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Speed Difference 1H and 2H Weapon Fighter

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Dear GMs, @Overlady @Senpai @Wartale


can you give us 2 min of your time please?

It's about the fighter class and its attack speed in the 1h and 2h weapon.
My friend and I did some tests on this and found out that there is a difference in attack speed between 1h and 2h weapon. The attack speed in the 1h weapon compared to the 2h weapon is about 5.5% slower. This speed reduction is not shown in the data when you press "C". We do not know whether this is an error after the update or whether it is also part of the new skill parameterization. We would be happy if this matter can be investigated and, in the best case, reversed. At this point we would also like to draw your attention to the "Destroyer" skill and ask you to check it again. In our opinion, the skill parameterization is too strong at this point. Destroyer is the skill from which fighters draw their strength. We would suggest reducing the critical rate in Destroyer separately for axes and swords. In addition an increase in the cooldown could be considered. If in your opinion a reduction in damage is necessary due to the new update features, we would ask you not to reduce the damage as drastically as it was done in the last update. Thank you for your attention.




Edited by DeadlyWarrior

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

if I'm not wrong, It's actually common some skills cast with 2h weapons are faster than 1h, even if they have the same atk speed. As far as I remember the best example would be Knight's Double crash and Priest Vigor ball too [ although I can't see any difference between ice meteorite  with wand vs with staff].

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18 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

if I'm not wrong, It's actually common some skills cast with 2h weapons are faster than 1h, even if they have the same atk speed. As far as I remember the best example would be Knight's Double crash and Priest Vigor ball too [ although I can't see any difference between ice meteorite  with wand vs with staff].


if that is true then this report can be closed. i thought this speed reduction in the 1h weapon in fighters are the result of the last patch...

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