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5 hours ago, RealCastleBless said:

I am from clan winner ! I won bc but I don't like it without competition


Since I started playing Wartale I noticed that alliance at Bless Castle is the wortest thing I've ever seen. why


First of all it doesn't have competition, secondly your server start getting boring since players doens't have fun at bc and just a few clans can enjoy it.


what are you suppose to do about it? I'll tell you an idea that I came up with. 


Create a system that will be like this... don't let players see which clan others players are not even the nickname, only players from the same clan could see each other, that would improve the union between clan members with strategy and allow others clans enjoy bless castle on sunday besides a lot of FUN would come. 


if this idea is totally off your pattern of thoughts at least don't allow alliance at bless castle.


I wanna see the war between clans. I don't wanna see only a few clans win BC every single sunday without caring about the how the server goes without fun.


Probably if this continues clans that  have players enough to have a real good competition with will stop playing this server and with baby steps everything will be gone, the fun, clans, players


turned out that Wartale really needs some improvements for BC. thank you very much.




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i dont see problem in alliance, if you dont like you can create your own clan and dont make aliance with no one

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i think they already tried ban allys twice since i've been playing this.


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This was already proposed before, when our side was losing, and the person who proposed it was attacked for it, but the point was understood, it is curious that circumstances change, and now people see that alternative more attractive.


But ignoring that, and not making this a clan issue, if it a competition improvement issue, you have to understand a couple of things: 


GMs cannot alter the current competition and try to find a balance in the competition, since it would be an artificial balance, and even with their ideas, it cannot be regulated

These situations usually happen in the game, one alliance gains overwhelming power with respect to another, and the competition dies, after a while it begins to regularize, but if the GM intervenes to balance it, it would be wasting the effort of those who achieved that supremacy, that this last time was not easy to achieve

Players must have the opportunity to choose with whom to play and with whom to compete, within an alliance there are friendships that go beyond a clan banner, it is not possible to simply border them to compete with each other, without counting that they are They would look for ways not to do it and that would be even worse to regularize

There is already enough evidence that when the GM intervenes in the balance, a bigger problem is created, also you cannot create an eternal balance, people with superior qualities will always appear, who will be able to give a change to their environment and go up, special people and the credit goes to them and their friends.



One of the biggest problems of why the competition dies, is not only the fact that now there is a superior on a side, it is also the fact that they have stopped trying, When the competition is at a good point, it was never a difference of 2 to 1, even now that only Mib tries it is not 5 to 1, you would have to investigate the numbers well, but hey, regardless of that, I know you still have the numbers to make a 3 to 2, but they have stopped trying and thus they will never forge the necessary character to improve.


Regarding that they belong to TG, I suppose that you will not give proof of who you are, and I doubt that you belong to TG, and well, people here will continue to think that it is false, but I do not think that is interesting.


Now I will talk to you from a more personal perspective, when we were the ones who were losing, we did not give up, we thought about it many times, we even gave ourselves some time, but we never did it, it was hard, sometimes it was very exhausting, but now we reap the fruits of our effort, and it would be unfair to take that away from us.

I know that in your alliance they are going through the same stages that we went through, they had problems within their alliance, then people stopped playing because they did not accept a defeat they were not used to, then many lost the motivation to compete and now they are Trying to look for ways beyond its limitations to be able to compete again, despite looking for something artificial it is valid to explore your options, one advice I give you is: courage, when you are at the bottom, the only thing you can do is go up ?


I could elaborate more on the points mentioned before, in why the imbalance of the pvp affects this, why wartale is P2W and that also affects (do not think that it triggers everything, it only affects a little, be rational), but I think I have already contributed enough to the subject, so in conclusion:   


-1 for your suggestion

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10 years always TWO sides,

impossible to stop Alliance,

what can the weaker clans do??..


if you guys really want,

@players of this server

@gms of this server

@uncle sandurr


you can follow other MMO games,

clans are for family and fun,

factions are for war and PvP, (some games do not have clan war, instead they have faction war)


this means there are no longer Clan War in Wartale,


1st day of month,

ALL players are randomly given a Faction,

you are STILL in your own clan,

what happen is that you join 'another clan', which is call 'Faction',


technically, this is just a group you are randomly put in by the server, 

(too lazy to explain faction, gamers sure know)



I think 6 Factions are enough for number of active players here,

let's say 6 Factions and give Faction names,



1. Gallantia

2. Idas

3. Mardanos

4. Migal

5. Awell

6. Skronipe


ALL players are randomly assigned to 1 of the 6 factions, (you CANNOT choose)


now to illustrate,

I use TOP 50 ranked players:





of course it will be randomized,

BUT.. just for sake of illustrate, I systemically assign 6 factions from Gallantia to Skronipe, (easier for me to assign)


now we have:


Revolver. (TG)

+Clonado+ (SN)

TheBlackMamba24 (TG)

Brada (TG)

Mjizzy (TG)

-Bors- (SN)

noob. (KOM)

Saeroyl (WS)

Ultra (TG)



_noob_ (KOM)

Mr@huyHuang (TG)

HoussaN (LB)

Grim (WS)

absolute (clanless)

-Kelmex- (SN)

Mrs.Lambreta (SN)

Multipler (clanless)

Detox (WS)



-Adrain- (KOM)

HB1 (Karoake)

Junior0510 (TG)

n00b (KOM)

Norhana (TG)

Mr.Okayla (Union)

jitsonghip (TG)

Langtugiangho (Snowblack)



-MassaBruta- (FF)

yangchun- (KOM)

Liev (WS)

Multiplier (TG)

Ladyshock (WS)

-shaylee- (Altima)

Voodoo. (SN)

Cots (clanless)



-Stone- (xxPHxx)

TG_Helllo (TG)

_shadowsin_ (clanless)

IownRelix (TG)

The.dude (WS)

MissPeach (Heretic)

1chuckEvan5 (xxPHxx)

Clive (infamous)



VN_Hello (TG)

SoNid (SN)

absolute (TG)

EricTai_Mech (TG)

-Jersey- (WS)

O'z (MIB)

LenhHoxung (WS)

Bloodshed. (WS)


everyone will be randomly assigned into one of the 6 Factions,

you CANNOT choose your faction,


you can choose not to go Siege War,

you can choose to go and yet ignore your own Faction Members,

you can choose to play Toxic with your own Factions,

you can choose play to lose instead of win,


whatever it is,

you are STUCKED in your own faction,

regardless of TG or SN or WS or KOM or any other clan,

the Faction that work together will win,



you are still in your own clans,

you can still clan chat,

you can clan chat and become a spy and betray your own faction because you hate someone,

whatever it is,

again you are stuck in your Faction for 1 month,

you want to be spy? go ahead and lose your Crown,

or you refuse to go SW because you hate your Faction, then fine too,



also, add Faction Chat Box



Change Faction:

1. wait for Faction to reset and re-assign every month


2. an NPC to pay for RANDOM again,

pay 250kk to Random again your Faction,

you can pay many times until you get the Faction you wanted,


3. Black Market sells Faction Change Coupon,

price is 1,500kk

allow you to change instead of random




I think Clan System for BC Siege War is pointless,

it has proven over the years ONLY 2 clans fighting,


well do you think adding a Faction system will stop Alliance..?

it will be too troublesome for Alliance,

next month will reset and re-assigned EVERYONE again into different faction,

give your thought^^


that's my idea,

ty for reading




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42 minutes ago, ForYeri said:

10 years always TWO sides,

impossible to stop Alliance,

what can the weaker clans do??..


if you guys really want,

@players of this server

@gms of this server

@uncle sandurr


you can follow other MMO games,

clans are for family and fun,

factions are for war and PvP, (some games do not have clan war, instead they have faction war)


this means there are no longer Clan War in Wartale,


1st day of month,

ALL players are randomly given a Faction,

you are STILL in your own clan,

what happen is that you join 'another clan', which is call 'Faction',


technically, this is just a group you are randomly put in by the server, 

(too lazy to explain faction, gamers sure know)



I think 6 Factions are enough for number of active players here,

let's say 6 Factions and give Faction names,



1. Gallantia

2. Idas

3. Mardanos

4. Migal

5. Awell

6. Skronipe


ALL players are randomly assigned to 1 of the 6 factions, (you CANNOT choose)


now to illustrate,

I use TOP 50 ranked players:





of course it will be randomized,

BUT.. just for sake of illustrate, I systemically assign 6 factions from Gallantia to Skronipe, (easier for me to assign)


now we have:


Revolver. (TG)

+Clonado+ (SN)

TheBlackMamba24 (TG)

Brada (TG)

Mjizzy (TG)

-Bors- (SN)

noob. (KOM)

Saeroyl (WS)

Ultra (TG)



_noob_ (KOM)

Mr@huyHuang (TG)

HoussaN (LB)

Grim (WS)

absolute (clanless)

-Kelmex- (SN)

Mrs.Lambreta (SN)

Multipler (clanless)

Detox (WS)



-Adrain- (KOM)

HB1 (Karoake)

Junior0510 (TG)

n00b (KOM)

Norhana (TG)

Mr.Okayla (Union)

jitsonghip (TG)

Langtugiangho (Snowblack)



-MassaBruta- (FF)

yangchun- (KOM)

Liev (WS)

Multiplier (TG)

Ladyshock (WS)

-shaylee- (Altima)

Voodoo. (SN)

Cots (clanless)



-Stone- (xxPHxx)

TG_Helllo (TG)

_shadowsin_ (clanless)

IownRelix (TG)

The.dude (WS)

MissPeach (Heretic)

1chuckEvan5 (xxPHxx)

Clive (infamous)



VN_Hello (TG)

SoNid (SN)

absolute (TG)

EricTai_Mech (TG)

-Jersey- (WS)

O'z (MIB)

LenhHoxung (WS)

Bloodshed. (WS)


everyone will be randomly assigned into one of the 6 Factions,

you CANNOT choose your faction,


you can choose not to go Siege War,

you can choose to go and yet ignore your own Faction Members,

you can choose to play Toxic with your own Factions,

you can choose play to lose instead of win,


whatever it is,

you are STUCKED in your own faction,

regardless of TG or SN or WS or KOM or any other clan,

the Faction that work together will win,



you are still in your own clans,

you can still clan chat,

you can clan chat and become a spy and betray your own faction because you hate someone,

whatever it is,

again you are stuck in your Faction for 1 month,

you want to be spy? go ahead and lose your Crown,

or you refuse to go SW because you hate your Faction, then fine too,



also, add Faction Chat Box



Change Faction:

1. wait for Faction to reset and re-assign every month


2. an NPC to pay for RANDOM again,

pay 250kk to Random again your Faction,

you can pay many times until you get the Faction you wanted,


3. Black Market sells Faction Change Coupon,

price is 1,500kk

allow you to change instead of random




I think Clan System for BC Siege War is pointless,

it has proven over the years ONLY 2 clans fighting,


well do you think adding a Faction system will stop Alliance..?

it will be too troublesome for Alliance,

next month will reset and re-assigned EVERYONE again into different faction,

give your thought^^


that's my idea,

ty for reading




I like it but what is the prize?

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1 hour ago, ForYeri said:

10 years always TWO sides,

impossible to stop Alliance,

what can the weaker clans do??..


if you guys really want,

@players of this server

@gms of this server

@uncle sandurr


you can follow other MMO games,

clans are for family and fun,

factions are for war and PvP, (some games do not have clan war, instead they have faction war)


this means there are no longer Clan War in Wartale,


1st day of month,

ALL players are randomly given a Faction,

you are STILL in your own clan,

what happen is that you join 'another clan', which is call 'Faction',


technically, this is just a group you are randomly put in by the server, 

(too lazy to explain faction, gamers sure know)



I think 6 Factions are enough for number of active players here,

let's say 6 Factions and give Faction names,



1. Gallantia

2. Idas

3. Mardanos

4. Migal

5. Awell

6. Skronipe


ALL players are randomly assigned to 1 of the 6 factions, (you CANNOT choose)


now to illustrate,

I use TOP 50 ranked players:





of course it will be randomized,

BUT.. just for sake of illustrate, I systemically assign 6 factions from Gallantia to Skronipe, (easier for me to assign)


now we have:


Revolver. (TG)

+Clonado+ (SN)

TheBlackMamba24 (TG)

Brada (TG)

Mjizzy (TG)

-Bors- (SN)

noob. (KOM)

Saeroyl (WS)

Ultra (TG)



_noob_ (KOM)

Mr@huyHuang (TG)

HoussaN (LB)

Grim (WS)

absolute (clanless)

-Kelmex- (SN)

Mrs.Lambreta (SN)

Multipler (clanless)

Detox (WS)



-Adrain- (KOM)

HB1 (Karoake)

Junior0510 (TG)

n00b (KOM)

Norhana (TG)

Mr.Okayla (Union)

jitsonghip (TG)

Langtugiangho (Snowblack)



-MassaBruta- (FF)

yangchun- (KOM)

Liev (WS)

Multiplier (TG)

Ladyshock (WS)

-shaylee- (Altima)

Voodoo. (SN)

Cots (clanless)



-Stone- (xxPHxx)

TG_Helllo (TG)

_shadowsin_ (clanless)

IownRelix (TG)

The.dude (WS)

MissPeach (Heretic)

1chuckEvan5 (xxPHxx)

Clive (infamous)



VN_Hello (TG)

SoNid (SN)

absolute (TG)

EricTai_Mech (TG)

-Jersey- (WS)

O'z (MIB)

LenhHoxung (WS)

Bloodshed. (WS)


everyone will be randomly assigned into one of the 6 Factions,

you CANNOT choose your faction,


you can choose not to go Siege War,

you can choose to go and yet ignore your own Faction Members,

you can choose to play Toxic with your own Factions,

you can choose play to lose instead of win,


whatever it is,

you are STUCKED in your own faction,

regardless of TG or SN or WS or KOM or any other clan,

the Faction that work together will win,



you are still in your own clans,

you can still clan chat,

you can clan chat and become a spy and betray your own faction because you hate someone,

whatever it is,

again you are stuck in your Faction for 1 month,

you want to be spy? go ahead and lose your Crown,

or you refuse to go SW because you hate your Faction, then fine too,



also, add Faction Chat Box



Change Faction:

1. wait for Faction to reset and re-assign every month


2. an NPC to pay for RANDOM again,

pay 250kk to Random again your Faction,

you can pay many times until you get the Faction you wanted,


3. Black Market sells Faction Change Coupon,

price is 1,500kk

allow you to change instead of random




I think Clan System for BC Siege War is pointless,

it has proven over the years ONLY 2 clans fighting,


well do you think adding a Faction system will stop Alliance..?

it will be too troublesome for Alliance,

next month will reset and re-assigned EVERYONE again into different faction,

give your thought^^


that's my idea,

ty for reading







you cant be "forced" to play with other players  lol






Edited by ik3r
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Since we now have dungeon system, i suggest a siege war dungeon between only 2 clans. The idea is pretty simple, like a football tournament :
- Every clan with full 60 member (level minimum 140 each member to avoid ghost clan) sign up for a siege war tournament at the beginning of the tournament.

- In weekend, each clan enter the siege war dungeon to compete with other clan. There will be 2 turn, attack and defense for every clan. 

- At the end of the tournament, each clan will have 1 time attack and defense against every clan. The score base on the attack/defense time and number of winning.

- 3 top clan will get rewards.


With this idea we can limit the number of players in a siege war (only 120 maximum) so less lag, no mules buff and no alliances.

The tower of siege war dungeon should be adjustment for only 2 clans. 


What do you guys think about it ?

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20 hours ago, ForYeri said:

10 years always TWO sides,

impossible to stop Alliance,

what can the weaker clans do??..


if you guys really want,

@players of this server

@gms of this server

@uncle sandurr


you can follow other MMO games,

clans are for family and fun,

factions are for war and PvP, (some games do not have clan war, instead they have faction war)


this means there are no longer Clan War in Wartale,


1st day of month,

ALL players are randomly given a Faction,

you are STILL in your own clan,

what happen is that you join 'another clan', which is call 'Faction',


technically, this is just a group you are randomly put in by the server, 

(too lazy to explain faction, gamers sure know)



I think 6 Factions are enough for number of active players here,

let's say 6 Factions and give Faction names,



1. Gallantia

2. Idas

3. Mardanos

4. Migal

5. Awell

6. Skronipe


ALL players are randomly assigned to 1 of the 6 factions, (you CANNOT choose)


now to illustrate,

I use TOP 50 ranked players:





of course it will be randomized,

BUT.. just for sake of illustrate, I systemically assign 6 factions from Gallantia to Skronipe, (easier for me to assign)


now we have:


Revolver. (TG)

+Clonado+ (SN)

TheBlackMamba24 (TG)

Brada (TG)

Mjizzy (TG)

-Bors- (SN)

noob. (KOM)

Saeroyl (WS)

Ultra (TG)



_noob_ (KOM)

Mr@huyHuang (TG)

HoussaN (LB)

Grim (WS)

absolute (clanless)

-Kelmex- (SN)

Mrs.Lambreta (SN)

Multipler (clanless)

Detox (WS)



-Adrain- (KOM)

HB1 (Karoake)

Junior0510 (TG)

n00b (KOM)

Norhana (TG)

Mr.Okayla (Union)

jitsonghip (TG)

Langtugiangho (Snowblack)



-MassaBruta- (FF)

yangchun- (KOM)

Liev (WS)

Multiplier (TG)

Ladyshock (WS)

-shaylee- (Altima)

Voodoo. (SN)

Cots (clanless)



-Stone- (xxPHxx)

TG_Helllo (TG)

_shadowsin_ (clanless)

IownRelix (TG)

The.dude (WS)

MissPeach (Heretic)

1chuckEvan5 (xxPHxx)

Clive (infamous)



VN_Hello (TG)

SoNid (SN)

absolute (TG)

EricTai_Mech (TG)

-Jersey- (WS)

O'z (MIB)

LenhHoxung (WS)

Bloodshed. (WS)


everyone will be randomly assigned into one of the 6 Factions,

you CANNOT choose your faction,


you can choose not to go Siege War,

you can choose to go and yet ignore your own Faction Members,

you can choose to play Toxic with your own Factions,

you can choose play to lose instead of win,


whatever it is,

you are STUCKED in your own faction,

regardless of TG or SN or WS or KOM or any other clan,

the Faction that work together will win,



you are still in your own clans,

you can still clan chat,

you can clan chat and become a spy and betray your own faction because you hate someone,

whatever it is,

again you are stuck in your Faction for 1 month,

you want to be spy? go ahead and lose your Crown,

or you refuse to go SW because you hate your Faction, then fine too,



also, add Faction Chat Box



Change Faction:

1. wait for Faction to reset and re-assign every month


2. an NPC to pay for RANDOM again,

pay 250kk to Random again your Faction,

you can pay many times until you get the Faction you wanted,


3. Black Market sells Faction Change Coupon,

price is 1,500kk

allow you to change instead of random




I think Clan System for BC Siege War is pointless,

it has proven over the years ONLY 2 clans fighting,


well do you think adding a Faction system will stop Alliance..?

it will be too troublesome for Alliance,

next month will reset and re-assigned EVERYONE again into different faction,

give your thought^^


that's my idea,

ty for reading





thats a good ideia, but i think 6 is too much, 2 is enough, to avoid ppl making alliances on factions too.


If everyone ran to the same faction, there are games that balance the war by increasing the number of people that the losing side can lead to war, if it is losing repeatedly.


lost 2 wars in a row? next war can go with 5% more people than the enemy faction, 3 in a row? 10%... and so up to 25% if necessary.


The two sides would have the same amount of people to fight, if it is 200 on one side, it will only be able to go if the other side has 200 or more, if the weaker side has 50 people, the opposite side even if it has 200, it will enter with 50 and have 150 in line to enter.

This would also be one more reason to choose a side in the war, ease of participating in it, players would enter the faction they chose from level 130~140 to go to war.

Clans could have members from all factions, members could choose all from one faction or mixed clan.
It could have rankings of honor points, which it would earn only by participating in wars, also it would have clan rankings by faction, adding the honor of all members of each faction of the clan.


It would cost 100kk to change factions, a high value as it is something that should be thought about well.


20 hours ago, ForYeri said:

you can choose not to go Siege War,

you can choose to go and yet ignore your own Faction Members,

you can choose to play Toxic with your own Factions,

you can choose play to lose instead of win


I think if you are going to participate, you should wear your team jersey and go to sell, the system should have an anti afk system, one account per pc and if possible make sure one side is not trying to interfere/sabotage the other side


18 hours ago, BigFoot said:

Since we now have dungeon system, i suggest a siege war dungeon between only 2 clans. The idea is pretty simple, like a football tournament :
- Every clan with full 60 member (level minimum 140 each member to avoid ghost clan) sign up for a siege war tournament at the beginning of the tournament.

- In weekend, each clan enter the siege war dungeon to compete with other clan. There will be 2 turn, attack and defense for every clan. 

- At the end of the tournament, each clan will have 1 time attack and defense against every clan. The score base on the attack/defense time and number of winning.

- 3 top clan will get rewards.


With this idea we can limit the number of players in a siege war (only 120 maximum) so less lag, no mules buff and no alliances.

The tower of siege war dungeon should be adjustment for only 2 clans. 


What do you guys think about it ?


I think if you are going to participate, you should wear your team jersey and go to win, the system should have an anti afk system, one account per pc and if possible make sure one side is not trying to interfere/sabotage the other side

Edited by xkintaro
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Maybe its worth to think about Daily PVP Events like TeamDeathMatch or "FreeForAll" (external buffs like BC BUFF / SOD BUFF doesnt work in that daily Events). The TEAMS in TeamDeathMatch (TEAM A vs TEAM B) are build randomly. There is another Server who have that, take a look there and think about it. It works like Hell Gate, daily PVP like 2-3 Times (because time zones). LVL Requirment 146 - 20min PVP each event. The Top players (Top 10) get a Winner Box - and get a random reward (please no Bellum force and Soul Crystals).
AND/OR add new feature "CHALLENGE". When you CLICK a Player then you can choose INVITE/TRADE/ADD FRIEND. ADD THE FUNCTION CHALLANGE. You can bet Gold/Coin. I know you can challange people in BattleTown but no one go battletown, its dead and works only in Ares. the BC Map doesnt work when one side always outnumber another side. the result is one side will leave because unfair battle = BC Map dead.



Edited by DeadlyWarrior

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This is something that is impossible to achieve.

I mean - system wise, everything could be done - yet alliances will remain.

If all clans set their war flag to "At War!", if you hide every player's name and clan, what will happen:

Players will create color codes or gear codes - like, my alliance wears Summer Suit, the enemy alliance wears Vampire Suit, etc.

Even if all players has the same gears, chat blocked, and all other system features locked to prevent alliances...


Players will organize in places inside the castle wall - like, my alliance goes to the East, enemy alliance goes to the West, etc.

In the end, we get a game with so many intrusive restrictions that still will fail to block human behavior.

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The game's problem is the players, the fear of losing is something that terrifies some people who take the game too seriously, and in the end it ends up ruining the whole experience that Wartale tries to provide...

Edited by Keshy

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On 8/16/2021 at 2:47 PM, ForYeri said:

10 years always TWO sides,

impossible to stop Alliance,

what can the weaker clans do??..


if you guys really want,

@players of this server

@gms of this server

@uncle sandurr


you can follow other MMO games,

clans are for family and fun,

factions are for war and PvP, (some games do not have clan war, instead they have faction war)


this means there are no longer Clan War in Wartale,


1st day of month,

ALL players are randomly given a Faction,

you are STILL in your own clan,

what happen is that you join 'another clan', which is call 'Faction',


technically, this is just a group you are randomly put in by the server, 

(too lazy to explain faction, gamers sure know)



I think 6 Factions are enough for number of active players here,

let's say 6 Factions and give Faction names,



1. Gallantia

2. Idas

3. Mardanos

4. Migal

5. Awell

6. Skronipe


ALL players are randomly assigned to 1 of the 6 factions, (you CANNOT choose)


now to illustrate,

I use TOP 50 ranked players:





of course it will be randomized,

BUT.. just for sake of illustrate, I systemically assign 6 factions from Gallantia to Skronipe, (easier for me to assign)


now we have:


Revolver. (TG)

+Clonado+ (SN)

TheBlackMamba24 (TG)

Brada (TG)

Mjizzy (TG)

-Bors- (SN)

noob. (KOM)

Saeroyl (WS)

Ultra (TG)



_noob_ (KOM)

Mr@huyHuang (TG)

HoussaN (LB)

Grim (WS)

absolute (clanless)

-Kelmex- (SN)

Mrs.Lambreta (SN)

Multipler (clanless)

Detox (WS)



-Adrain- (KOM)

HB1 (Karoake)

Junior0510 (TG)

n00b (KOM)

Norhana (TG)

Mr.Okayla (Union)

jitsonghip (TG)

Langtugiangho (Snowblack)



-MassaBruta- (FF)

yangchun- (KOM)

Liev (WS)

Multiplier (TG)

Ladyshock (WS)

-shaylee- (Altima)

Voodoo. (SN)

Cots (clanless)



-Stone- (xxPHxx)

TG_Helllo (TG)

_shadowsin_ (clanless)

IownRelix (TG)

The.dude (WS)

MissPeach (Heretic)

1chuckEvan5 (xxPHxx)

Clive (infamous)



VN_Hello (TG)

SoNid (SN)

absolute (TG)

EricTai_Mech (TG)

-Jersey- (WS)

O'z (MIB)

LenhHoxung (WS)

Bloodshed. (WS)


everyone will be randomly assigned into one of the 6 Factions,

you CANNOT choose your faction,


you can choose not to go Siege War,

you can choose to go and yet ignore your own Faction Members,

you can choose to play Toxic with your own Factions,

you can choose play to lose instead of win,


whatever it is,

you are STUCKED in your own faction,

regardless of TG or SN or WS or KOM or any other clan,

the Faction that work together will win,



you are still in your own clans,

you can still clan chat,

you can clan chat and become a spy and betray your own faction because you hate someone,

whatever it is,

again you are stuck in your Faction for 1 month,

you want to be spy? go ahead and lose your Crown,

or you refuse to go SW because you hate your Faction, then fine too,



also, add Faction Chat Box



Change Faction:

1. wait for Faction to reset and re-assign every month


2. an NPC to pay for RANDOM again,

pay 250kk to Random again your Faction,

you can pay many times until you get the Faction you wanted,


3. Black Market sells Faction Change Coupon,

price is 1,500kk

allow you to change instead of random




I think Clan System for BC Siege War is pointless,

it has proven over the years ONLY 2 clans fighting,


well do you think adding a Faction system will stop Alliance..?

it will be too troublesome for Alliance,

next month will reset and re-assigned EVERYONE again into different faction,

give your thought^^


that's my idea,

ty for reading




I applaud your effort. I know you mean well. But the probability of this idea failing is 11/10 not to burst your bubble but. This idea would create more division and waste of energy and resources for the developers. For the same reason why this post was created, we dont have any control on how people will choose to fight and this would just end up in a loop and not solving anything.


1. We cant force people to wage war.

2.To not form alliances.

3.To play the game how we want it to be played.


To be honest. If their is no war why not create one. If everybody dont want to fight why not create something to make people fight.


I'm not saying to trash talk people to make them come to war that wont do. Not even worth the time.


I would say a tournament would be better. Clan vs clan but probably people would just forfeit, dropout or watever. I think we just need something better.



Edited by Zaps

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the weak want everything to be dismantled, they want alliance pvp xp nerf, farm gold nerf, char nerf, stop crying nerf nobody wants, this crap full of bugs of people abusing bugs nobody asks to improve, it's still on the way soon it won't be the disintegration of the clan, but the disintegration of the server, full of ****ty players who only know how to complain and some rat that doesn't even play and comes to the forum to fill his purse to ask for a change to what he thinks he is. Do you know

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there is no solution for that. the only way is to add alternative PVP-Options like TeamDeathMatch or other events. like HG, where there is a time and that is announced in the server, so who want to join can join, with Rewards for the WinnerTeam or the Top5 players for example. this alliance thing....long history in that server and hate between some clans and some players doesnt care about anything they just love to win even if they 10 vs 1 they get a cumshot. thats reality so there is no solution from outside for this. but with the additional PVP-Events/PVP-alternatives, there can be given a place for a nice pvp

Edited by DeadlyWarrior

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@Lyseria bad duduxinho, didnt call me to see the building on fire, I vote on making Symaria and daddy Argai come back to pvp again, make Kryon #1 again!!!



  • Haha 1

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- Faction system, with 2 possible factions. each one chooses a faction, regardless of which clan is the person, he will go to war to defend his faction.


- Balance system that balances both sides, where each side can only wage war with the same number of people as the other, for example:


Red team 200 ppls / 180 in war (20 in queue)
Blue team 180 ppls / 180 in war


Red team will have 20 people in line, if someone takes DC or reconnects, the 20 people will join.


Red team 300 ppls / 220 in war (80 in queue)
Blue team 220 ppls / 220 in war


People will prefer to go to factions with fewer people to have a better chance of going to war.


- Honor System, with rewards for people who are more in the war and more points, with objectives and kills.


- Anti-Afk system, a system to prevent one side from sabotaging the other side with punishments.


- Rank system for the best players of each side, would be the warlords. that would guide the faction.


The largest clans of each faction would have greater representation and recognition of the war.


People could choose factions in 150+ or 145+, there would have to be a delay to switch factions, like we have today in Bless.


- War Reward, it would have a bonus similar to that of bless castle crown currently for the winning faction and for the top players of each faction an in game title, this reward would only be awarded to players who had participated in the war 


We would be totally changing the unbalanced alliance system to something the GM would go and there could still be alliances like today we have clans, but those clans united on each side of the alliance that each one chose.

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