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Do you guys actually buy 140+ items from sellers?

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Or just sticking with affordable 136+ items maxed out?
Cause farming for KC's will take months if not years of playtime., unless people pay with real money.

Let me hear your way of investments ? 

Edited by Lvkrijger

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142 1h weapon + 140/144 shield+24, draxos boots and set boss 3 are must if you want to be good in PVP. otherwise you will die fast, i felt it before :D
for PVE it depends on class and if  you have tank or not. some classes are more tanky then others, for example Knight and PowerMech. they dont need tank in SS. but if you go Ranger, then tank is a must. FS without a tank have to pot alot and its hard in 2h weapon need to use 1h weapon more, not really enjoyable, so here is a tank recommended to get more DPS an comfort. in the end it depends on the class you want to play. so back to your question: if you are happy with being weak in pvp and have a tanky character like KS or PowerMS, then you can go cheap and play in SS (with average exp), but PVP is then a deadly area for you. if you want to be good in PVP and make good EXP, then you need to invest in your items/characters, no way to skip this....

Edited by DeadlyWarrior

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1 hour ago, DeadlyWarrior said:

142 1h weapon + 140/144 shield+24, draxos boots and set boss 3 are must if you want to be good in PVP. otherwise you will die fast, i felt it before :D
for PVE it depends on class and if  you have tank or not. some classes are more tanky then others, for example Knight and PowerMech. they dont need tank in SS. but if you go Ranger, then tank is a must. FS without a tank have to pot alot and its hard in 2h weapon need to use 1h weapon more, not really enjoyable, so here is a tank recommended to get more DPS an comfort. in the end it depends on the class you want to play. so back to your question: if you are happy with being weak in pvp and have a tanky character like KS or PowerMS, then you can go cheap and play in SS (with average exp), but PVP is then a deadly area for you. if you want to be good in PVP and make good EXP, then you need to invest in your items/characters, no way to skip this....

Thanks for your comment, really appreciated! ? I'm actually all about PVE while playing a lot on my Magician recently (lv138).
Its really a tough decision on how to spend ingame gold wisely on, cause it getting so darn expensive. The easiest way would be maxing out all that ABS on lvl 136 items.
Cause the barrier alone, just for one lvl 140 item takes about non stop DIQ 5/7 months

Now let's say that DIQ every day is about prox 10kk x 30 days = 300 kk a month. Okay now this => 

Forum Draxos boots selling price  27kc : 300kk = 90 months of DIQ. which is 7,5 years of farming. (mind exploded)

Edited by Lvkrijger

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1 hour ago, Lvkrijger said:

Thanks for your comment, really appreciated! ? I'm actually all about PVE while playing a lot on my Magician recently (lv138).
Its really a tough decision on how to spend ingame gold wisely on, cause it getting so darn expensive. The easiest way would be maxing out all that ABS on lvl 136 items.
Cause the barrier alone, just for one lvl 140 item takes about non stop DIQ 5/7 months

Now let's say that DIQ every day is about prox 10kk x 30 days = 300 kk a month. Okay now this => 

Forum Draxos boots selling price  27kc : 300kk = 90 months of DIQ. which is 7,5 years of farming. (mind exploded)

136+24 robe and orb are enough for mage in pve, even in ss map level 144.

for making gold/coins, hunt is the best way

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1 hour ago, BigFoot said:

136+24 robe and orb are enough for mage in pve, even in ss map level 144.

for making gold/coins, hunt is the best way



just farm for the wand 138 and wait to +24 in aging event.

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