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force help mg and prs skill? hope GM reply me...

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i want know use force add skill damage or not

Coz i use it ,but skill not show it add ,but other man tell me add

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prs add on MS and VB 8)


in all class no add in skill area efect.

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Last time I asked this question GM said to me test and see if the force works to mgs and pris myself =)

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i tested it and it seems to work for mgs and prs aoe.


i reset my mages spirit and used a lvl 1 wand then used watornado lvl 1 with and without sheltom force. i did about twice as much damage after i used a force orb (base damage without force was about 50-100 so adding another 80 WP dmg from devine force should indeed double my dmg).

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This question intrigues me until nowadays. I actually and honestly don't know how to test, and all my attempts doesn't showed somethings feasible. So, i Have no option but trusting someone.



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I have not tested it all that much, but I played around a bit with resetting stats and using forces on my priestess a while back, and I'm certain that VB is affected by sheltom forces, and fairly convinced (though not completely sure) that CL is not. I would assume the same goes for damage increasing buffs, though I haven't checked.

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the problem is, in rPT, it adds such negligible amounts of dmg it isn't noticed. when you are doing 1000+ dmg from your skill alone, you will barely notice an extra 40 or 80. it helps sure, but just because you use a force isn't going to make you stand out against someone who isnt

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If only there was a percentage damage added to magic attack power (e.g. +%WP added) as well, as it is added to raw attack power.

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That was my conclusion based on my very limited tests as well, though I could be wrong. Only tested it with VB and CL for the priestess, and I'm not entirely sure about the CL.

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Actually the normal added damage of forces is only applied to 1on1 skills.

But the added WP damage (added in rPT) is applied to both 1on1 skills and AoE.


Recently I started thinking about removing the WP damage on AoE skills. But not sure yet. Can discuss it here.

Ice Meteorite T5 currently is not affected by WP damage though.

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Actually the normal added damage of forces is only applied to 1on1 skills.

But the added WP damage (added in rPT) is applied to both 1on1 skills and AoE.


Recently I started thinking about removing the WP damage on AoE skills. But not sure yet. Can discuss it here.

Ice Meteorite T5 currently is not affected by WP damage though.


Was the effect on AoE a recent change? The difference in base damage between VB and CL would make a devine force effect less obvious, but I don't remember seeing much of a difference. Not that it's beyond the realm of possibility that I screwed up...


Anyway, as long as it's consistent, I don't mind either way. Since spirit-based bonuses vary from spell to spell (some not having any at all), having it affect them all but differently depending on the spell is a bit iffy to begin with. I'd prefer it was based entirely on your attack power (which in turn is based on various factors, including the spirit and weapon of the caster), with forces adding to that, but that's another matter. Making it affect the weapon min/max rather than spirit is another alternative, as there are no spells that are affected by spirit but not by the weapon. Either way, as it stands, I'd go with letting it affect all spells just so there is no question about it, but if it leads to balance issues, restricting it to non-AoE is okay too. Just please, avoid doing it on an individual skill basis. That'll just make things more confusing.

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Actually the normal added damage of forces is only applied to 1on1 skills.

But the added WP damage (added in rPT) is applied to both 1on1 skills and AoE.


Recently I started thinking about removing the WP damage on AoE skills. But not sure yet. Can discuss it here.

Ice Meteorite T5 currently is not affected by WP damage though.


Was the effect on AoE a recent change? The difference in base damage between VB and CL would make a devine force effect less obvious, but I don't remember seeing much of a difference. Not that it's beyond the realm of possibility that I screwed up...


Anyway, as long as it's consistent, I don't mind either way. Since spirit-based bonuses vary from spell to spell (some not having any at all), having it affect them all but differently depending on the spell is a bit iffy to begin with. I'd prefer it was based entirely on your attack power (which in turn is based on various factors, including the spirit and weapon of the caster), with forces adding to that, but that's another matter. Making it affect the weapon min/max rather than spirit is another alternative, as there are no spells that are affected by spirit but not by the weapon. Either way, as it stands, I'd go with letting it affect all spells just so there is no question about it, but if it leads to balance issues, restricting it to non-AoE is okay too. Just please, avoid doing it on an individual skill basis. That'll just make things more confusing.


The WP damage on AoE is not a recent change, been like that since the time it got added to the Forces in rPT.


That WP damage not yet affect the T5 Ice Meteorite skill is not a decision but because I haven't made forces work for the T5 damage skill yet. But it will if I decide that AoE skills should be affected by WP damage (like all other AoE skills are affected by WP damage). So it's not a per-skill basis, just AoE and non-AoE.

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The WP damage on AoE is not a recent change, been like that since the time it got added to the Forces in rPT.


That WP damage not yet affect the T5 Ice Meteorite skill is not a decision but because I haven't made forces work for the T5 damage skill yet. But it will if I decide that AoE skills should be affected by WP damage (like all other AoE skills are affected by WP damage). So it's not a per-skill basis, just AoE and non-AoE.


Fair enough. That it'll affect different spells differently is still a bit of a problem though. It still works, but it's less than elegant.

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Thank you Wartale for letting us know how forces WP affects the game.


It's way better it to be announced then let players trying to figure out by themselves.


Thanks a lot.


IHMO, you could let wp to affect AoE skills, as they are not overpowered currently.


thanks for reading.





Crius, If it happens to skiils be based on attack power won't magic classes loose power in AoE?  It would not make sense in the current balance (magic classes AoE > melee/ ranged AoE). Its just the way i got it. Let me know if Im wrong, though.

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Why would they lose power? Other classes may have a higher base attack power, but that could be easily compensated by greater skill damage bonus for spells. The greatest drawback is that it would be harder to adjust individual spells since you can no longer fiddle around with spirit and weapon power damage bonus directly, but on the other hand it'd probably be less complicated in the end.

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Yes, let the added WP damage work for T5 AOE skills just like it works for T1-T4 skills at the moment.

There are several reasons to do that. I'll mention some of them:


  • It is not overpowered at all; never has been.
  • If you made it that WP wouldn't work for any AOE skill, forces would still work for some melee characters' AOE skills (due to their skills being ATK Power based) and that wouldn't be fair magic classes. Every class should equally benefit from sheltom forces.
  • Not everyone plays this game for 1x1 or PvP (most Priestess' players, for example), and they should be able to use sheltom forces to enhance their damage (in this case, AOE) if they wish to do so.
  • Forces are a good way to take some gold and sheltoms out of the economy and every class should be encouraged to use them.
  • More competition in SoD.

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They won't benefit equally though. For attack power based skills, it's easy. You'll increase your attack power by a factor of new damage / old damage. For spells, it varies from spell to spell.


This could be fixed by either making spells also based on attack power as mentioned, or make forces increase the damage of your attack by a certain factor after everything else has been taken into account. Neither alternative is trivial though. The former would sacrifice the ability to fine-tune the spells (then again, it works for other skills, so why not for spells), the latter would be sort of a mess when you try to balance different sheltoms for different levels, at least if they have a static bonus. Maybe if you made them add like X / character level percent extra damage, where X increases with the sheltom. E.g. a low-level force with X=10 would give 10% extra damage for a L1 character, but only 0.1% extra for a L100 character, while a higher-level one with X=1000 would give 10% extra damage for a L100 character, but 1000% extra for a L1 character (with level restrictions, it would never happen, and even with generous level restrictions it will still be based on a much lower base damage).

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i have a questio, what is WP?

i know WP damage= my spi,

but i not sure force add WP how work

For example : if my spi =600 than

1:Chain Lightning lv10 damage=230(+Wp/2 +Min Wand Dmg x 2) - 250(+Wp +Max Wand Dmg x 2)

My Chain Lightning lv10 damage=230+(300)-250+(600)

when use devine force my Chain Lightning lv10 damage=230+(340)-250+(680)

i think this is no objection

2:Vigor Ball lv10 damage=66 (+Spirit x 2 +Min Wand Dmg x 2 ) - 91 (+Spirit x 2 +Max Wand Dmg x 2 )

My Vigor Ball lv10 damage=66+(1200)-91+(1200)

when use devine force My Vigor Ball lv10 damage still=66+(1200)-91+(1200)

is this right? force no help for Vigor Ball, Coz force only add WP ,not add spi

and i check MG skill ,it all is spi, so if this is ringh ,that mean force not help for MG

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I was really confused about WP too at first, but apparently it means Will Power, which is the same as spirit. It works (or should work) like you described, i.e. a devine force essentially gives you 80 points of additional spirit for the purpose of spell damage calculations. The effect may not be shown in the skill description, but it is there. I can guarantee you it works for VB at the very least. Whether it says WP or spirit doesn't matter, it's the same thing.

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Yes, let the added WP damage work for T5 AOE skills just like it works for T1-T4 skills at the moment.

There are several reasons to do that. I'll mention some of them:


  • It is not overpowered at all; never has been.
  • If you made it that WP wouldn't work for any AOE skill, forces would still work for some melee characters' AOE skills (due to their skills being ATK Power based) and that wouldn't be fair magic classes. Every class should equally benefit from sheltom forces.
  • Not everyone plays this game for 1x1 or PvP (most Priestess' players, for example), and they should be able to use sheltom forces to enhance their damage (in this case, AOE) if they wish to do so.
  • Forces are a good way to take some gold and sheltoms out of the economy and every class should be encouraged to use them.
  • More competition in SoD.


yeah.. your point is right.. Forces should work to all

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