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I need an archer's guide

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Hi every one, I'm a newbie in this server, and i saw many thing which different from official server. Can some one teach me how to build an archer (skill / attribute point, amour, etc..)

Thanks for your help! ?

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Hello and welcome to the server @summerrajn1

This is my recommendation:

Tier 1

- Shooting mastery (1)

- Wind arrow (4)

- Scout hawk (6)

Tier 2

- Falcon (3)

Tier 3

- Bomb shot (2)

- Golden falcon (5)


Tier 4

- Evasion mastery (2)

- Force of nature fon (1)

- Phoenix shot (3,4)

- Wolverine (3,4)

Tier 5

- Phx speed (1)

- Stun (2)

- Solar arrow (3)

- Leap shot (0 its useless) ok... maybe (4) if you need to push a monster with low defense


Stats depend on what type of archer you'd like to play: pure, hybrid and all the types in between. Pure archers have high damage and low resistance (no def, no abs) about 700-900 hp, while hybrid archers have lower atk (~30% less) and higher def/abs, but the same hp 750-950. I recommend you pure archer since from 120 to 144 you only attack behind a tank (ct3-diQ).

For pure:

- Strength just for gauntlets/shield. Best shields are blaze (18+3%), great (19+3%) and vampire (20+4%) up to Inferno shield (21+5%)

- Spirit 64 (set 1 or murky), 72 (set 2 or devine), 80 (set 3 or Celesto) 

- Talent 90 for gauntlets

- Health base (23) or for earrings (39)

- Agility all the rest

Pure archers can wear costume as armors, for lower level I recommend you "school uniform" because of the MP and hp added is qu1te useful. on higher lvls summer/succubus (+1 attack speed), cuepy (+ range), Thales F (def+block), DarkGaia mix (defense + abs)


For hybrid:

- Strenght: enough for armor of your level which is about ~170-200, you will be able to use any shield (use the one of your lvl or the one that offers more block)

- Spirit 64 (set 1 or murky), 72 (set 2 or devine), 80 (set 3 or Celesto) 

- Talent 90 for gauntlets/armor

- Health base (23) or for earrings (39)

- Agility all the rest


It is also important for you to know that unluckily (or luckily would a melee say?) in this server rangers (as, ata, automs, prs) need to use a tank after 144 (dark sanctuary) because none of them can't tank more than 1 monster hit and the use of armor (140+24) or health (need 200+ points) takes about ~30-35% of your damage so you won't kill efficiently and die a LOT compared to a melee, for example. Crystals and pets don't work and can actually turn against you in this map, because the map is made to be played with a tank. If you like ranger classes and you're just starting I highly recommend you to create a tank-magic character that can help you on the way: prs as killer and tank, mage as good killer, mech as tank (you can kill with as).


Archer's way, between all rangers, is definitely the hardest, but its qu1te good once you're close to the top

Good luck!

Edited by kenibok
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Thank you so much for your help. My friend is playing Mech so that i have a tanker too :D, hope we can be comfortable with this team comp :D 

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On 8/21/2021 at 8:43 PM, kenibok said:

Hello and welcome to the server @summerrajn1

This is my recommendation:

Tier 1

- Shooting mastery (1)

- Wind arrow (4)

- Scout hawk (6)

Tier 2

- Falcon (3)

Tier 3

- Bomb shot (2)

- Golden falcon (5)


Tier 4

- Evasion mastery (2)

- Force of nature fon (1)

- Phoenix shot (3,4)

- Wolverine (3,4)

Tier 5

- Phx speed (1)

- Stun (2)

- Solar arrow (3)

- Leap shot (0 its useless) ok... maybe (4) if you need to push a monster with low defense


Stats depend on what type of archer you'd like to play: pure, hybrid and all the types in between. Pure archers have high damage and low resistance (no def, no abs) about 700-900 hp, while hybrid archers have lower atk (~30% less) and higher def/abs, but the same hp 750-950. I recommend you pure archer since from 120 to 144 you only attack behind a tank (ct3-diQ).

For pure:

- Strength just for gauntlets/shield. Best shields are blaze (18+3%), great (19+3%) and vampire (20+4%) up to Inferno shield (21+5%)

- Spirit 64 (set 1 or murky), 72 (set 2 or devine), 80 (set 3 or Celesto) 

- Talent 90 for gauntlets

- Health base (23) or for earrings (39)

- Agility all the rest

Pure archers can wear costume as armors, for lower level I recommend you "school uniform" because of the MP and hp added is qu1te useful. on higher lvls summer/succubus (+1 attack speed), cuepy (+ range), Thales F (def+block), DarkGaia mix (defense + abs)


For hybrid:

- Strenght: enough for armor of your level which is about ~170-200, you will be able to use any shield (use the one of your lvl or the one that offers more block)

- Spirit 64 (set 1 or murky), 72 (set 2 or devine), 80 (set 3 or Celesto) 

- Talent 90 for gauntlets/armor

- Health base (23) or for earrings (39)

- Agility all the rest


It is also important for you to know that unluckily (or luckily would a melee say?) in this server rangers (as, ata, automs, prs) need to use a tank after 144 (dark sanctuary) because none of them can't tank more than 1 monster hit and the use of armor (140+24) or health (need 200+ points) takes about ~30-35% of your damage so you won't kill efficiently and die a LOT compared to a melee, for example. Crystals and pets don't work and can actually turn against you in this map, because the map is made to be played with a tank. If you like ranger classes and you're just starting I highly recommend you to create a tank-magic character that can help you on the way: prs as killer and tank, mage as good killer, mech as tank (you can kill with as).


Archer's way, between all rangers, is definitely the hardest, but its qu1te good once you're close to the top

Good luck!


Hi! Why don't you use Dion's Eye and Perforation?

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Many skills have changed during that time and now, and I'm not sure about everything


Dion's eye gives rating based on bow only, so its a very small rating versus using golden falcon or scout hawk, if you have enough points, its always good to lvl up Dion's eye, but its not a priority.

Perforation doesn't work like it does in every other server, here, since 2020 has only received nerf after nerf. As you may know perforation has linear AoE damage but its critical made it better than circular area skills for some scenarios. Today perforation has -30% critical and is completely useless versus Arrow of Rage or Bomb shot for area skills, that's why I don't recommend using it.



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On 2/23/2022 at 9:18 PM, kenibok said:


Many skills have changed during that time and now, and I'm not sure about everything


Dion's eye gives rating based on bow only, so its a very small rating versus using golden falcon or scout hawk, if you have enough points, its always good to lvl up Dion's eye, but its not a priority.

Perforation doesn't work like it does in every other server, here, since 2020 has only received nerf after nerf. As you may know perforation has linear AoE damage but its critical made it better than circular area skills for some scenarios. Today perforation has -30% critical and is completely useless versus Arrow of Rage or Bomb shot for area skills, that's why I don't recommend using it.





Edited by DeadlyWarrior
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