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Wartale Journal - "What you think about..."

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In this new edition of the Wartale Journal, we’ll going to discuss about the back of the Language Board.

For those who don’t know what happened, about a month ago, the Language Board was removed because they were unregulated and got filled with spam, hate, racism, cheats, etc, like Wartale had said here.

Now, the Language Board is back, and we asked to some players and the people of the Staff to see what they think about it:





Rey says:

Hum, I don’t know why it was deleted.

But, I think this is really necessary.

Is good to have a place where we can share ideas, talk about the game with people from our own country and is a good form of "entertainment".  :D

Mainly to better understands the rules of the game and tutorials that are applied on the site, for those who don't know speak very good English.

A place where you can have some people who can explain to you very clearly.

But the "Language Board" is only needed if you have a good amount of players in this game of the same country, otherwise it’s just useless.




Well, at first, the Language Board was good… actually it was great because it helped a lot of people especially for those who aren't good in English and for those who needs help in posting in the right section. It wouldn't work out without the Moderators of the Language Board section.

Kudos to you guys!

Of course we can't avoid conflicts especially for those negative people. That's why we need the moderators to handle them and that's what makes the Language Board interesting!  ;D




It was good because it’s a place that we can give a little support for who don’t have an English very sharp, discuss about some subjects in our language, which leaves everything more natural and fun. :)




It’s really good for some people who don’t know speak English, this help a lot all BR players in game.

I hope with the back of the section in forum we get some events, new patches and game guides, all translated for Portuguese. This would be a lot helpful for all plus we got a new MOD Iaan. I hope he does a good job with the rules and have a good sense there.




It’s very good to keep a good number of frequent users on forum and also for those ho don’t understand anything of English. That way they can know what’s going on in ther server and they can take out all their doubts with the Mods even users.

And this help to keep the forum 100% of function with a higher number of players participating in the forum.




Having the Language Boards back is indeed a good thing for both the community and the staff.

It's always nice to get support in your own native language and it takes quite a load of work off from the English section staff when we (I think would be more fair to say they) don't have to struggle with posts made by using a translator etc.

The language supports we have at the moment at least I am very pleased with and I beg the player community can find forgiveness in their hearts for the lack of support during siesta.



Iaan ♠

I believe with the back of the section, everyone (Brazilians, Filipinos and Spanish), will bring a new incentive to all players interact with the game. And also I think that for new players will give a good general explanation, highlighting what is important in the server! This was a really good step to both forum and game!




Well about the Language boards, I think it's good to have it back since there are some Spanish

speaking players who don't speaks English at all, and it's good to give them some help to solve

this issues.

Same with Portuguese and Filipino speaking people.

It's good to give some help, because well, sometimes the language can be a big problem when you don’t have anyone to translate for you. And even when you use a translator (like Google one) it's so hard to understand.

You can translate the answers, but that don't mean you will get what they say :/

So well, I think it's a really useful thing for everyone :)




The language boards were removed for a reason, and I hope that the users realize that it's not a free-for-all board now that they are back. All Wartale rules still apply.

That being said, I'm glad that the language boards are back to help users whose English is not their first language. It saves the staff a lot of time and energy to have the language moderators help translate and support all requests.




First of all, it’s very important that we have support to others languages, especially because big part of the players don’t speak English. Besides being able to count on the help of someone from your own country, the Language Board still offer an area intended to SPAM, which help us, as in my case (I’m Brazilian), to have a bigger bond between us.




Now, we ask to you:

What is your opinion about the Language Board?

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i love reading your journals kvra keep up the good work  ;D

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I think it's a good thing to have the language boards around, but they were removed before because there weren't enough moderators to keep an eye on them, and translating everything to keep watch became impossible. Like TSFE says, the language boards aren't Gardens of Freedom, every rule still applies there. And it's good we got new moderators now to keep the boards in check, that way they are able to stay there.

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i love reading your journals kvra keep up the good work  ;D


me too...

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"(...) rPT's Journal brings life for thewtcommunity (...)"

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"(...) Awesome way to get more interactive with the players(...)''

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Nice job ! ;)

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