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#Patch 3213

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Fantastic solution team Rpt, once again, trying to improve one class you ended up doing that it got worse. And Why it ? Just because some ignorant people were angry when they saw that most of the sod top 10 ranking were priests, and priests were finally killing decently.

Furthermore, those people with low knowledge in game didn’t note that the Meteorite is, till the moment, the first T5 offensive skill. So, certainly, until we have more offensive skills, the meteorite will make the difference.

Another factor which proves that decision was totally precipitated and wrong, Its ‘cause you guys did it before resetting the sod ranking which benefited clans as MyHome and JustFirend that made a good score before changing the Skill, making impossible to others clans reach the first placements in sod.

That’s Funny, because I remember very well that Wartale told he wouldn’t do any change in ice meteorite. But thanks the pressure of some people, he altered the Skill, and screwed up priests once again.

Priest have no purpose in BC, in hunt only attacks undead, VL made the priests useful in the past, but now doesn’t help with anything, the only positive point was the Meteorites, and now it’s less effective than diastrophism. The damage of Chain Lightning is almost equal to the damage of Ice Meteorite.


I know that Ice Meteorite hits 10 times, and sometimes, 2 or 3 times the same monster, but it doesn’t hit the monster around me with effectiveness, we could kill fast ‘cause the skill had a nice damage and eventually it attacks the monster more than one time, but now even if it attacks the monster 3 times the damage is low. For this reason, Chain Lightning may be even better than a T5 skill, which makes no sense.

As a support class, I understand my function in this game, however, I can’t PvP or hunt down bosses nor even tank. I have the first T5 skill, but its balanced with others skills, which make me not superior than a mage, who attacks with a T3 skill. Is it so hard to understand that I NEED THE BEST AOE TO COMPENSATE THE FACT THAT I CAN’T DO ANYTHING IN A 1X1 BATTLE ?

Now if you ask me if I want to continue playing as Priest, I, evidently, would say no. Now, I don’t know if I change my class or stop playing. I believe that my will is similar to other people who play as Priest.


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By doing this nerf u have just made this T5 skill useless, and i think it's not that the point, or is it?

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Just for the record, diastrophism with L10 spirit elemental does an average 633+3S/2+m+M damage to all enemies within range per cast, where S is the spirit of the caster, m is weapon min damage and M is weapon max damage. Ice meteorites does an average of 262.5+S/2+m+M*2 per meteorite (used to be 262.5+S). In other words, each enemy in range must be hit by 2-3 meteorites to match the damage (it varies a bit depending on spirit and weapon). It costs over twice the mana and nearly three times the stamina per cast and requires 10 tier 5 points instead of 20 tier1-3 points, but does have a freeze effect (though personally, I can't say I've noticed much of an effect from that, at least not in MD1).

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Just for the record, diastrophism with L10 spirit elemental does an average 633+3S/2+m+M damage to all enemies within range per cast, where S is the spirit of the caster, m is weapon min damage and M is weapon max damage. Ice meteorites does an average of 262.5+S/2+m+M*2 per meteorite (used to be 262.5+S). In other words, each enemy in range must be hit by 2-3 meteorites to match the damage (it varies a bit depending on spirit and weapon). It costs over twice the mana and nearly three times the stamina per cast and requires 10 tier 5 points instead of 20 tier1-3 points, but does have a freeze effect (though personally, I can't say I've noticed much of an effect from that, at least not in MD1).

Correct, you just forgot that diastrophism is effective attacking the monster around the caster, comparing with ice meteorite the difference is gigantesque, that with lucky, only attack with 5 meteorites the monsters around the caster, so diastrophism is MUCH better.

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i have a 101 prs,thank to IM,my damage has increased a lot,but now,IM's damage is even worse than CL,so what's the point in using it ??

Final damage my CL is around 700,but IM?only 500 lol.

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I agreed  with Ryoko.

Today was leveling in ad2, my xp was similar a pike lv 134 that I up yesterday, funny that I' am lvl 129 =/

Wartale let the skill as it was before. For Priest be useful Again.

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I'm afraid the new damage was based on incorrect data of the DL and CL skills on the website.


I corrected it now and the next patch will increase the damage again.

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I'm afraid the new damage was based on incorrect data of the DL and CL skills on the website.


I corrected it now and the next patch will increase the damage again.

anyway, I'm still worried about the impatic area, 20 is too low, before this patch each meteorite hited 3 monsters(?) now it hardly hit 2

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Correct, you just forgot that diastrophism is effective attacking the monster around the caster, comparing with ice meteorite the difference is gigantesque, that with lucky, only attack with 5 meteorites the monsters around the caster, so diastrophism is MUCH better.


I didn't forget. I said diastrophism would do that much damage to everything within range. Since ice meteorites does not have a uniform damage distribution, it is different. For one cast of diastrophism with X enemies within range, a cast of ice meteorites must hit X number of enemies with an average of 2-3 meteorites each, depending on the spirit/weapon of the casters involved. The effectiveness of diastrophism is predictable regardless of how monsters are positioned, for ice meteorites it is not. Theoretically you could hit all enemies with 10 hits and do a lot more damage than diastrophism could hope to, or you could hit none of them at all. It depends on how the enemies are positioned within the area of effect, and the impact areas of the meteorites. If they are standing around you, you'll do more damage on average. If they are all standing near the outer bounds of the area, you'll do less.


I said it elsewhere, but it could stand repeating; I can't readily think of a good way to model the ice meteorite damage the way it works right now. The best I can do is state that given the numbers, 2-3 meteorites needs to hit each enemy to match diastrophism. I don't know if that is the case usually or not.


And just for the record; yes, I do think the priestess got screwed over. Not necessarily because of ice meteorites, but rather a combination of things. It's less noticable now because they got an early tier 5 boost, but other classes will be getting theirs too eventually.


I'm afraid the new damage was based on incorrect data of the DL and CL skills on the website.


I corrected it now and the next patch will increase the damage again.


Er, okay. What will the new damage be (and what was that incorrect data)?

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practice is defferent than the theory. It's impossible to have all the monster positioned in a way that one ice meteorite cast hit them all. The practive shows us that in most of time the monsters are positioned around the caster, for that reason, Ryoko is right saying that diastrophism is more effective than ice meteorite. But anyway, we shouldn't dwell on this subject.

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Kinda invalid, i'm tired to see every spawn on AD with Priests soloing with their meteorites, and almost 5 leechers on the walls




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Kinda invalid, i'm tired to see every spawn on AD with Priests soloing with their meteorites, and almost 5 leechers on the walls

You're one of the person that ryoko mentioned that have no knowlegde about this game, it's impossible a priest tank all the hs in AD1/AD2 without anyone to help. So, if you saw 5 leechers this means that she had someone to tank for her. And also, in AD1/AD2 we have ranger, so if you stay a long time soling a spawn, after some minutes the spawn will have only rangers.

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Ah, new patch.

# Ice Meteorite Max Wp Damage from (Wp/2) to (Wp*1)

# Ice Meteorite Min and Max Weapon Damage from x2-x4 to x4-x4


Which brings us to 633+3S/2+m+M for diastrophism and 262.5+3S/4+m*2+M*2 per meteorite, which I guess would be around 1.5-2 meteorites per monster for equal damage (again depending on weapon damage and spirit involved).



practice is defferent than the theory. It's impossible to have all the monster positioned in a way that one ice meteorite cast hit them all. The practive shows us that in most of time the monsters are positioned around the caster, for that reason, Ryoko is right saying that diastrophism is more effective than ice meteorite. But anyway, we shouldn't dwell on this subject.


I didn't say he was wrong. I am saying that direct comparisons are not possible because they work in different ways. Enemies in a crescent shape in front of the caster benefits diastrophism as it will waste no damage, compare to ice meteorites which will waste roughly half the damage output from the meteorites landing behind the caster and hitting nothing. On the other hand, as the probability of a meteorite hitting close to the epicenter is greater than it hitting points further out, enemies tightly packed around the caster could very well result in several meteorite hitting all of them. This is all assuming that the meteorites impact points are completely random, and not forcibly spread out evenly over the area of effect. Constructing a model for diastrophism damage is easy. For ice meteorites, not so much. To accurately compare the two, you'd have to analyze the inner workings of ice meteorites a great deal more. I've given the best approximation I can based on the information I have, what you do with it is up to you. If you believe substantially less meteorites hit each enemy than what I said, then that might be an argument for why ice meteorites is weaker.


Kinda invalid, i'm tired to see every spawn on AD with Priests soloing with their meteorites, and almost 5 leechers on the walls


AD is a best-case scenario for the priestess, given their unique defense and offense against exclusively undead enemies. I would like the priestess to be weakened against undead, and strengthened against everything else, but that is another matter.

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Kinda invalid, i'm tired to see every spawn on AD with Priests soloing with their meteorites, and almost 5 leechers on the walls

You're one of the person that ryoko mentioned that have no knowlegde about this game, it's impossible a priest tank all the hs in AD1/AD2 without anyone to help. So, if you saw 5 leechers this means that she had someone to tank for her. And also, in AD1/AD2 we have ranger, so if you stay a long time soling a spawn, after some minutes the spawn will have only rangers.


yeah its fuckin hard to lure all those rangers together... :D

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Priestess no kill  BC.

Priestess no kill  SOD solo.

Priestess very good to UP, needs a good skill.  ;)

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Well, I got my answer, and thanks sandurr for being fast on that.

I'm afraid the new damage was based on incorrect data of the DL and CL skills on the website.


I corrected it now and the next patch will increase the damage again.

anyway, I'm still worried about the impatic area, 20 is too low, before this patch each meteorite hited 3 monsters(?) now it hardly hit 2

Let's wait the new patch and see how it goes.






You show no arguments in your affirmation, and tryied to change the topic subject, reported.

/Topic closed till I do more test.

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