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Progression for Assassin

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Hey guys

I just started the game, a few days ago and got to level 105 with my assassin (mostly moon hunt and crystal training solo). I cant really do any quest from Eura (i think horn of barbell). What should i start doing ? Do i just keep grinding and then buy some equipment to make my character stronger. I read that assassin is pretty useless in pve though so probably gonna moon hunt until 12x ? Any suggestion is welcome ^^


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How to exp an assassin


Step 1: Make a priestess

Step 2: Leech Assassin until 120, then you can continue leeching or go luring in CT3


Assassin is hard to exp, since this class is not common, you can only find clean items in low lvl. From 144 you can kill but still need pri, maybe she tanks and regen while you active deception and spam normal atk


You can see a lot of 12-13x Assassin now but most of them are mine diggers


Yes, you can exp an assassin but getting a pri will get your way x10 times easier

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18 minutes ago, Namonaki said:

Como ex-exp um assassino


Passo 1: Faça uma sacerdotisa

Passo 2: Leech Assassin até 120, então você pode continuar leeching ou ir atraindo em CT3

this guide works for PS and FS

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Hello guys

i got mine to level 120 ? (it is pretty tough thou). Then i realize luring in CT3 isnt very viable since mobs kill her pretty quickly. So should i just do daily and leech abit + HG (averaging about 0.75 level / day) ? or should i invest some items and go lure in ct3

Thanks !

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When you want to join CT3 quest as a lure, reset your stat and make it Full Health. That is, put enough stat to wear your defensive items and don't worry about weapons. Put the rest on Health. This will make it harder for you to die. Try and see if it improve your survival.

Mix your defensive gear if you can. Don't go high mix yet because you will grow up fast enough to get a higher ones.

Edited by JeleStore

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Hi guys


I just come back from a long break and find AS is fun to play. Can you tell me is she good in pvp because Im planning to buy a 15x char to PvP? If not, what's  your suggestion for pvp char?


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4 minutes ago, gecko0207 said:

Hi guys


I just come back from a long break and find AS is fun to play. Can you tell me is she good in pvp because Im planning to buy a 15x char to PvP? If not, what's  your suggestion for pvp char?


If you wanna go full pvp then go for a Pikeman/Assasin, altough AS isn't any bad in PVP and is a great (if not the best) boss hunter class. 

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8 minutes ago, MadTale said:

If you wanna go full pvp then go for a Pikeman/Assasin, altough AS isn't any bad in PVP and is a great (if not the best) boss hunter class. 

Hi MadTale


Thanks for giving nice info. So now Pike still leading in PvP? Pike is my 1st love so I really want to comeback as pike, but I like how fast AS atking. If pure solo PvP , would you recommend Pike or AS ?

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4 minutes ago, gecko0207 said:

Hi MadTale


Thanks for giving nice info. So now Pike still leading in PvP? Pike is my 1st love so I really want to comeback as pike, but I like how fast AS atking. If pure solo PvP , would you recommend Pike or AS ?

I would say ASS is like a intenser version of pikeman. Dies and kills faster. Also ASS has better AOE skills than pikeman, and is overall less effective in the PVE aspect. 


If you want to PVP only = ASS


PVP + Boss hunt = AS

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13 hours ago, MadTale said:

I would say ASS is like a intenser version of pikeman. Dies and kills faster. Also ASS has better AOE skills than pikeman, and is overall less effective in the PVE aspect. 


If you want to PVP only = ASS


PVP + Boss hunt = AS


Thanks for your answer. I wonder is there a huge difference between lv 155 to under 160 compare  above 160 ? Because I want to buy a good enough char to pvp, so does lv involve here ? (provided I have top gear for my char)


Besides, if I have 2nd char to hunt, what char should you suggest ? ATA or Archer. 


Hope to hear from you


Many thanks.

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10 minutes ago, gecko0207 said:


Thanks for your answer. I wonder is there a huge difference between lv 155 to under 160 compare  above 160 ? Because I want to buy a good enough char to pvp, so does lv involve here ? (provided I have top gear for my char)


Besides, if I have 2nd char to hunt, what char should you suggest ? ATA or Archer. 


Hope to hear from you


Many thanks.


Boss hunt = AS > ATA


If you want to completely destroy everyone 100% = 160+

If you want destroy 97% of players with much lower investiment = 155-157

If you want to be top gear with lowest possible investment (destroys around 90% of players) = 152 (enough for last items +24)


If you consider there is always an upcoming new higher level item set and want to have enough level for anything that comes in the next 12 months: 155-157


Edited by MadTale
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1 hour ago, MadTale said:


Boss hunt = AS > ATA


If you want to completely destroy everyone 100% = 160+

If you want destroy 97% of players with much lower investiment = 155-157

If you want to be top gear with lowest possible investment (destroys around 90% of players) = 152 (enough for last items +24)


If you consider there is always an upcoming new higher level item set and want to have enough level for anything that comes in the next 12 months: 155-157


You truly a priston expert Madtale, your info makes my decision become clearer than ever. Just some question out of curiosity:


1. Why AS perform better than Ata in boss hunt ? 


2. I remember Wartale used to have class change and name change but now this service gone. Do you know why this no longer available ?

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3 minutes ago, gecko0207 said:

You truly a priston expert Madtale, your info makes my decision become clearer than ever. Just some question out of curiosity:


1. Why AS perform better than Ata in boss hunt ? 


2. I remember Wartale used to have class change and name change but now this service gone. Do you know why this no longer available ?


1- Because greater range + insane vs demon damage bonus + easier to play

2- Because it's planned to gradually remove content from coin shop and only sell visual content, as visual content won't affect game economy. 

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23 hours ago, MadTale said:


1- Because greater range + insane vs demon damage bonus + easier to play

2- Because it's planned to gradually remove content from coin shop and only sell visual content, as visual content won't affect game economy. 


IMO, name and class change don't  have any impact the game , it's just visual content as you say. Besides,  the server will have income from that. Why stop doing that great service ? Class change provide opportunity to have at least the lv you desire in case of no one sell your specific lv char. And name change gives me the feeling that my purchased char is fully mine, not someone else. Hope that service can comeback one day.

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2 minutes ago, gecko0207 said:


IMO, name and class change don't  have any impact the game , it's just visual content as you say. Besides,  the server will have income from that. Why stop doing that great service ? Class change provide opportunity to have at least the lv you desire in case of no one sell your specific lv char. And name change gives me the feeling that my purchased char is fully mine, not someone else. Hope that service can comeback one day.

It affects game economy because:

- it masks the real value of a weak class. 

- it's unfair with people who doesn't spend real money with game BUT are super active players who want to be top player in one class.

- it makes possible someone to have the strongest char in anything/anytime.

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