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Priestess feedback (Patch 5230)

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I'd like to share my feedback on prs changes after the last updates.


1 - Regen field Bug


Allies are getting the regen only when the priestess cast the skill and when the skill ends (when she lands). A short vid bellow explains better.



2 - Thunderstorm calc


@Senpai, Divine Lightning dmg boost already was linked to Thunderstorm, so I didn't understood this



Developer Comment: Priestess had her area skills strengthened to match the other classes. We had to reduce the damage boost of Thunderstorm to follow the new value of Divine Lightning, in the end the damage of thunderstorm is higher compared to before.

Multi spark had its damage increased to allow priestess to deal a burst damage like the other classes, with a bit of luck...


The old dmg of Thunderstorm was 169 * 150 from Divine Lightining, 253% dmg boost.


Now its 111 * 180 = 199% dmg boost.




3 - Divine Force 300 range


Well, it doesn't help the current meta and main prs users. To the meta, they are using 1 prs per char to get the buff, for main users, it should be harder to get into a 1x1 party, since she struggles to kill as a DPS char. A change that would be very welcoming is to remove the buff if the caster leaves the party.


4 - Multi Spark


Thanks for bringing back this skill, its old and nostalgic. I'd like to suggest a little tweak, add a little % add of atck rating, because now the luck needed is to get the 8 sparks and hit the target ?.




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Edited by Lyseria
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9 minutes ago, Lyseria said:

2 - Thunderstorm calc


@Senpai, Chain Lightning dmg boost already was linked to Thunderstorm, so I didn't understood this


The old dmg of Thunderstorm was 169% + 50% from Divine Lightining, 219% dmg boost.


Now its 111% + 80% = 191% dmg boost.


I think the calculation is like this.


Old one

DL 100 + 50 boost = Total DL 150

Thunder = Total DL 150 x 169% = 150 x 1.69 = 254


New one

DL 100 + 80 boost = Total DL 180

Thunder = Total DL 180 x 111% = 180 x 1.11 = 200


So if my calculation is correct, the new one is weaker.


13 minutes ago, Lyseria said:

4 - Multi Spark


Thanks for bringing back this skill, its old and nostalgic. I'd like to suggest a little tweak, add a little % add of atck rating, because now the luck need is to get the 8 sparks and hit the target ?.


When I started a Prs on Wartale, I was so disappointed that Multi Spark was so useless. I was one of those Multi-Sparkers. 
I don't know how well this improvement will perform, but it certainly will make me happy, just for all the feelings alone.

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1 minute ago, JeleStore said:

I think the calculation is like this.


Old one

DL 100 + 50 boost = Total DL 150

Thunder = Total DL 150 x 169% = 150 x 1.69 = 254


New one

DL 100 + 80 boost = Total DL 180

Thunder = Total DL 180 x 111% = 180 x 1.11 = 200


So if my calculation is correct, the new one is weaker.

Ya, fixed, ty Jele ?

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
29 minutes ago, Lyseria said:

4 - Multi Spark


Thanks for bringing back this skill, its old and nostalgic. I'd like to suggest a little tweak, add a little % add of atck rating, because now the luck need is to get the 8 sparks and hit the target ?.

it's hitting playe high on Mechanic mobs, but, yes, it miss a lot

add a 50% Ar boost and add a CD of 5 sec on PvP it's my suggestion.


29 minutes ago, Lyseria said:

The old dmg of Thunderstorm was 169 * 150 from Divine Lightining, 253% dmg boost.


Now its 111 * 180 = 199% dmg boost.

yes, it reduce each thunderbolt damage by ~1k

increase divine lightning damage boost to 130%  [230%*111% = 255%] if there was no intention in nerfing it

14 minutes ago, JeleStore said:

Old one

DL 100 + 50 boost = Total DL 150

Thunder = Total DL 150 x 169% = 150 x 1.69 = 254


New one

DL 100 + 80 boost = Total DL 180

Thunder = Total DL 180 x 111% = 180 x 1.11 = 200

yup, you're right

i think the staff confused damage boost with damage,

50%*169% would be 85%

80%*111% would be 88%


Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -
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Hey there, thanks for the feedback feedback!


1 - Regen field

Yeah that is a bug, no changes have done to Regen Field.


2 - Thunderstorm

Actually, the calculation is correct, and the damage got increased, it used to be 84.5% (169% of 50%) and moved to 88.8% (111% of 80%), but looking for skill bugs during the maintenance, after the balance, we found that thunderstorm calculation was adding more damage than it should. For the second phase of the balance we have two options: increase thunderstorm damage to compensate the bug fix or keep like this and increase the duration.


3 - Divine Force

The range was bigger than it should. Now it matches with other Party Buff skills.


4 - Multi Spark

Haha, that makes it different from VB, but we will consider a balance to the future ?


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Ty for the answer and explanations @Overlady!


For the Thunderstorm skill, dmg is better to compensate imo.

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I think multispark should had more dmg than Vigor ball vs non undead. maybe 40% dmg boost to make it 320% on 8 hits.

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