( not the game so I wont ask for a restore. But I figured I would ask here for anyone to return if they picked em up.


Otherwise, well im SOL, and ill have to work to get another pair :(

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try contact SM, maybe he will restore ;o

I highly doubt SM will be involved as his brace was not donated. And, also that he dropped them due to his carelessness.

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try contact SM, maybe he will restore ;o

I highly doubt SM will be involved as his brace was not donated. And, also that he dropped them due to his carelessness.


ouch.... im pretty sure i said as much. thanks

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On what char did you drop it


I was on BeakerPrs.

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I dropped it sometime this Morning server time I'm not sure of exact time i think around 4 am. my time about 10pm

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i dropped 106 boots mix enigma and 110 bracelets fs bellum mix and i never ask gm for anything cause it isnt a bug a lag error or dissapeared just because, i just punish myself for a it( im an idiot im a stupid f*k me etc etc) and then i said to myself: ok, time to make money to buy new ones,


i even recall 1 time where i drop 7kk to my other char but he was to far from money and other person grab it, i didnt ask that guy for my money back not once, cause it was on the floor i knew it could happend and it was time to insult myself again and learn how to be more cautious


this is just me telling my expierience on this kind of issues. sometimes we need to be kicked by horse to know we dont have to step beh¡nd it


P.S: im replying cause this is in toqnsquare.. shouldnt this post be in the recovery center section???

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i dropped 106 boots mix enigma and 110 bracelets fs bellum mix and i never ask gm for anything cause it isnt a bug a lag error or dissapeared just because, i just punish myself for a it( im an idiot im a stupid f*k me etc etc) and then i said to myself: ok, time to make money to buy new ones,


i even recall 1 time where i drop 7kk to my other char but he was to far from money and other person grab it, i didnt ask that guy for my money back not once, cause it was on the floor i knew it could happend and it was time to insult myself again and learn how to be more cautious


this is just me telling my expierience on this kind of issues. sometimes we need to be kicked by horse to know we dont have to step beh¡nd it


P.S: im replying cause this is in toqnsquare.. shouldnt this post be in the recovery center section???


No i wasnt asking for recovery from GM's, I was asking if any one picked them up and was willing to return them (player).

And Wartale kindly decided to look in to in, For which I am very grateful.

Thank you Wartale.


I know it was my fault. :( but I asked here on the off chance if someone picked them up they would return.


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I guess we can close this now ;)


Be more careful in the future

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