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Upper/Lower letter while chatting

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Sometime, I do not like the people who using all upper letter (all using Caps Lock)

It will hide my 2 STM and HP columns. In that case, I must typing

myself in chattting window (and maybe I will die while I'm chatting)

to scroll the line with UPPER letter become up.


For the gamers who is using lower character, it is OK.


It is better for your game client software to count how many upper

character inside the chatting message then the <auto enter letter>

(ascii=13) will be adjust coresponding and will not hide the HP column

of other gamers any more.


And also, some spammers type like the following message:

"S> sell Hades amor mech spec near perffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"


Please be noted that the suffix "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"

is also like a spam message because is not important meaning

in the above message. And it will also hide my HP column .


Please consider to ban who is chatting like that way.


Thank you for your attention.


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You should adjust your font, the chat doesn't interefere in any way with my bars... maybe a problem with foreign language, i dunno :P

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Its impossible to adjust the game font, its inside of the executable

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Its impossible to adjust the game font, its inside of the executable


You sure? I remember some time ago.. was possible.. we used a lot of to fix the korean font

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Its impossible to adjust the game font, its inside of the executable


Like Raul said it is possible. Actually, when we had to install korean font to play, the text would go out of the box, then I believe that's the case here.

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You can always install/uninstall certain fonts that causes this. I guess you can mess around with them until you find a nice solution.


For anyone that used to play KPT test server back in 2002/2003 knows what I am talking about. The text would reach across the entire screen until you installed the East Asian font pack.

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You should adjust your font, the chat doesn't interefere in any way with my bars... maybe a problem with foreign language, i dunno :P


@Rehv: all my Windows XP was setting up the default language as : English (United States)

and it was not set in any special foreign language. And I play RPT in almost

over 10 PCs (at home, at office,...) and I also get this status in all PCs I'm playing !!!!


I think the chatting windows is the "user defined window" so, in most case, most of programmers

will set the attributes of these windows such as: font name, font size, font type, window location,

window size,... for that window.


Following the introduction of Rye, I can trace game.ini => game\fonts\fonts.ini => latin\latin.fnt

(As I explained above, my Windows XP does not use any special language, so it will not

use ChineseSimplified, Korean, Japanese, Thai fonts which were set up inside game\fonts\fonts.ini )


If other gamers do not reach my problem, and if I wanna to fix this problem, will I try

to replace (step by step) the file latin.fnt by another font file inside fonts.ini (until my problem was solved) ?


It means I can change (a part of) the game client ?



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