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Is there KS for mining?

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since ks means kill stealing and you're not killing anything

i guess that would be os

ore stealing

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It seems like whomever has a successful mining attempt first gets the ore/plant, because it despawns once it's been harvested. I haven't seen a "tie" yet to the best of my knowledge though, where 2 people are completing successfully at the exact same time. 

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10 hours ago, Lvkrijger said:

Who gets it? If more people are mining the same one?

the other might get the item, while the other waste his time and effort... 

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11 hours ago, Lvkrijger said:

Who gets it? If more people are mining the same one?




grande dia!!

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it's like mount, the one to catch it first won the mount/ore/herb

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But it is very frustrating for users who just started mining (i.e pickaxe at lvl 0 with no specs). An experienced "miner" (with higher level pickaxes) can instantly "win/ks" the ore/herb, even if they started the mining process later.


Is it possible to adjust the settings so that only the first person who start mining is able to mine that specific herb/ore?

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