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About LC party

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Why is it always so hard to find a LC party? Everytime its like 1 hour to fill a party.

There are enough players lvl 146 ingame. And its a nice break from your daily xping.


Not enough Key ingame ? (incrase droprate? )

Keys to exspansive?

To many chars played by pilots? (all i read in trade chat: Last slot ss) 

Pilots dont have persmission to go Cave by owner ?

To many players afk ?







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in my opinion this map drops L key entraera if type 5 play different class this map was bad idea kk


Edited by MOMO

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I believe its due to the fact that many players dont like going in random parties just so they dont have to share the loot, so ppl that have clan only go lc with their clannies 

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7 minutes ago, vulgojedi said:

I believe its due to the fact that many players dont like going in random parties just so they dont have to share the loot, so ppl that have clan only go lc with their clannies 

Selfish peeps.. Ego trippers..Sheisse peeps ?

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A new way to share the drops on the dungeon maybe, to help ppl to go with random players.

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I didn't like going there, I prefer it drop L key sells 90kk of the mas account



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