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Anak ka ng Pak-yu

Remove All mule buffers in BC

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Anak ka ng Pak-yu

Using mules to get buff is not fair in BC, it is best not to have any mules to buff your char in BC. But, outside BC other chars can still buff other chars, or  perhaps permanent NO SAFE ZONE in BC



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20 hours ago, Anak ka ng Pak-yu said:

Using mules to get buff is not fair in BC, it is best not to have any mules to buff your char in BC. But, outside BC other chars can still buff other chars, or  perhaps permanent NO SAFE ZONE in BC



No safe zone in BC already happened before. It just made more people not go to BC anymore. Yes, It would control the mule buffs but it would not take the fact that once you spawn you would get hammered before you could even do something.


Probably a different idea would work. Buffs were made to be used. Others just have the resources to have them all to get that edge above others. Who wouldn't? its like asking someone not to buy red potion even if they are available at the shop. If you want a fair fight. Go to Battle Arena at battle town to challenge someone instead. It would level the playing field a little bit.





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i'm still waiting for the gladiator project, for now the pvp with the flags is dead.

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the positiv aspects are less lag in BC and the PVP is in my point of view more interesting. but thats a complicated question. some buffs give some classes more synergy effects then other. for example Assassine with her evade selfbuff, Drax Boots, Ata-Buff and the evade scroll from shop + block. that makes it hard to hit an assassine, while she has the ability to hitkill. the same effect we have for example with Archer. in my Situation for FS the Priest Buff VL have the best synergy effect. when have for example 2000HP, VL add 600HP, while other classes like KS get less HP-Benefit. so there are - depending in the class -  synergy effects, that give some classes here and there more advantages then others.... without buffs we have another PVP and your true power has something to do with your items, level, build, the force you use and so on...so that question is difficult for us to answer and the staff/Gms here have the knowledge and expierience to handle this difficult question. from my Side a +1 because i hate the Lag during Siege War....  



Edited by DeadlyWarrior

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On 22/08/2021 at 12:46, Zaps said:

Nenhuma zona segura em BC já aconteceu antes. Isso só fez com que mais pessoas não fossem mais para BC . Sim, isso controlaria os buffs de mula, mas não levaria o fato de que, uma vez que você desova, você seria golpeado antes mesmo de fazer algo.


Provavelmente uma ideia diferente funcionaria. Os lustres foram feitos para serem usados. Outros apenas têm os recursos necessários para ter uma vantagem sobre os outros. Quem não gostaria? é como pedir a alguém que não compre poção vermelha, mesmo que esteja disponível na loja. Se você quer uma luta justa. Vá para a Battle Arena na cidade de batalha para desafiar alguém. Isso nivelaria um pouco o campo de jogo.






The flags are taken off, I don't like to go yet, take them off or roll

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