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Could anyone explain the changes to Ice Meteorite

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Ice Meteorite added WP Damage reduced to WP/2 Damage

Ice Meteorite added Weapon Damage BugFix (didnot work, now it does)

Ice Meteorite impact meteorite damage area spread reduced from 30 to 20



I dont really know how these things work but afaik it seems bad

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nevermind, i just checked ingame and my meteorite became stronger, hope the range change doesnt effect it too much

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I'm pretty sure it's weaker in most cases. It lost an average of spirit/2 damage, and got an average of weapon min+max*2 damage. In addition, the chances of a meteorite hitting an enemy was reduced. For my priestess, that would mean I lost 180 damage from spirit, gained 156 damage from the weapon (24 damage less), and got a rather large decrease in the chances to hit enemies on top of that, which means even less damage (difficult to work out how much given how the skill works, but we're talking quite a lot of damage gone from that alone).

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my old dmg was 1 and 2handed the same i think


it was 250+(200) - 275(+299) i think



now its 1h 250+(263) - 275(+405) +14 oracle

and 2h 250+(335) - 275(+573) +15 115 staff


ps what is ur level and spirit?


mine is 126 with 299 spirit

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360 spirit, 46-55 wand. If spirit/2 = min+max*2, you do the same damage per meteorite. If you have less spirit (as in your case), you get more damage than before. If you have more (as in mine), you do less. Bad news for spirit builds, better for everything else (which honestly strikes me as a bit odd, isn't health builds pretty much the de facto priestess strategy already?).


However, that does not take the decreased splash range into account. Like I said, I can't really show any numbers here because I'm not entirely sure how to model the average damage of the skill given its behavior and the unknown factors (how impact zones are selected) and the possibility of ranged monsters that will not be near the epicenter. A 33% reduction in splash range per meteorite will however guarantee that each meteorite will have considerably less probability of hitting a given enemy, which translates into a lot less damage overall. You may be doing more damage per meteorite, but each meteorite will hit fewer enemies.

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The range of each meteor was crazy and I'm pretty sure most of the area near the middle of the target where you cast was overlapped 3 or 4 times making the damage crazy. Now I'm gonna guess it overlaps like 2-3 times near the middle.

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I don't really have any frame of reference for how large a range unit is. I don't know if the skill was too strong and better now, I'm merely pointing out that it's probably a pretty big decrease in damage output.

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