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Currently wartale has the worst pvp in priston ?

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MS broken (3k hp, hit 2.5k???)

ASS broken (2.2 k hit and can ran???)


Remove hk from the game?


joke ?

unfair PvP


Many updates and no class balance in pvp.




Edited by =)
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Honestly i never think in my life if i speak this but... BPT is years of light more advanced in compair for Wartale in PVP system... Last night i log one MG 167 in BPT, and he can tank a lot and kill very fast your opponent. Here in Wartale MG died for any 130+18 item and never do a hit-kill in any one enemie is wonderfull ❤️ 


No... its a joke, i think the pvp system of wartale broke  since the beggin of 2021, when staff started many changes for nerf MG,FS etc... and dont nerf ASS/MS/AS .  So for this reason now they have this 2 monster's in PVP and honestly staff dont have any ideia why they do about that for balance this class. 








I forgot that, im so sorry... But of corse its only one joke, now is day 31 of august and they will put of this date for november of 2031 when every one here will be dead.  




Edited by Molaxx
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I believe that the problem is too much to block / evade and eventually for someone to die to have HK.

honestly I don't understand how molaxx can interact with normal people even on this forum, I would like a way to not see your bull**** in all topics.


Edited by Hulk
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the pvp system is not bad in my oppinion but also agree that some things can be better. i think all classes are fine now expect MS and Assassine should be analyzed ans updated. 

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Well, definitely MS isn't supposed to be the tankiest and still hit kill with obliteration, specially without even charging the skill (this is a big trip, seriously)...


I sincerely think Obliteration skill shouldn't even be casted if not fully charged. We are talking about lifting a GIANT HAMMER, which is HEAVY. It must not be something you can simply change mind in the middle of the proccess and still be efficient.


And even when fully charged, it must not deal super high flat damage. I think flat damage (hit kill) must come from sharp weapons like Scythes and daggers, not from hammers. 


"flat damage" just doesn't fit with MS's design. Not in PVP, neither in PVE.


It would be alot more suitable if all units hit by fully charged obliteration had some sort of debuff, rather than flat damage. 


Suggestion for obliterarion:

- avarage damage (no more hit kill) followed by 10s of -30% abs


- avarage damage (no more hit kill) plus 10s of 30% slow


- avarage damage (no more hit kill) plus 10s of eletric damage and  SMALL critical chance


And about assassin, the problem with her is the fact safe zone exists... or more specifically the fact it's possible to get in/out safe with all buffs.


"Safe zone" in a pvp context makes absolutely no sense, it mess up things, it brings advantages for some and limmitation for others. It's something that simply must not exist, or at least, player should only be able to cast buffs ONLY in the battle zone. If players want to stay safe then they should stay in ricarten behind warehouse, not in BC


If the problem with no safe zone Bless Castle was people were hit as soon as they spawn in the map, then why not add random respawn location in BC + 15s of total invulnerability so everyone can rebuff and reposition properly? It would be alot better than simply bringing back the old safe zone with it's old flaws. 


It drives me crazy how some stuff are easily exploitable. Stuff must be designed in a way it works best when it's used correctly, not when it's exploited. 

Things doesn't need to be exploit-proof, they only must not work good when exploited, simple. If it makes no logic sense to exploit something, then why would such thing be exploited? If exploiting is bad business then people simply won't exploit. The problem starts when a feature works best when exploited rather than used as it was designed to be used.


And just to clarify, i don't think the server overall is at a **** state. Actually i would give it a 9/10 overall, simply the best server undoubtlessly.


But PLEASE admin fix this 1/10 detail, don't left such details behind. Don't give up on improving everything just because there will alaways be someone complaining. 

Edited by MadTale

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