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Minor shaman skills feedback (new patch)

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Dear folks,

First of all, thank you for giving some buffs/nerfs where it's due for this much neglected class. I totally agree with most of your changes in the last patch except for a few skills, which I think can be improved a little.



First, I like how Spiritual Flare is given a new life so it can be used as an alternative to Phantom Call. Thanks to its range function and slightly better attack boost, it can be more useful in certain situations. However, for now, the area is a little too small to be practical (compared to other shaman's AOE skill). I understand there should be a trade-off between attack power and area, so my suggestion is slightly boost the area from 100 to 120 (for Phantom Call it's 140).




Second, although I understand that the attack power nerf was necessary, I don't think it's reasonable to nerf Press Deity's impact area that much. It doesn't change much in hunting but it does affect SOD performance a lot (top personal score for Shaman is around the same as or even worse than Knight/Priestess/Pikeman so I wouldn't say Shaman is any special at the moment). Going all the way from 175 to 120 was a bit steep. My proposal is to keep it at 140~145 like Phantom Nail or Phantom Call. The justification for this slight boost is because unlike Priestess or Pikeman with large AOE skills that deal damage AROUND the character, Shaman mainly relies on an one-sided AOE skill that is Phantom Nail. So it would have to move around a lot, and every so often acquire help from Press Deity to kill monsters on the other side. With impact area at 120 right now, the skill is hardly useful for SOD or mass monster-killing anymore (I now use it mainly in hunting as part of the routine).



Next, I still don't see the point of the skill Dark Bolt. It boosts 190% (+50% against mutants and normal monsters) but only hits once. So naturally one would go for Dark Wave instead (170% +50% x2 hits with extra range). As the Gladiator Project at the final phase, I would like to know whether you plan to re-purpose the skill to something useful? My proposal is to give it some attack speed boost, or boost to a different type of monster, or give it an effect (slow, burn, freeze, etc.).



Finally, as part of Project Gladiator, I hope you could remake the skill Haunt as well. It's a pity that a tier-3 skill is completely useless. In fact, I would prioritize this skill over Dark Bolt if I had to choose one to remake. My proposal: give it a HP-regen/HP-draining effect for a few seconds after applying the skill on monster. For example, after using the skill, for 10 seconds, Shaman will deal some damage over time (not too much because there is already Press Deity) and get 50+ extra HP regen/second. This should work in PVE only. For PVP, it can keep the HP draining effect but the damage dealt should be significantly lower. This fits the name Haunt (happening over a period of time) and also helps Shaman a lot in solo-hunting/raiding dungeons. 


These are just some of my (crazy) ideas and proposals. I hope you have time to consider it. 

Anyway, thank you for doing a great job!

@Overlady (I hope you don't mind me tagging, as I see you often reply to topics on skills feedback).


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39 minutes ago, vhnh167 said:


First, I like how Spiritual Flare is given a new life so it can be used as an alternative to Phantom Call. Thanks to its range function and slightly better attack boost, it can be more useful in certain situations. However, for now, the area is a little too small to be practical (compared to other shaman's AOE skill). I understand there should be a trade-off between attack power and area, so my suggestion is slightly boost the area from 100 to 120 (for Phantom Call it's 140).


I tested this skill as well and found that it's not worth the effort to include it in the rotation between skills, for now the damage is low

42 minutes ago, vhnh167 said:


Second, although I understand that the attack power nerf was necessary, I don't think it's reasonable to nerf Press Deity's impact area that much. It doesn't change much in hunting but it does affect SOD performance a lot (top personal score for Shaman is around the same as or even worse than Knight/Priestess/Pikeman so I wouldn't say Shaman is any special at the moment). Going all the way from 175 to 120 was a bit steep. My proposal is to keep it at 140~145 like Phantom Nail or Phantom Call. The justification for this slight boost is because unlike Priestess or Pikeman with large AOE skills that deal damage AROUND the character, Shaman mainly relies on an one-sided AOE skill that is Phantom Nail. So it would have to move around a lot, and every so often acquire help from Press Deity to kill monsters on the other side. With impact area at 120 right now, the skill is hardly useful for SOD or mass monster-killing anymore (I now use it mainly in hunting as part of the routine).

I feel that this skill could be stronger in SS, especially 1v1 against mobs, in aid of damage


45 minutes ago, vhnh167 said:


Finally, as part of Project Gladiator, I hope you could remake the skill Haunt as well. It's a pity that a tier-3 skill is completely useless. In fact, I would prioritize this skill over Dark Bolt if I had to choose one to remake. My proposal: give it a HP-regen/HP-draining effect for a few seconds after applying the skill on monster. For example, after using the skill, for 10 seconds, Shaman will deal some damage over time (not too much because there is already Press Deity) and get 50+ extra HP regen/second. This should work in PVE only. For PVP, it can keep the HP draining effect but the damage dealt should be significantly lower. This fits the name Haunt (happening over a period of time) and also helps Shaman a lot in solo-hunting/raiding dungeons. 

I always liked this skill and I think it has great potential to enter skill rotations, especially for PVP where the shaman lacks a more dynamic kit.


Overall I liked the changes and I hope they continue with this great work.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

I was waiting for a Shaman feedback for a while, since my shaman is only for Speed buff and lure [my  phantom clean, waiting for Age free].

2 hours ago, vhnh167 said:


Agree, I liked  Phantom nail buff since it is much more reliable than Press deity, but the AoE nerf was a bit harsh, considering that Shaman AoE damage and area aren't that great.


2 hours ago, vhnh167 said:


Agree, Dark bolt is trash.

I suggested a while ago a ''vortex'' that would pull monsters inside to give him an unique role, but might be to hard to balance/do.


2 hours ago, vhnh167 said:


Agree, I think I suggested something like that before, a drain skill would be fantastic.


Another skill that is pretty much pointless to exist:


Add mana and stm for a class that already has more STM/Mana than a pot can recover. not to mention it's pretty much a clone of magic source, but, with no party attribute.



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this skill is awessome too but I think it doesn't pay off much also using it in skill rotation, since only in demons there are bonuses and it rarely do a critical strike, its white damage doesn't compensate for scratch

 10_63.png Judgement


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15 hours ago, vhnh167 said:


First, I like how Spiritual Flare is given a new life so it can be used as an alternative to Phantom Call. Thanks to its range function and slightly better attack boost, it can be more useful in certain situations. However, for now, the area is a little too small to be practical (compared to other shaman's AOE skill). I understand there should be a trade-off between attack power and area, so my suggestion is slightly boost the area from 100 to 120 (for Phantom Call it's 140).

Area is too small, there's no point for this skill when you have Phantom Nail. Even with demon bonus damage, it's not worth it.


15 hours ago, vhnh167 said:


Second, although I understand that the attack power nerf was necessary, I don't think it's reasonable to nerf Press Deity's impact area that much. It doesn't change much in hunting but it does affect SOD performance a lot (top personal score for Shaman is around the same as or even worse than Knight/Priestess/Pikeman so I wouldn't say Shaman is any special at the moment). Going all the way from 175 to 120 was a bit steep. My proposal is to keep it at 140~145 like Phantom Nail or Phantom Call. The justification for this slight boost is because unlike Priestess or Pikeman with large AOE skills that deal damage AROUND the character, Shaman mainly relies on an one-sided AOE skill that is Phantom Nail. So it would have to move around a lot, and every so often acquire help from Press Deity to kill monsters on the other side. With impact area at 120 right now, the skill is hardly useful for SOD or mass monster-killing anymore (I now use it mainly in hunting as part of the routine).

It was supposed to be main damage skill, it already has higher cooldown than Thunderstorm and Meteorite and area of effect is too small now, it shouldn't be lower than Phantom Nail. Also, it stops hitting when targeted monster dies. It could work the same way as Thunderstorm, instead of selecting a single target, and keep hitting for the whole duration or it could have lower cooldown and number of attacks. That would benefit using it on lower HP monsters and make a faster skill rotation.


16 hours ago, vhnh167 said:


Next, I still don't see the point of the skill Dark Bolt. It boosts 190% (+50% against mutants and normal monsters) but only hits once. So naturally one would go for Dark Wave instead (170% +50% x2 hits with extra range). As the Gladiator Project at the final phase, I would like to know whether you plan to re-purpose the skill to something useful? My proposal is to give it some attack speed boost, or boost to a different type of monster, or give it an effect (slow, burn, freeze, etc.).

It's just a weaker version of dark wave. Considering it's a tier 1 skill, can't expect much of it.


16 hours ago, vhnh167 said:


Finally, as part of Project Gladiator, I hope you could remake the skill Haunt as well. It's a pity that a tier-3 skill is completely useless. In fact, I would prioritize this skill over Dark Bolt if I had to choose one to remake. My proposal: give it a HP-regen/HP-draining effect for a few seconds after applying the skill on monster. For example, after using the skill, for 10 seconds, Shaman will deal some damage over time (not too much because there is already Press Deity) and get 50+ extra HP regen/second. This should work in PVE only. For PVP, it can keep the HP draining effect but the damage dealt should be significantly lower. This fits the name Haunt (happening over a period of time) and also helps Shaman a lot in solo-hunting/raiding dungeons. 

I think HP draining over time would make it too broken. Instead, having a lower cooldown for skill rotation and adding some damage over time would be nice. It has bonus against demon, but damage is too low, it's only 1 hit and cooldown is 12.5s. Hp absorb is not that useful with that cooldown. As it's a 'haunt' skill, it could do poison damage over time as a curse, just like how Shaman's description says: His skills are based on the darkness and curses.


13 hours ago, mastellini said:

this skill is awessome too but I think it doesn't pay off much also using it in skill rotation, since only in demons there are bonuses and it rarely do a critical strike, its white damage doesn't compensate for scratch

 10_63.png Judgement

For PvE it's not worth at all. You might miss it most of the time, as it doesn't add AR and cooldown is too high for skill rotation. For PvP it still does enough damage.

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1 minute ago, Conker said:

It could work the same way as Thunderstorm



2 minutes ago, Conker said:

I think HP draining over time would make it too broken. Instead, having a lower cooldown for skill rotation and adding some damage over time would be nice. It has bonus against demon, but damage is too low, it's only 1 hit and cooldown is 12.5s. Hp absorb is not that useful with that cooldown. As it's a 'haunt' skill, it could do poison damage over time as a curse, just like how Shaman's description says: His skills are based on the darkness and curses.


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15 hours ago, Conker said:

I think HP draining over time would make it too broken. Instead, having a lower cooldown for skill rotation and adding some damage over time would be nice. It has bonus against demon, but damage is too low, it's only 1 hit and cooldown is 12.5s. Hp absorb is not that useful with that cooldown. As it's a 'haunt' skill, it could do poison damage over time as a curse, just like how Shaman's description says: His skills are based on the darkness and curses.


Yeah, the sad thing is Shaman has many skills against Demon monsters, but none of them can actually be used to compete with Archer or Mechanician in boss-hunting. Some damage over time/damage/effect boost to Haunt would be awesome!

On 7/23/2021 at 2:51 AM, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

Another skill that is pretty much pointless to exist:


Add mana and stm for a class that already has more STM/Mana than a pot can recover. not to mention it's pretty much a clone of magic source, but, with no party attribute.



 I couldn't agree more ?.

Anyway, thanks a lot guys for giving your opinions! Seems like we're all of the opinion that Shaman is a bit underdeveloped at the moment. Would be great if the staff pay some more attention to this character.

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