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Quest 124 - Ring of Endurance

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Hi everyone,


So I have been doing the quest Ring of Endurance for the past several days. It is the quest for level 124 that lets you kill Igolations in ET3. When an Igolation drops the Ring of Endurance you are supposed to take it back to Odesses in Lost Temple to get your reward. The reward is 5 stat points, 250kkk exp and 25kk gold.


Thus far I have killed 100+ Igolations and have not had the ring dropped yet. Which leads me to question if this quest is bugged? Is it normal that it requires to kill this amount of Igolations? Or am I just extremely unlucky?


Looking forward to your insights ?.



Edited by Dorada

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21 hours ago, Dorada said:

Or am I just extremely unlucky?


yes, some ppls lost 5 hours on this quest, others 15minutes, this quest is like 141/142 quest, full lottery

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Found the ring today after killing over 200 of these Igolations. Quest isn´t bugged but the drop rate is just horrible. Good luck to everyone that wants to finish this quest.

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Solo Q from 124 is totally randomize

My PS is nearly 144 but he cannot finish Q 141 yet while my SS finished both 141 and 142 before 144

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