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Is there a monster drop list avaliable?

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Good evening guys, 


As the title state, i was just wondering if there is a monster drop list avaliable on this forum some where.

I am looking for so "Base runes" for respec'ing  and im having some difficulty sourcing them.

Thank you in advance!


If we do not have a list.. maybe we can all contribute and make a list of what items drop from what monsters and what time..and we can narrow it down and see if its a randomized occurance or if its fixed in the game.


For example": fallen stars can drop at night time anywhere i believe...   but on the website it says it only drops in the morion forests. 


Anyway, thanks, hope to hear from you guys soon! 



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When there are updates or patches they update some of the infos as well. Fallen stars fall all over the map if im not mistaken. 


for runes i usually get them from ‘hunting’ maps. Secret lab and Shadow sanc drop them alot. If i loot them you can pm me in game. 

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