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Archer feedback (Patch 5230)

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I have no idea about Phoenix shot. 

About Bomb shot,  burning damage disable when Mgs use flame wave on same mobs. This bug has been reported long time ago and still not fixed.

Now -20% dmg.

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as was balanced before patch nice dmg x weak hp, no need nerf

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Is this patch an invitation to stop playing archers? or an invitation to donate and change my Spec? because i think that archers are weak enough to get nerf AGAIN and AGAIN... please, think it twice, we have no def and now we dont have good dmg? well done guys.

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one of the most op characters in the entire game, the nerf wasn't even that cruel, I've seen many of you belittling many melees who clamored for buffs, now when it affects you, the crying starts, get used to the changes...

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-1 but I feel you as KS had been nerfed as well... and other char as well...

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7 minutes ago, Einstrider said:

-1 but I feel you as KS had been nerfed as well... and other char as well...


If you could explain yourself, I appreciate all respectful comments (-:

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"The nerf is ok, actually should could be bigger"



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9 minutes ago, EliPortela said:

"The nerf is ok, actually should could be bigger"


If you read what I wrote I really don't see how that could be true, but feel free to explain yourself

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Hey there,

We will revert some changes we did for Archer, tank you for your feedback.

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42 minutes ago, Overlady said:

Hey there,

We will revert some changes we did for Archer, tank you for your feedback.


and why not for fighter take a look? i am not that bad guy Sir although i talk sometimes much. please check the nerf in destroyer and please make it more fair. the nerf in destroyer from 160% to 115% is so huge. probably you can read in this section too please...


Edited by DeadlyWarrior
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Hace 57 minutos, Overlady dijo:


Revertiremos algunos cambios que hicimos para Archer, le enviaremos sus comentarios.

The potential of the char has not been exploited to the fullest, we still need to know the gems and relics, I think it is good to keep the changes in pvp for the moment, until we know how they will affect the performance of pvp




Players, try to see the big picture

Edited by wolf0119

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On 7/14/2021 at 2:15 PM, kenibok said:


I understand the whole idea of these adjustments was to avoid so much hit kill

Therefore adjustments go for classes that have an ease to hitkill, so I wonder when did archer became an easy hitkiller, I would say otherwise, easy-hitkilled

@Overlady @Wartale @Senpai If you could reconsider this please



3_66.png Phoenix Shot (PVP) Damage Boost reduced from 159% to 149%
Phoenix shot has been nerfed 2 times now, but this time I don't understand, its not a hitkiller skill, like literally, cast it 100 times, it won't hit kill once. Phoenix shot is potentially hitkiller only if you play 100% agility and full buff, versus a character with no VL, which is not the smartest, it's not practical at all, specially because it puts archer on a 900-1k hp situation, you also need to be lucky to crit 2k+, most hits will be lower than 2k. Archer's can't play pure on pvp, so phoenix shot nerf don't make sense to me
I would like to add that skill this is a 1 hit skill, and it gives enough time for the player to pot between every hit, even when wearing summer, its fast, but not fast enough to not pot, target has to be hitting running or distracted; unlike Destroyer, or Finishing blow, or Chain Lancer, Vengeance, Cross, Vigorball, Scratch, etc for those if you are lucky to pierce 2 hits, you killed, player don't have time to pot between hits
Ata had only split nerfed and now all her pvp skills add attack rating, vengeance is 2x 100% + 10% rating, 400% boost total while phoenix is 249%, ata now can easily match as hits and is a 1 handed character.
3_90.png Solar Arrow (PVP) Damage Boost reduced from 181% to 171%.
I don't care that much about this one, but anyways about PvP this skill could hit kill yes, but it was not happening a lot it needed some luck. When comparing to other classes I don't think its a fair adjustment. Unlike phoenix shot, this skill could hit high with PvP builds, but it also needed some luck, because it used to hit usually between 1k7 1k9 critical and only sometimes above 2k (today no player goes bc with less than 2k hp). Playing pure sure it has high damage, but as I already said, no one plays pure in pvp, at least not without dy- ing in the act.
So.. archer could potentially hitkill when risking (pure) but having also super high chance of being hitkilled (1k hp), so it seemed ok, high chance kill + super high chance to die; its important to remember pikeman can still easily crit above 2k (2k5 2k6 is common to see), while dodging .-. , or basically all melee's can go pure pvp with damage untouched, as cannot, consider this when making tests pls. Or compare to DT even now nerfed, can crit 2k and its a 3 hit skill, this skill is one hit and slow
(PvE) Damage Boost increased from 181% to 191%
Small boost, and of course is welcome, but phoenix shot, bomb shot and wind arrow remain as better dps options, specially because the skill is slow to cast. A better adjustment would be for example, removing the delay (AoE use). Other option is to highly highly increase the damage and keep delay, something about 250%+ so its worth alternating between hits.

3_80.png Stun Arrow (PVP) Stun duration reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.

 ?... Again I don't understand this, compare it to any other stun skill. Its a long stun, but 33% nerf is very big considering its 1x1 only, unlike FS (ass, ks) stun which had the same duration but was only (1) second nerfed, and its AOE. I don't think it should be reduced at all, but if planned so, maybe 12,5 seconds and not 10


Please keep conversation with some level of quality, ty


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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
49 minutes ago, wolf0119 said:


The potential of the char has not been exploited to the fullest, we still need to know the gems and relics, I think it is good to keep the changes in pvp for the moment, until we know how they will affect the performance of pvp




Players, try to see the big picture

I don't think BC will be ok to go for 1 year or so, tulla gives +297 hp, and idk if it can be furhter increased with VL, and we still have crit res relics, penetration relics,  evade relics, status runes, earrings and maybe belts?

the difference of power will be immense until many players can get access to all those items

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