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Re: dropping items while teleporting from RIC to MD maps

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So I don't know if this is just for me or if anyone else is noticing this occurrence which is why I am not reporting it as a bug since I have only had it happen a time or three.


It seems that when I am teleporting into the battle town or MD maps through NPC's if my inventory is open, I sometimes will spawn in the next map with an item in my mouse as though I have picked it up off my body. This seems to happen when if I click on "ok" and he doesn’t teleport me because I missed the actual "ok" and click a time or two more until I do get it.

I have not actually dropped anything due to this but I know people do drop items some times without knowing about it, or on accident and this may be a cause.


Just posting to see if anyone else has had this happen or notices it so if it is a legit bug, it can be reported properly, rather than me just being like, so I randomly get my items in my mouse when I teleport.


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keep your inventory closed...the day is saved once again by trinitas, go me! \o/ ttyl kitty






no not rly...


actually i've done that before too, luckily i haven't dropped anything either but i just keep the inventory closed...i don't think its a bug rly though, i think its like an accidental click kinda thing when you click ok to teleport and the the game is loading to the next map, if that makes any sense

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Yea, I agree but, to those who don't know about this, I figured I'd get the word out.

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Lock the inventory or change your settings. This happens all the time especially with gaunts/brace. They are just at about the same height as the teleport prompt. 

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