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Just to say Thanks

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I haven't been here long i just come on and level mostly and i have played in ept and some private servers. I just wanted to say i found this server very nice and extremly helpful admins on the forums. I was treated with respect when i had a question or problem. The mod Wartale was very helpful and i wanted to let him know he does a good job on here. I never knew Wartale personally but i knew of him for a long time in being a Pristontale Fan you hear of people who are high in the Pristontale World and as a Fan for years you hear of people who do very good things. Wartale is a legend around the PT World and i am sure alot of people in one way or another has heard of him. I have met others who are just as high in repect as sander but none who kept going with pt like sandurr did. He has bought pt into a new era with this server here and as a Fan of Pristontale i hope he keeps going on for more years. Truely a remarkle work sandurr has done and i just wanted to say thank you for continuing to keep Pristontale alive after all these years.



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those people who play Pristontale till now (2011) are big fans ofcourse xD quote this if its true  ;D

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those people who play Pristontale till now (2011) are big fans ofcourse xD quote this if its true  ;D


I have been playing in Ept, migrated my character in PTP.. and fortunately still playing RPT.. hehehe!

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Wartale and Mercury really dedicate on their role...other than that we have other really helpful people such as Davv and 3R. You guys did phenomenon job for your time spend for Wartale other than their real life.

I know alot people specially Vietnamese gamers who love Priston like myself, after PTV (pristontale vietnam) closed down. This is their HOME.


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those people who play Pristontale till now (2011) are big fans ofcourse xD quote this if its true  ;D


I have been playing in Ept, migrated my character in PTP.. and fortunately still playing RPT.. hehehe!


philippine Pristontale ? o.0

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Well i just thought these guys needed to hear some good things with all the other stuff that goes on with running a server. ;)

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