Wartale 7,374 Report post Posted November 8, 2021 Changelog Patch 5237: Improved Personal Shop! You can now link your character to your smartphone and manage your shop and whispers from the app! You can relog into your account at anytime, you will re-enter into your online character's shop and you can adjust your shop in-game or resume playing on the spot! New item Merchant Certificate sold in Coin Shop that increases your item sale price limit from 2kkk to 100kkk! Buyers must be holding Gold Bars to purchase the item which are automatically sold to make the purchase. Excess gold in your inventory is automatically converted to Gold Bars and transferred to your Item Box at the Item Distributor. Now displaying the remaining Item count in the shop's message balloon. Now stays open even when sold out. Pinned Personal Shops now show their location in the Minimap. New Mounts! Sleety Skorpeis Luminous Skorpeis Onyx Skorpeis New Tonics! Craftable at Alchemy Master, Yoric in Phillai Town. Tonics come in each element and while using one, turns all your non-elemental attack skills into that elemental type. They require new Essence Materials in their recipe's. These can be obtained by harvesting Plants. New Cleansing Potion! Craftable at Alchemy Master, Yoric in Phillai Town. New Charity Boxes! Added to Ricarten Town and Phillai Town. Help newbies get going by donating some of your stuff ? New Mix Formula List! Added to Mixing Craftsman, Morald when placing an item that has mixes available for it. New Tier Headband Potions! Available at Hair Stylist in Atlantis Town. New Boss Anima's! For each Super Boss. Dropped by them. New Rename Item! Available in Coin Shop. Skill Changes! See below! New Earrings! Craftable at Smithery Master, Salon in Ricarten Town: Grace Earrings +2 Resplendent Earrings +2 Vivid Earrings +2 Triadic Earrings +2 You can now buy back items accidentally sold to NPC for a limited time. Added Mature Stone crafting to Alchemy Master, Yoric to merge lower quality Mature Stones into higher quality ones. Live Boss Info is now seen in the World Map, Guide Map and Minimap. Item Sockets are now preserved on the item when doing perfectize, basic respec or cleaning on it. Increased Trading window size. New Switzerland Soccer Suit available in Coin Shop. Railway of Chaos' (Iron 1) Babel changed to Phantom Babel with a new drop list, but still drops the Horn for the Horn of Babel quest. Added Boss MVP effect to the best player after Boss battles. Skill Pet Mode is now saved. Improved Archer's Wolverine intelligence, as well as other Pets. Witch Lord will no longer trance Boss Monster Crystals and will also take longer to trance normal Monster Crystals. Added Regen and Loot Lotto to boss Mokova. Magic Cruet quest is now level 136, moved to Jin, the Explorer, needs less kills and requires the quest Jin's Medaillon to be completed. Fighter's Flame Vortex can now be double clicked or shift clicked so it doesn't require you to hold the mouse button down. Fighter's Hellion behavior changed so that it requires an active Fighter for it to loot gold. Atalanta's Chimera of Light and Shaman's Crimson Knight now keep living when you die. Changed max Party Level difference to 25 and increased party EXP range. Magnifying Glass now also works on Earrings, Belts and Gatherer Tools. It's now possible to compare items with shift on Mount Equipment and Gatherer Tools. It's now possible to do multiple repeatable quests at the same time, except for repeatable quests done in the same map. When holding shift and picking up a potion in the inventory, all other potions of the same type are combined into the same stack on your mouse. Now asking for confirmation when trading gold for gold or coins for coins. Fallen Star is now storable in the Material inventory. You can now right click on a Party Member in the Party Interface to auto aim and cast a buff on your Party Member. Holding shift while discarding items in Item Distributor will discard the item without asking for confirmation. Now asking for a confirmation to sell Materials to NPC if not holding shift to prevent accidentally selling. Mount Equipments can now come in No Spec. Relics nerfed: Fury: SP reduced from 100 to 82. Fallen Angel: MP reduced from 212 to 116. Tulla: HP reduced from 297 to 158. Draxos: Walking Evasion reduced from 5% to 4%. Centlon: Critical Resistance reduced from 5% to 4%. Reduced damage threshold to enter Loot Lotto's. Element Resistance of one type now reduces the Resistance of another type. 10 Fire reduces Ice by 1. 10 Ice reduces Fire by 1. 10 Lightning reduces Poison by 1. 10 Poison reduces Lightning by 1. Relic Damage Boost vs their respective bosses is now also applied to Burn and Poison Damage. Caravan can be set to Following/Stay by clicking the Item Timer itself with the left mouse button. Action Bar now auto positions above the Inventory and Skill Book when they're open. Stackable items can now be placed in Clan Treasury and Item Distributor. Potion Animation is now equal amongst all classes. Flinch Animation is now equal duration amongst all classes. Put a new animation for Magician's Energy Shield skill. Visually increased Shaman's head size a little bit. Wolverine's howling removed at spawning and put it at her de-spawning moment instead. Made monster movement look smoother. Headbands now show on all hairs that didn't have headbands before. Backspace hides Caravan names of other players. Right click on the stat arrow (strength etc) will auto set the points to the minimum required for your current equipment. Player's position is reverted if reconnecting in Luminous Cavern. Now showing Fireworks when winning the Loot Lotto. Removed confirmation when selling Gold Bars to NPC. New inventory images for Mature Stones. New icons in Coin Shop for change name, etc. Now showing available quest icon in Minimap for NPC's. Added Boss HP bar to all bosses. Crafting no longer uses equipped items as inputs to make the item. Changed Ancient Weapon main spawn location closer to Jin, the Explorer and made minor adjustments to the spawn points. Dying from monsters spawned by GM no longer reduces your EXP. Now playing a soft crit hit sound when doing a critical hit with Bow or Javelin and increase speed of Javelin/Bow arrow on crit. Fixed a bug with Loot Lotto where it would say you're already in the Loot Lotto with another character but you aren't. Fixed a bug where "Grab Equipment" share PW lock wouldn't apply to Gatherer Tools. Fixed a bug where using a Base/Spec Rune on Mount Equipment would return the item with a different spec. Fixed a bug where Archers could hide in a wall in Bless Castle. Fixed a bug where your own Smelting Furnace or Grinding Table wouldn't spawn sometimes. Fixed a bug with fake duping stackable items through Personal Shop. Fixed a bug where Divine Force or Holy Valor doesn't cancel if the caster leaves the party as it should. Fixed a bug where monsters don't pay attention to who's attacking it and stay idle. Fixed a bug where Bellatra rooms sizes aren't of equal size giving some rooms a small advantage. Fixed a bug where Magic Source couldn't be recasted on other players. Fixed a bug where Crystal Worm wasn't doing damage to players far away. Fixed a bug where Deception doesn't get deactivated by default attack. Fixed a bug where Blue Memory Stone didn't save the character state after using it. Fixed a bug where Coin Sack would drop inside the wall by Antrallos. Fixed a bug where Phoenix Shot damage goes out of sync in PvP. Fixed a bug with Chasing Hunt sight not properly working. Fixed a bug with Legendary Crystal not spawning Mokova. Fixed a bug with abusing reconnect to enter HG with multiple characters. Fixed a UI bug where party interface is hidden and needs a game restart to recover. Fixed a UI bug with chat box scrolling while the notice box is opened. Fixed a sound bug where Wolverine and Fire Elemental don't have skill sounds. Fixed a sound bug with Brawler's and Assassin's walk and running sound not matching the footsteps. Fixed a visual bug with Assassin's Hair Potion Classy E and Classy F. Fixed a visual bug with animations on idle NPC's, monsters and players. Fixed a visual bug in animation with potting while Mounted. Fixed a visual bug with Hopy Lunchbox showing head. Fixed a visual bug on mixing appearance on some items such as Halloween Fist. Fixed a visual bug with Force Orb glows appearing white in Ricarten Town. Fixed a visual bug with Phoenix Shot animation to look more smooth. Fixed a visual bug with item names in chat box. Fixed a visual bug with Halloween Sword appearing under the Knight's cape in towns. Fixed a visual bug with Brawler's hands during harvesting Plants. Fixed a visual bug with animations of other players during mining. Fixed a visual bug where Materials inventory remained after relogging and making a new character. Fixed a visual bug with relogging while having a Personal Shop on. Guides for Relics, Sockets, Gatherer etc are now available in the Game Guides on the website. Mining and Herbalism ranking is now also based on total veins mined or total plants harvested and will continue even after reaching max level. Typing in East Asian Languages and emoji's is now fully supported. Improved display of basic font emoji's. Skill Balance Extreme Shield (PVE/PVP) Block reduced from 15% to 13%. Mechanic Bomb Static Damage Removed. (PVE/PVP) Now does 27% Damage Boost. (PVE/PVP) Bonus against mutant and mechanic reduced from 500% to 50%. (PVE/PVP) Area decreased from 100 to 84. Poison Attribute Removed Reverse Engineering (NEW) Permanently increases the damage against mechanic enemies by studying machine components. (PVE/PVP) 20% Damage Boost against mechanic monsters. Great Smash Static Damage Removed. (PVE/PVP) Now does 66% Damage Boost. Maximize (PVE/PVP) Damage Boost reduced from 79% to 76%. Metal Armor (PVP) Defense Boost reduced from 80% to 64%. Grand Smash (PVP) Damage Boost reduced from 76% to 66%. (PVE/PVP) Attack Rating reduced from 75% to 70%. Compulsion (PVE) Extra Absorb reduced from 42 to 39. (PVP) Extra Absorb reduced from 42 to 24. Precision Damage boost against Mechanic Monsters removed. Obliterate (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 298% to 314% (PVP) Damage Boost reduced from 158% to 146%. Fire Attribute (REWORKED) (PVE/PVP) Now increase the final damage of your fire skills by 10%. Destroyer (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 160% to 166%. Berserker (PVE/PVP) Added Attack Power increased from 180 to 204. Hellion (PVE/PVP) Pet Damage Multiplier increased from 2.0 to 7.5. Pike Wind Static Damage Removed. (PVE/PVP) Now does 134% Damage Boost. (PVE/PVP) Pushback increased from 120 to 130. (PVE/PVP) Cooldown increased from 0.5 to 4.5 seconds. Ice Attribute (REWORKED) (PVE/PVP) Now increase the final damage of your ice skills by 10%. Ground Pike Static Damage Removed. (PVE/PVP) Now does 151% Damage Boost. Charging Strike (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 60% to 81%. (PVE) Charged Damage Boost increased from 135% to 243%. Vorpal Dive (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 104% to 231%. (PVE) Frozen Bonus increased from 164% to 182%. Scout Hawk (PVE/PVP) Attack rating boost reduced from 100% to 50%. Phoenix Shot (PVE) Now does Fire elemental damage. Wolverine (PVE/PVP) Removed Spawn Animation. Leap Shot (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 182% to 258%. Solar Arrow (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 200% to 218%. Phoenix Speed (PVE/PVP) Reduce Attack Rating removed. Wisp Reworked start-up and recovery animation. Increased cast animation speed. (PVE) Attack rating reduction increased from 15% to 30%. (PVE/PVP) Attack Range reduction increased from 30% to 50% Finishing Blow (PVP) Damage Boost reduced from 104% to 100%. Gust Slash (PVE/PVP) Damage boost increased from 89% to 93%. (PVE/PVP) Area increased from 100 to 130. Ninja Shadow (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 97% to 144%. Rising Slash (PVE/PVP) Damage boost increased from 208% to 259%. Otara Challenge (PVE/PVP) Duration increased from 30 to 60 seconds. Blast Wave (PVE/PVP) Damage Boost increased from 134% to 142% Retaliation Fixed bug when retaliation ignored the next damage dealt after being triggered. Infrangible Frame (PVP) Damage reduction reduced from 25% to 22%. Head Crusher (PVE/PVP) Normal damage boost increased from 105% to 110%. Pummel (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 102% to 114%. Raise Octagon Improved Monster behavior inside the octagon, allowing them to hit the walls more frequently. Comet Fist (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 234% to 272%. (PVE) Charged damage Boost increased from 528% to 1004%. Neck Wrecker (PVP) Damage Boost reduced from 80% to 77%. (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 168% to 178%. (PVE/PVP) Attack Rating Boost reduced from 61% to 40%. Countershock (PVE/PVP) Damage Boost increased from 377% to 454%. Rampage (PVE) Damage boost increased from 181% to 193% Force Belt (PVE) Block Count Increased from 1 to 2. Holy Body (Reworked) Holy Body is now a passive skill. Can be used simultaneously with Holy Valor or Drastic Spirit. (PVE/PVP) Damage reduction against undead monsters reduced from 33% to 18%. Brandish (PVE/PVP)Damage Boost increased from 184% to 198%. Sword of Justice (PVE/PVP) Damage Boost increased from 278% to 420%. (PVE/PVP) Cooldown increased from 0,5 to 5,25 seconds. God's Blessing (PVE/PVP) Added Attack Power increased from 120 to 128. Divine Piercing (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 95% to 102%. Undead Bane Bonus against undead is now applied to AoE skills. Zealous Reach (PVE/PVP) Damage Boost increased from 194% to 278% Shield Strike Static Damage Removed (PVE/PVP)Now does 39% Damage Boost. (PVE/PVP) Range increased from 110 to 180. Vigor Spear Renamed from Bigger Spear to Vigor Spear. Static Damage Removed. (PVE/PVP)Now does 138% Damage Boost. Soul Sucker (PVE/PVP) Range increased from 176 to 180. Split Javelin (PVE/PVP) Damage boost increased from 105% to 107%. Amazon Rage Reworked start-up and recovery animation. Increased cast animation speed. Multi Spark (PVE/PVP) Now has 40% Attack Rating Boost. (PVE/PVP) Now does Lightning elemental damage. (PVP) Damage Boost increased from 28% to 76%. (PVP) Cooldown increased from 0.5 to 8.5 seconds. Agony (Reworked) Animation Removed, Agony can be casted instantly. MP recovered reduced from 100% to 65%. HP cost reworked. MP Usage Removed. SP Usage increased from 20 to 26. Cooldown increased from 0.5 to 3.5 seconds. Death Ray (PVE/PVP) Damage Boost increased from 88% to 92%. Flame Wave (PVE/PVP) Damage Boost reduced from 164% to 156%. Meteorite (PVE/PVP) Damage Boost increased from 214% to 230%. Spiritual Flare (PVE/PVP) Area increased from 100 to 120. Haunt (PVE/PVP) Cooldown reduced from 12.5 to 10.5 seconds. Crimson Knight (PVE/PVP) Cooldown reduced from 25 to 17.5 seconds. Judgement (PVE) Damage Boost increased from 587% to 671%. (PVE/PVP) Cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds. Press Deity (PVE/PVP) Impact area increased from 120 to 130. 20 3 1 2 13 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wartale 7,374 Report post Posted November 15, 2021 Changelog Patch 5239: New Duel PvP! Challenge your nemesis for a Duel anywhere, anytime to show who's most capable! Or Duel with a friend and put a wager for gold or coins on the line! Force Master can now upgrade 6 Force Orbs of one kind to 1 Force Orb of a higher kind. For example 6 Transparo Forces to make 1 Murky Force. Removed Spawn Flags around Jin, the Explorer in Ancient Weapon. Improved game loading times a bit. Fixed a visual bug where if Anti-Aliasing graphics option would cause holes in models to appear from close up. Also added 8x Anti-Aliasing quality. 12 2 1 1 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites