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Magician skill book!

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Well i'm creating this topic to find out a solucion or to have a good answer. Who have a magician mighty be notice that his skill book isn't correct in game whereas the guide (skills) shows - (http://www.realmpt.com/forum/index.php?topic=52.0).


PS* Some skills aren't the same.


I would to know why magician skill aren't fixed until today, cuz the others chars all have good dmg skills and things like that.. mgs only have flame wave and diastrophism without delay.


Sry if i missed something, but magician has to be a good char too. ???

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magician and priestress are mass killer..

they do kill right now faster than any other melee char ...

specialy prs ( i think shes bit overpowered ! )


wait t5 ..

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magician and priestress are mass killer..

they do kill right now faster than any other melee char ...

specialy prs ( i think shes bit overpowered ! )


wait t5 ..


That's right! As you can see, prs as mass killer has most of skills edited and in accordance with her guide in the forum. Yes she is overpowered, that's why it's not fair!!  Btw prs are not the discussion of this topic..


Will i wait mage tier 5? ya i'll , but the anothers skills before tier 5 has to be right!

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im sorry but, all i hear is "bla bla bla"


every day someone create a topic just like this one


it ill be fixed when tier 5 releases...and magician is the best char for massive kill, nothing to complain, ok ?


just take it as everyone else is taking...enjoy the best server ^^

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im sorry but, all i hear is "bla bla bla"


every day someone create a topic just like this one


it ill be fixed when tier 5 releases...and magician is the best char for massive kill, nothing to complain, ok ?


just take it as everyone else is taking...enjoy the best server ^^







Anyway the massive killer is ARCHER

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