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question about whisper

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hello, noob question but is the only way to whisper someone by typing /:accname ?

because some ppl have special character names and there is no way to type their name to whisper

so im confused if there is a way to copy someones name on the all chat

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Unfortunately, at this time there is no otherway. You can ask the person to send you a pm so you can response.

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Google a list of Alt shortcuts and save the list on your pc to use when needed.

When you want to send pm to someone with a difficult nickname, make a Screenshot and check the listt.

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15 hours ago, celesty said:


Google a list of Alt shortcuts and save the list on your pc to use when needed.

When you want to send pm to someone with a difficult nickname, make a Screenshot and check the listt.


That's not practical. It only works if they use popular special chars. Many people use characters from different language scripts altogether.


On 6/23/2021 at 8:47 AM, Support said:



Unfortunately, at this time there is no otherway. You can ask the person to send you a pm so you can response.


How can you ask them to PM you when you can't PM them in the first place?
If standing together, there won't be a need to PM, will there?

Edited by JeleStore

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On 6/22/2021 at 7:47 PM, Support said:



Unfortunately, at this time there is no otherway. You can ask the person to send you a pm so you can response.

How about adding a shortcut in chat trade? When a person announces the sale of something, click with the mouse over the person's name and automatically have /: and the person's name typed in, it would be nice and practical.

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20 hours ago, -Vodka- said:

How about adding a shortcut in chat trade? When a person announces the sale of something, click with the mouse over the person's name and automatically have /: and the person's name typed in, it would be nice and practical.


GM has responded that clickable trade chat on the names is not on the priority list at the moment.

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